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Sudan Tribune

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World has to learn from Abuja mistake in Darfur crisis resolution-rebel

June 28, 2007 (LONDON) — A Darfur rebel leader has cautioned the international community against the repetition of the same mistake of Abuja talks. He called for the protection of Darfur civilians before the starting of peace talks.

Abdelwahid al-Nur
Abdelwahid al-Nur
The leader of Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) Abdelwhaid al-Nur told the Sudan Tribune that his group would not participate in peace talks with the Sudanese government as long as the Darfur civilians are exposed to attacks of Khartoum backed militia in the region.

The UN mission in Sudan said yesterday that insecurity continues to cause the displacement of thousands of people in South Darfur, causing the population at camps housing them to swell. Ms. Achouri cited the example of Al Salam camp, which had a population of 13,300 in March and now houses 28,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs), “with reports of 5,000 IDPs still on their way.”

Al-Nur affirmed he wants peace today before tomorrow, adding that if we sign a peace deal under the present conditions that means that we become like those who are seeking a position in the federal government.

“If the UN, the free world and peace lovers seek to realize a genuine peace on the ground in Darfur, they have to work hard to remove the current insecurity in the region. After, we can sit to dwell on the root causes of the conflict.”
“In Abuja we accepted to negotiate while the daily killing of our people going on, this time we will not repeat this major fault.” He said.

The African Union and the United Nations have published yesterday the road map of the political resolution of Darfur crisis. The two mediators suggest that the negotiations between Darfur stakeholders should during August 2007.

In a position statement issued two week ago, al-Nur said conductive environment should be created before talks through the implementation of: unconditional ceasefire all over Darfur region; a humanitarian intervention, and opening of humanitarian corridors in the region.
He further requested to enforce a non-fly-zone and arm embargo; al-Nur suggested implementation of a oil-for-food programme in order to use the oil revenue to compensate victims of the conflict and reconstruction of the region.


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