Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Unknown gunmen kill 3 people in South Sudan’s Torit

By Isaac Vuni

June 27, 2007 (JUBA) — Unknown gunmen last night opened fire on civilian killing three and wounding another three at Otuho residential areas in Torit when dancing.

According to MP Major General Jeremia Africa, the next of kind of people killed, that the gunmen sneaked into jubilant community members who were celebrating acquittal of their son from two years prisons at about 2 am and fired indiscriminately at people who were dancing under Peace tree (sejere Salam).

Africa identified the death as being Patrick Sabu Africa, Mrs. Ihisa Ohisa killed together with her two year old child Iwa Ohia.

The lawmaker said the two people seriously injured are undergoing medical treatment at Torit Civil Hospital and released their names as being Mr. James Ohia Alberto and Icaia Oker.

He observed that the shooting incident happened before Governor together with his cabinet left to console the victims of Naur village in Eastern Kapoeta county where 56 people out of which 48 female were massacred while cultivating in a communal farm.

Africa lamented and wondered why Governor Ojetuk could not intervene in unbecoming frequent killing of innocent people in Torit .

Similarly last Friday a young man, Mr. Robert Wani was shot at dancing place at midnight by suspected SAF-JIU gunmen who where on patrolling shift of that week.

The mother of gunshot victim, Mrs. Jasinta Imiang, says her son Robbert Wani, still remains unconscious in Juba Teaching Hospital. She accused Sudanese Army Forces of being behind shooting of her innocent son. She wondered why soldier who are suppose to be people’s protector could turns their guns on civilian. Why should my son be shot at a time when everyone is enjoying peace, she lamented.

In the absent or slow respond from law enforcement agent, she said, residential youth supported with some of SPLA -JIU forces confiscated three bicycles of the SAF-JIU soldiers then chased them up to their barrack. A

As I file this report, there is tension brewing among the civilian and the SAF-JIU in Torit and the governor remains mum.


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