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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan journalists debate on media, peace and development

By Isaac Vuni

May 2, 2007 (JUBA) — For the second time southern Sudanese journalists are participating in observing the 10th international press freedom day which kicked off today with discussion on the role of the Media in Peace building and development in southern Sudan post conflict.

Officiating opening ceremony, the chairman of Union of journalists of southern Sudan, Nyalimo Aligo invited all participants to freely address all issues of importance that may hinder journalistic operation of journalists during the transition and the coming national decisive census in November 2007 and election in 2008.

He says the active role of the Media in Peace building and development depends on approaches of journalists who are covering conflict and the partnerships they developed between members specialized in conflict resolution within the affected community.

Meanwhile, Edward Terso, a resource person, said the role of journalists in peace building is to take responsibility of positively promoting peace and reconciliation among the affected communities, adding that positive promotion would facilitate the ability of various media houses to meet the needs of expectances audience.

He further said for southern Sudanese journalists to become effective players in peace building and development, they must have self confidence in their responsibility of being a public watchdog by providing balance information to cross section of society.

Tereso urged journalists to discharge their duty professional by quoting accurately, painstakingly gathering facts and counter-checking the validity of their facts. He adds, Journalists, particularly in southern Sudan, must avoid inciting violence and desist from taking sides in their overages.

He reminded members of the forth state that media is a double-edged facilities that could easily be manipulated to promote or destroy a community or an individuals. But on the other hand Media could also be used judiciously and responsibly for constructing peace and development. In the present situation of southern Sudanese who have emerged from a destructive civil war that lasted for 21 years.

Tereso advised that journalists should not be misled by the word Freedom because it has two sides; moral and immoral. Therefore, he adds, individual journalists are free to choose between the two and thereafter should be ready to take responsibility that would emanate from their choices.

Earlier the representative of Union of Journalists, James Lemor remarked that after signing of the CPA, some southern journalists still continue to abuse their journalistic power by being partisan.

He said journalists are not supposed to take any membership of political party if they are to be the real voice of the voiceless in southern Sudan.

He blamed the Ministry of Information and broadcasting for refusing to fulfill their promised of last year, US$ 8000 to the union of journalists after the cash was released by ministry of finance and economic planning to ministry of Information and broadcasting account later used it for purchasing a car to minister Dr. Samson Kawaje, as revealed by Director general of Administration and Finance of the ministry.

Meanwhile Ms. Lisa Hartenberger, media specialist from Sudan Radio Service based in Nairobi advised southern Sudanese journalists to strive for a balance news reporting and should avoid naming accident victims before their next of kind are inform.

She emphasized the importance of networking among members of forth estate including media houses operating in southern Sudan.

The workshop participants said it was not easy to for any interested southern Sudanese to setup a radio station or print media because most interested southern Sudanese lack funds, compounded with qualified journalists and modern equipments.

The workshop participants observed that many local journalists especially English pattern were subjected to harassment, torture and disappearing in the hand of previous government to date. While 90% of the present practicing local journalists in southern Sudan are untrained hence they could not promptly deliver news overages, yet their godfather keep on promoting and even recruiting them on strength of tribalism.

Union of southern Sudan journalists was mandated to work in close collaboration with the government of southern Sudan in accreditation of any practicising journalist so that standard of journalism is maintained.

The forum was supported by UNESCO in collaboration with UNDP, NPA and Union of Journalist of southern Sudan who brought together 35 southern Sudanese journalists to discuss issues affecting their daily operation and role as the public watchdog. The forum provides Journalist with an opportunity for critical reflection on the responsibility of journalists in carrying out their duties and promoting press freedom and development in society. Tomorrow is the climax of the celebration and two GoSS ministers are expected to attend.


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