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Sudan Tribune

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The conundrum of Ethiopianism

By Yaadasaa Dafaa

May 21, 2007 — Educated or none educated Ethiopian often indulge themselves in the conundrum of Ethiopian-ism. This could be an asset for those individuals who happen to born from the oppressing Abyssinian nationalities such as Amharas and Tigray, including for the off-springs of the oppressed Nationalities within the empire who were baptized or educated/brain washed to accept themselves as Ethiopians despite what their ancestors went through in the hands the conquering army of Tewodros, Menelik or Haile Silasie. But what is Ethiopian-ism? How real is this concept or feeling? Is it a share feeling of belonging or an imposed one? Whose interest does it serves?

Even if we can come back to what is the concept of Ethiopian-ism, first and for most the so called Educated circles/class of Ethiopians fails to accept the reality that not all the people who happen to born in that territory known as Ethiopia/Abyssinia are choosing not to view themselves positively as Ethiopians or Abyssinian. For most of us those who are the offspring of the oppressed people of “Ethiopia/Abyssinia” accepting our selves as Ethiopians or Abyssinian means similar to an African American accepting the norm that he/she is a second class citizen of USA by covering intentionally all the past historical events that shaped him/her to be what he/she is today. . That is neither right for African Americans, or for the North East African citizens.

In the cases of African Americans, Numerous black history Books and different articles at the pedagogical, and entertainment levels are made available to the USA citizens, and to those all who are interested to learn, read, carryout researches on the Historical events involving African Americans background without twisting the facts of what actually took place during those dark ages of slavery. Abundant publications, films and documentaries emerged and are encouraged at the federal level with so many different remedial programs to address those grievances. These conciliatory steps are producing very positive results in addressing those historical grievances if not yet totally have solved it. Furthermore, It definitely remains to be one of the most highly encouraged endeavors undertaken at the governmental, and basic societal organizations levels aimed at strengthening social cohesion, and the spirit of patriotism for all USA citizens who are sharing more senses of belonging to US citizenship by this generation (of US citizens) than the previous ones. More is to be done and will be done as it remains to be part of the law of the land.

On the other side, within the learned section of Ethiopian society it took another turn. These educated circles of Ethiopians need to the accept the reality of the existing cultural, and various societal differences within the country. Accepting the diversity is quite acceptable and could be positively manipulated for strength and prosperity of the country. At the same time there should be a forum to conduct a productive researches for Scientific or logically conducive solutions with integrity and professional ethics. But the so-called educated classes of Ethiopia often leave these burning and very divisive National questions in the hands of their blind military personnel, non democratically elected bureaucrats, or dictators who will stop at nothing from repeating the same or worst crimes of what their conquering fathers did on the oppressed Nations and Nationalities with in the prisons of Nations in African territory known as Ethiopia. As the matter of the facts, they (the Educated Ethiopians) directly or indirectly bless, encourage, and are readily utilized as a tool for continuing the domination, exploitations, and colonization of the oppressed nations and Nationalities of the country. But the bottom line is that there will not be a peace till the fundamental issues are solved appropriately and inclusively.

All Ethiopians are entitled to know the facts about the formation of Ethiopia, and steps need to be initiated and encouraged for all the sustained societal wounds with comprehensive corrective actions if a real solution is meant. Otherwise, the cycle of wars, violence, miseries and poverty will continue with no end insight, and please make no mistake of knowing who is responsible for that!!!! Short cuts may appear attractive at times, but it will often ends up producing a short lived deceiving temporary joy which characterized all the previous and the present colonial regimes of ETHIOPIA. The choice is in the hands of responsible Ethiopians: “Shall we dance to the old rhythms which continued to produce … you know what …, or will you change your steps according to the current true realities.

* The author is an Ethiopian based in the USA. he can be reached at [email protected]


  • Iwunatu Yiwuxa

    The conundrum of Ethiopianism
    The conundrum of Ethiopianism

    The article of Yaadasaa Dafaa, “The conundrum of Ethiopianism” is really what one who want the peace and stability of the Horn of Africa should read and learn from.

    Ethiopianism is a cover of evil doers who wanted to profit at the expense of the oppressed majority of the people of the Horn in general and the oppressed nations and nationalities in the Ethiopian empire in general.

    By the way, Ethipia and Abbysinia are two different things and can not be equated for those who really understands the history of the “Habashat”, people who migrated to the Horn of Africa from Yemen. They settled around what is today northern Ethiopia, Axum. They gradually expanded their holdings by defeating the indigenous people of the area in war or by different intrigues they have brought with them from their original place of residence, Yemen.
    The Habashas (Amharas and Tigians) established themselves in northern parts of today’s Ethiopia, including highland parts of Eritea bordering Tigai and Gondar and called their teritory by their names – Abbysinia.

