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Sudan Tribune

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Rebel JEM proposes Road Map for Peace in Darfur

June 18, 2007 (LONDON) — Below a road map formulated by the rebel Justice and Equality Movement of Khalil Ibrahim for the forthcoming peace talks with the Sudanese government to endf the four-year conflict in Darfur:

Following intense and constructive engagement with representatives of the AU/UN, the leadership of JEM proposes the following as a Road Map for Peace in Darfur:

1. Readiness of peace process:

JEM reaffirms that the conflict in Darfur is political and shall be approached through serious, responsible and speedy political process: a process that is comprehensive and capable of overcoming the shortcomings of the DPA. JEM accords political solution absolute priority over military means and is ready to engage promptly in a serious political process to end the suffering of its people in Darfur.

2. Negotiating Partners:

Recalling international endorsement of JEM and SLM as the legitimate representatives of the people of Darfur in the search for a peaceful settlement for the on-going conflict, the following round of talks is envisaged to take place between the government of Sudan on one hand and JEM/SLM on the other. The talks shall be accompanied by wide consultation throughout the period they are held with Darfur people with all their ethnic, civic and sectoral bodies.

3. Timing of the Talks:

JEM affirms the necessity of enabling the SLM to unify itself and enter the coming talks with one delegation and one negotiating position. Up to 45 days period shall be allowed to achieve that aim. However, in the case of failure of the SLM to come together under one banner, and due to the urgency of the talks at hand, JEM will be forced to resume negotiations on unilateral bases.

4. The Mediation:

JEM envisages the negotiations to proceed under the auspices of the UN in partnership with the AU. The international community is expected to plays a primary role in these negotiations. Neighbouring countries – Libya, Egypt, Chad, Eritrea and the Central African Republic (CAR) – should participate in the negotiations as observers or facilitators. A special role shall also be accorded at the negotiations to international partners – EU, USA, UK, Norway, Canada, Holland, Germany, South Africa and the Arab League.

5. Negotiation Venue:

JEM proposes Darfur as a priority venue for the negotiations provided that regional and international representation is accommodated. Alternative venues are to be considered as follows: any one of Sudan’s neighbouring countries, Republic of South Africa, Ghana, France and Switzerland.

6. Where to Start the Talks:

Negotiations shall start with a framework agreement that includes settlement of broader issues in general terms with details to be worked out later but within a consensual period of no more than three months. Consensus shall be sought to accommodate SLM-Minnawi in the coming comprehensive Darfur agreement.

7. Facilitation of the negotiation process:

In order to facilitate the negotiation process, the following shall be taken into account:

a. Coordination of all mediation initiatives as well as unification of SLM factions must be pursued with the objective of developing a common SLM-JEM negotiating position. This shall take place within a programme led by the UN Envoy to Darfur.

b. International affirmation that the DPA has failed and that it has to be transcended and that it does not constitute a base for reaching comprehensive and lasting peace in Darfur

c. Affirmation of rights of the people of Darfur to fully participate in the power and wealth sharing arrangements in the country and in accordance with its population weight without compromising the rights of other regions in the country. In so doing, efforts must be made not to compromise Darfur rights in favour of emergency or exceptional circumstances and or decrees related to recent developments in the country.

d. Affirmation of the right of Darfur for a regional government with wide executive, legislative and judicial powers coupled with appropriate resources that enable it to fully play its role in overcoming the impact of the war and embark on construction of the region.

e. Guarding the negotiations against internal and external pressures and rigid time-tables that had caused abortion of the Abuja Talks and led to increased carnage and suffering in Darfur

f. Prioritisation of the needs of the IDPs and Refugees and working out of clear modalities, mechanisms and guarantees that safeguard their security, rights, compensation and voluntary repatriation/ return to their original places.

g. Necessity of reaching an agreement that deals with the root-causes of the problem and fully addresses the issue of power and wealth sharing through identification of clear yardsticks such as population weight and that can also be used for all regions in the country. Such an agreement shall be supported with proper security arrangements and other implementation mechanisms that guard against its relapse.

In offering this road map for peace in Darfur, JEM hopes that this will form a solid base for the resolution of the conflict and a firm commitment to start of a genuine and constructive debate with all stakeholders.

Gamali Hasan Jalaledin,
Secretary for Presidential Affairs, JEM

Cairo, 7th of June 07

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