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Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopia calls for peaceful resolution of Sudan’s crisis

October 25, 2021 (ADDIS ABABA) – The Ethiopian government has called on all parties for calm and de-escalation in Sudan, further stressing the need to exert every effort towards a peaceful end to the current political crisis.

In a televised address on Monday, Sudan’s ruling council head Abdel Fattah al-Burhan announced a state of emergency across the country and the dissolution of the transitional sovereign council and the government.

Burhan announced that he was dissolving the country’s ruling Sovereign Council, as well as the government led by Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok.

The Government of Ethiopia said it is closely following developments in Sudan.

“This particularly emanates from the strong brotherly ties that have existed between the peoples of the two countries for centuries,” it said in a statement.

The Ethiopian government recalled the significant role it played in successfully mediating the establishment of Sudan’s coalition government, consisting of its civilian and military components, and adopting the constitutional document of the transitional period.

“In this regard, the Government of Ethiopia fully supports the completion of Sudan’s transition to democracy and the respect for the Constitutional Document of the Transitional Period,” stressed the statement extended to Sudan Tribune.

It reiterated the need to respect the sovereign aspirations of the people of Sudan and the non-interference of external actors in the country’s internal affairs.

“The Government of Ethiopia is confident that the people of Sudan would ultimately find the wisdom to address these challenges in a manner that contributes towards a peaceful resolution of the crisis,” noted the statement.

Burhan, while addressing the nation on Monday, said a new technocratic government would lead the country to elections due for July 2023.

The United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres has strongly condemned the ongoing military coup d’état in Khartoum and all actions that could jeopardize Sudan’s political transition and stability, calling for the immediate reconstitution of the governing arrangements provided for under the Constitutional Document.
