Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Aid worker suffer attacks in West Darfur – UN

April 5, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — According to UN mission in Sudan (UNMIS), aid workers in West Darfur suffered several attacks this week. Unknown armed men, in three different sites, attacked UN compound, ambushed an aid convoy and attempted to hijack a humanitarian vehicle.

On 4 April, four unknown armed men entered the compound of an international aid organization in Umm Dukhum, 220 km South-South West of Zalingei in West Darfur, and physically assaulted the guard on duty who had sustained serious injuries.

On 3 April, seven armed men ambushed an INGO convoy 30 km south east of Kerenek (50 km East of El Fasher). The convoy managed to escape and drove to Ferdouz (30 km South East of Kerenek) and reported the incident, including to the GoS security.

On 3 April, three unidentified men attempted to hijack an INGO vehicle that was heading from Krinding, east to El Geneina, to El Geneina. The driver managed to escape and returned to El-Geneina.

On Wednesday April 4, the UN humanitarian chief, John Holmes, told the UN Security Council that violence against aid workers threatens the biggest humanitarian operation in the world.

“Staff have been physically and verbally abused, offices and residences raided and personal belongings stolen. Vehicles are routinely hijacked at gunpoint, often in broad daylight, even on occasion in state capitals themselves.” he said.

He also decried the psychological pressure exerted by the Sudanese authorities against them. “those who have come to help the population are now themselves targets, not helped by a media campaign about the supposed crimes of relief workers, including suggestions of espionage and hidden political agendas.”


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