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Sudan Tribune

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Hamdok renews calls for political agreement in Sudan

Abdallah Hamdok

Abdallah Hamdok

December 18, 2021 (KHARTOUM) – Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok renewed calls on Saturday for an inclusive political agreement enabling him to form a third transitional government.

In a statement released on the occasion of the 3rd anniversary of the December revolution, Hamdok said that Sudan’s “stability and unity are risk,” urging to strike “a consensus on a political declaration to protect Sudan’s future.”

Hamdok has been politically weakened after signing a framework agreement with the coup leader on November 21.

He stands without his Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC). Meanwhile, the pro-military groups from Darfur and eastern Sudan convet to take his place.

He is now perceived as the ally of the military junta that dissolved the transitional government formed by a coalition of the revolution forces (FFC) and the peace groups.

Hamdok after the agreement, made several interviews with the local and regional media to explain that he did this step to stop the bloodshed and preserve the gains achieved during the past two years.

However, on Saturday he felt the need to justify himself again as the FFC leaders and protesters continue to accuse him of legitimizing the coup.

“I would like to stress that my signing of the Political Agreement on November 21, 2021, was not the result of immature assessments or under pressure from anyone,” he stressed.

“In my view, the agreement is the most effective and least costly way to return to the path of civil democratic transition and cut the way for the counter-revolutionary forces,” he further said.

Observers agree that Sunday protests will test his deal with al-Burhan.

The Resistance Committees plan to hold Sunday one big rally in Khartoum instead of the delocalized protests in the capital neighbourhoods and other cities across the country.

On Saturday, the protesters said they would head to the Republican Palace, the premises of the Sovereign Council.
