Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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SLM’s Abdelshafi to attend the Field Commanders’ Conference

March 23, 2004 (PARIS) — A leader of a faction of the rebel Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) has arrived to Darfur to attend a conference to reunite the field commanders on the ground, Sudan Tribune has learned.

According to Nouri Abdalla, Abdelshafi’s Assistant for International Cooperation, Ahmed Abdelshafi has reached the bases of the group in Darfur to attend a unity conference organized by the group.

“Abdelshafi has arrived to SLM’s held territories in Darfur this morning to attend the SLM Field Commanders Conference, marking the kick-off of the much anticipated SLM’s plan to reunite all SLM factions”. Nouri said.

“The field commanders’ meeting has been delayed numerous times the past few weeks, as the commanders are waiting for Abdelshafi and other commanders to arrive to the conference venue”. He added.

Abdelshafi, who is from the Fur ethnic group, announced in August last year that 32 leaders of the SLM/A Military Council and the Field Command, in a meeting held on July 25, 2006, had sacked the SLM chairman Abdelwahid al-Nur from the leadership of the movement. But, leading field commanders from the SLM had dismissed this statement.

Abdelshafi rejected any negotiation with Khartoum before the hold of this conference.

“At the SLM, we are resolved to reunite all factions, prior to engaging in any peace talks with Sudanese Government”.

The question of the reunification of the SLM is on of the top agendas of the rebel SLM factions. It is also supported by the international community to facilitate talks with Khartoum for a lasting peace conference.

Observers say there is more than one initiative to reunite the group. Suleiman Jamous who is confined in a UN military hospital in southern Korfodan had attempted in the past to re-federate the different SLA factions but because of his confinement he wasn’t able to play an important role.

Another faction of the SLM led by Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim and Eisam al-Haj, who were members of Minawi faction but rejected the deal, seem marginalized in this process. But Nouri affirmed that invitation were addressed to all the SLA factions without distinction.


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