    They accepted chirstianity earleir than other indigenious inhabitants of the area and this helped them to have friends outside of the area especially from Europe. Abbysinia is considered as a chiristian island among Europeans and taken as friend that should be assisted agaisnt any indegenious people who are not chiristians.

    The claim that Abbysinians made to be christinians helped them to acquire arms from Europe to fight with the indigenous people of the Horn of Africa. This is how the Abbysinians became dominant forces in today’s Ethiopia.

    Ethiopia is derived from the Greek term to mean all back people living to south of the Mediterranean Sea.The abbysinians later on colonized all other indigenious people of today’s Ethiopia and adviced by their European friends to give the name “Ethiopia” to their new colonized teritory instead of calling it as Abbysinia. The Europeans calculated the negative side effects of naming the new clononized territory as Abbysinia, as it represents only the Yemenites (Habashat. So, they adviced the Abbysinians to use a name that can be used to refer to all balcks, though the Abbysinians are nor balck africans – the Yemenites of Arab origin.

    This is how the name Ethiopia came to being the name of the country colonized by the Abbysinians with the help of the Europeans in late 19th century.

    To soay something similar to what has been said by Yaadasaa, it would be easy to comprhend what has happended in the past during the last 100 years. After forceful subjuation of the indigenious people of today’s Ethiopia, the Abbysinians were adviced and assisted by the Europeans in systematizing their rules over the inhabitants denying thier basic human rights, killing, looting, plundering resources, mutilating youngester in the reproductive age to annihilate the indeigenious people. It is a genocide supported by the Europeans. The indigenious people who resisted their rules were severely punished.

    Abbysinians tell to the Europeans that their mission to colonize the non-Abbysininans was to baptize the non-beleivers wher the colonized had their own ways of worshipping and beleiveing in God. The Abbysinians being the most trecarious for which they were hated and cahsed away from thier place of origin, Yemen were using their talents to deceive the orginal peopulation of the area. This has continued till today as the support they receive from their European/western allies still continued in a sophesticated manner.

    The elites of the Abbysinians knowing all the evil things done to the indigenious people fo the area continued denying that what their rulers had done were for “good things” or for the “unity of the country” as if all people who are today living in this empire were living under their rules before them.

    I would like to end my comments by saying few worda as to what should be the remdey for sustained and peceful coexixtence of the people of the today’s Ethiopia. First of all the Abbysinian elites /politicians should change their minds toward confessing and asking excuse for what their ancestors have done to the oppressed people of the country. Then they have to live the oppressed to determine their fates. This is the only way towards coexistence respecting each other. If the colonizers wants to continue in the old way, it would be difficult time for all the people living in the region. The present generation of the oppressed were not as ignorant as their forefathers about world situation and politics. As time and education changed the minds of sons/daughters of the oppressed to resist domination in their own lands, a chnage of mind and thinking should also come from the sides of the sons/daughters of the oppressors/colonizers. If not, it would be aliability for their sons/daughters.

  • Kifly Merhu
    Kifly Merhu

    The conundrum of Ethiopianism
    Hi everybody,
    Ethiopianism or Abyssinianism does not solve the crises of the today’s Ethiopia. Yesterday were the Amharas, today are the Tigrians tomorrow would be the Oromos,…etc. That is nonesense. Ethiopia needs a visionary sons, daugthers and leaders who serve their people and country without ethnicity.
    If the former leaders of Ethiopia were visionay enough, Eritrea would be stil federated with Ethiopia.
    Divid and rule is out. This vicious cycle must have an end.

  • kul

    The conundrum of Ethiopianism
    Dear Sir:
    I’ve read your article with great interest. I must admit that I am rather stunned by the conclusion you reached that “Educated Ethiopians” are responsible for the continued “domination, exploitation and colonization of the oppressed nations and nationalities of the country”. You are entitled to your own opinion and I respect that. But we all know that all people (educated or not) do not think in the same way. I strongly believe that there are a lot of learned Ethiopians who think that the diversity of the people of Ethiopia is not a problem by itself and can be used to our advantage. Like you said there are also other “educated Ethiopians” who still think that the status quo should be maintained at any cost. There is a big difference between these two groups of Ethiopians despite the fact that they are both educated. Therefore, it is my opinion that one cannot categorically put all educated Ethiopians at fault.
    Thank you.

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