Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

GSLM hails France’s efforts for peace in Darfur

‘- H.E. The President of the Republic of France
– H.E. The foreign Minster of the Republic of France
– Hon> Representatives of the foreign State governments

Re: Paris international Conference on Darfur Crisis

The Greater Sudan Liberation Movement (GSLM) would like to register their appreciation and gratitude for this very bold and statesmanship role to convene this very important international conference on Darfur crisis.

The GSLM fully applauds and commends your concerted efforts and greater Endeavour’s to focus the attention of the international community through its organizations and institutions to deal with this human catastrophe that continues to disturb the conscience of the people of free world.

Your swift action in less than a month in your presidency is a true expression of your country’s sense of duty and care for these who suffer persecution because of their belief in justice, liberty, freedom, human dignity and the rights to life.

The GSLM, whose members were former signatories to the DPA is fully committed to the plight of people of Darfur and will spare no efforts to work earnestly side by side with your government to bring about a durable and lasting peace to our people and we therefore, our avail services to those who are committed to the resolution of this human tragedy.

Based on our experience of the DPA, the government of Sudan has proved not to be serious to this peace agreement. Instead of implementing of the DPA, the leadership of NIF involved with the creation of new factions in order to complicate the struggle of the people of Darfur by pitting each faction against each other and using ethnic and tribal divisions. They the NIF tried to forge agreement with each faction in order to frustrate the signatories of DPA leading to several defections both from the military and political wings of Mini Minawi group.

Our move to break away from Minawi faction led us to form the GSLM whose main objective is unite all the factions and work towards a comprehensive peace deal for all people of Darfur region.

This timely conference which is being hosted by your government is indeed recognition of your leadership role and unique position in trying to influence your colleagues in the promotion of liberal democracy, freedom, equality and justice for all human-kind as enshrined in the international law that obliges sovereign states to abide by.

The GSLM expect the conference to adopt a tougher line of sanction against the government of Sudan by obliging the country to respect international laws, covenants, Human rights and civil libraries as well as those resolutions that were adapted and passed by both the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council.

The GSLM fully support all the efforts and Endeavour’s that are now in the pipe line a waiting full and immediate implementation. The conference should reiterate their full support and urge the international community to implement the following resolutions and recommendations:

o Urgent deployment of AU/UN Peace Keeping Force as agreed and adapted by both AU/UN in Addis Ababa- Ethiopia.

o Declaration of No Fly Zone in the Region and arms embargo into the Region.

o Immediate disarmament of the armed Janjaweed militia and arrest of those who have committed war crime and crime against the humanity.

o Appropriation and allocation of certain percentage from oil revenues to be placed under strike supervision of the UN humanitarian programmers to be expended on the most urgent needs and programmers for the IDPS and the refugees.

o Inviting all the political, military and civil organizations and movements to participate in an internationally organized conference in order to discuss the Road Map for the final resolution of the Darfur crisis.

Mahgoub Husseinrf
Chairman of Great Sudan liberation movement (GSLM)

London 25.06.2007

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