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Sudan Tribune

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Troika countries put more pressure on Sudanese military to restore civilian transition

November 9, 2021 (KHARTOUM) – The head of the Sudan military junta on Tuesday came under fresh pressure from the Troika countries to restore the transitional government and reinstate Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok.

Despite the internal and international support for the democratic transition in Sudan, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan continues to consolidate his rule through the reappointment of officials affiliated with the former regime and sacking of those appointed by Hamdok.

Also, besides the senior officials arrested on 25 October, the security apparatus arrests political activists and members of the resistance committees to prevent mass mobilisation against the coup leaders.

In an effort aiming to dissuade him from continuing on this path, diplomats from Norway, the U.S. and UK met with general al-Burhan to reiterate their rejection of his coup d’etat and the consequences that might result from it.

“The meeting addressed the troika’s strong desire to see Sudan’s democratic transition back on track,” reads a statement issued by the Troika on Tuesday.


“We also stressed the need to restore the constitutional document and the return of Prime Minister Hamdok to his position as a basis for discussions on how to achieve a civil-military partnership (…),” further added the statement.

The three countries and the EU countries paused the economic and political support to Sudan warned that they would impose targeted sanctions on the coup leaders.

On Monday, leading members from the Forces for Freedom and Change said that some leaders of the broad coalition met with al-Burhan who tasked them to convince Hamdok to accept to be appointed as a member in the would-be formed new Sovereign Council.


The military leaders intend to keep the chairmanship of the Sovereign Council and to form a new cabinet comprising Islamist elements and former allies of al-Bashir.

Also, the Troika urged the immediate release of all detainees after the coup, the lifting of the state of emergency, and an end to violence against peaceful protesters.
