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Sudan Tribune

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Sidama and Oromo are same people struggling for common cause

Sidama Liberation Front (SLF)

The Unity of People Never Fall

May 28, 2007 — The Sidama and Oromo are same people struggling for common cause. We have been experiencing bitter poison of the EPRDF that divide nations and nationalities since it came to power by barrel of gun in 1991, as the people’s struggle led to downfall of the brutal Dergue regime.

The whole Ethiopian nations hoped to have democracy, freedom and prosperity. But, it never lived longer and the glimmer of hope dimmed instantly by the gun point of the regime and the worst brutality spread all over the country while all its arsenals roaring against peace loving people who raised the issue of democracy.

Like other nations the Sidamas have been a victim of EPRDF atrocity. To achieve its evil goals that never succeeded, it is a customary for Meles’ regime to use divide and rule system, just to mention some:

§ Denying the existence of people’s political parties and assassinating its leadership

§ Silencing the voice of democracy through intimidation, denying justice, indefinitely putting behind bars and killing opposition leaders

§ Organising its own puppets (the surrogate), messengers of death

§ Creating clan based political organizations to make division among the same nation

§ Destabilising peace and economy of different nationalities who lived together for centuries in love and harmony

§ Creating divisive boundaries to make separation between people’s integration and unity etc

Many time EPRDF (TPLF) tried to make a conflict among the Sidama and Oromo in the name of pastoral land and settlement as they did between the Sidama and Wolayita people in Bilate area organised by Ato Hailemariam Desalegn the then president of the Southern Region (Now Meles’ Chief Advisor). Hailemariam Desalegn is also a responsible person for Looqe massacre of May 24 2002. At present front runner in destabilising peace among the Oromos and Sidamas is Aba Dula Gemeda, a puppet president of the Oromia region. Aba Dula (or Minase) has been travelling to Wondo Genet area of the Sidama region in order to intimidate the Oromos who lived in the area for centuries in harmony and peace with Sidamas. His evil request to Guji Oromo was they never belong to Sidama and should move out of the region either by mobilising them towards the Oromia region or creating another artificial boundary. People knew his aim from the very beginning and rejected rather by raising their voice of unity and oneness. As he has been the Woyane’s solder he used his gun and cadres to silence his opposition killing four innocent people, destroy and burning 18 houses and properties. Nevertheless, our people’s unity remains strong as ever.

He tried to pass the blame to OLF and SLF as EPRDF always does to cover up its failure. Furthermore, they pocketed another death squad from the Oromo puppet with thousands of Birr in order to assassinate the Sidamas who always rejected the EPRDF’s dictatorial rule. One of them is now arrested in Awassa and disclosed his mission how he has been given Eth. Birr 25,000 as an incentive for this purpose.

In spite of all sufferings our people remain united and strong. The Sidama and the Oromo are naturally gifted to resolve their conflict whether it is from within or arranged from EPRDF. Our message to EPRDF and Aba Dula Gemeda is “STOP KILLING, Harassing and Intimidating Our People for you never win hearts and minds of determined people”.

Our message to our beloved people is that we share your sufferings and pain. We urge you to continue struggling to the down fall of the Woyane regime as you had done to Degue regime.

Our message to international organizations is that please do not let the Woyane regime to wash its hands with a blood of innocent people and urge you to put pressure on Meles Zenawi to stand in front of justice for his involvement in massacre, assassination, harassment, intimidation and injustice in all over Ethiopia.

Sidama Liberation Front (SLF)

26 May 2007

1 Comment

  • Fonqolcha Nura
    Fonqolcha Nura

    Sidama and Oromo are same people struggling for common cause
    If so, why haven’t OLF and SLF merged?
    Abyssinian are united under one flag to rule over Cush nationalities but can the Cush nationalities be united under on LF to defend themselves? Unity will be possible the day the Cush consider themselves as national as Abyssinians. The separate LF is the way to make the day of Abyssinian and it’s the mentality of sub-national as Habashas put it.
    The merge of OLF and SLF could have opned the door for Hadiya, Kambata, Konsso, Burji, Afar to join a powerful untied Cush liberation force.
    The question is to be a national or sub-national.

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