Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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SPLM rejects proposal of interim administration for Abyei

June 16; 2007 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) has rejected the National Congress Party(NCP) proposal to set up a six-month interim administration for Abyei in order to reach a final solution to the issue saying such proposal would only prolong the crisis.

Meanwhile, the SPLM made two alternative proposals and according to Southern Sudan Vice-President Riek Machar, up to late yesterday evening the NC had not yet expressed its opinion about them.

Machar refrained from giving more details about the SPLM’s proposals but said they included the establishment of both a permanent administration and an interim one comprising officials from both parties

After a closed door meeting with Vice-President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, Machar told Al-Ray al-Aam that the SPLM had taken into account the fact that the regional administration should be based on the principle of SPLM-NC partnership.

He pointed out that he had not noticed any indications of rejection of the proposals during the meeting and Taha had asked for more time so that the NC could examine the suggestions and respond to them.

Since the presentation of the Abyei Boundaries Commission (ABC) report on July 14, 2005, the NCP has refused to implement the recommendations of the report as it is provided in Abyei protocol signed by the NCP and the SPLM on May 26, 2004.

“The NCP is rejecting the report not because of conflict between Dinka and Missenya but because of oil reserves in Abyei in case it is annexed to the south if the south separates”, said Alor in last year.


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