Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Four dead in Sudan Kijbar dam protest

June 14, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — Four people were killed and at least 10 wounded when police dispersed residents in north Sudan protesting a dam project which they say will destroy their community, local press reported Thursday.

News reports said that police used live rounds on demonstrators after they tried to attack construction equipment being used to build the dam in the Kijbar region.

In a statement, police said they fired live rounds in self defence after tear gas failed to prevent protesters attacking their positions.

Residents of the Kijbar region are protesting the dam project, fearful of having their lands in Sudan’s Northern State confiscated.

The protest comes after the government recently agreed to pay compensation to residents of the Merowe region further south, where a controversial Chinese-built dam threatens to wipe out surrounding Nile valley communities.


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