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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM marks second anniversary of Garang death in Khartoum

July30, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — Under the slogan of “Two Years for Peace and Democratic Transformation”, thousands of Sudanese marked the second anniversary of former SPLM leader John Garang’s tragic death in a helicopter crash, amid renewed calls to uphold the fragile peace deal he brokered.

Pagan_and_Agar.jpgThe Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) commemorated Monday evening at Khartoum Stadium the second anniversary of death of Dr. John Garang, with participation of folklore groups from the different parts of the Sudan to reaffirm SPLM attachment for a united, and democratic Sudan in implementation of the ideas of Late First Vice President John Garang, the organizers said.

The event was attended by members of the SPLM, National Congress, political forces, political parties and a number of members of the diplomatic corps accredited to Sudan.

The commemoration ceremony was addressed by SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amom, who greeted the masses and called for implementation of the CPA for the sake of unity and stability.

Amum affirmed commitment of the SPLM to all provisions of the CPA. He also urged the withdrwal of the Sudan Armed Forces from the oil fields in Upper Nile and Unity States underscoring that security is well established in these regions.

The occasion was also addressed by the Deputy Secretary General of the SPLM Malik Aggar, who reviewed the stances of late Dr. Garang towards the process of peace, unity and justice equality for creating a new Sudan.

He pointed out that late Dr. John Garang had called for solution of Darfur problem, pointing out that the SPLM is endeavouring for realizing stability in Darfur.

The occasion was also addressed by representative of the National Congress Party Salah Mohamed Adam, who said the memory of late Dr. Garang will remain in the hearts of the Sudanese people, pointing out that the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) will remain the candle that lights the way for overcoming difficulties.

He affirmed commitment of the National Congress to implementation of the CPA.

The state minister at the ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Anna Essito, hailed Garang’s concern for the equality between men and women and urged the implementation of his vision in this regard to create the New Sudan.

The meeting also was addressed by the Kenyan Ambassador and the US chargé d’affaires in Sudan.



  • Deng

    SPLM marks second anniversary of Garang death in Khartoum
    Bravo! Bravo SPLA/M and the Southern Sudanese all over the World,
    Today is a great day to remember our fallen Heroes and beloved sons and daughters of Southern Sudan who fought for our freedom, though it’s a Sad floody day today in southern sudan it is good remember of our fallen heores again. they service our country without payment until death. Today is a great day to remember them in heart, we only give them a word that wealth them anthing at all.

    The Today rememberance and honoship of our fallen hores should mark the beginning and respect of their families at large, their families should be respected with high dignity and integrety for their great jobs

    It’s very hard to lost a learder like Dr. John Garang better then to losting your dad at all, I think God should have given us some warning so that we can think about it, but since God do not give warningthat is why it is, we have no choice, but to remember and give them honorship as heroes and freedom fighters.

    Today is happies day for some people who deserve not to born as southern Sudanese because their hearts are filled of bad ideology of saling southern Sudan to jallaba but they not succeed. you will not weaken our government and entired population of southern Sudan even if you don’t shared your ideas with us for the development of southern sudan. we did and we will work without you, your absents will not hinderance the development of southern sudan because most of you have not vision and think to fulfill their stomach with bloodless money paid to them by Jallaba because of your weakeness of their faith in the develoment Southern sudan and lock of respect to their societies. Southern Sudanese have lived for two decade without salaries nor insentive from the tyran government (The NCP) because of negelction but this is time were they will get something for their kids. it totally unpreacheble for anyone who is thinking to hired some local bribed primity element to creates insecurity in southern sudan because of their self interests, southern Sudanese will not be affected by what you think for one hour, because they are ready to stop you and to bring into justice wherever you are. the will do this because they have thinks for it’s for almost 51 years they will not gives you any chance to do whatever you think.

    Thanks to big five Dr John Garang, Arok Thon, Walliam Nyuon Bany, Karinbino Kuanynyin Bol, Yusuf Kwau Maki. and they greats revolutionary civil right movement chairmen jongkhor kongkhor also not to for gets our comrades the great fights of southern Sudan Deng Nhial, Nyanya one, Mormor, Koryom branches, and SPLA in genral wherever they are dead or alive. I sluted you in the name of our beloved country Southern Sudan, you have fought a great fight without food, water, cloth and everthing that I can’t mention because of time, you deserve to be given high respect and free right of everything you needs because of your work done.

    No amounts of money can be reworded to you because I see there no amount of money in the world can be compare to your great job at all, but the land will rewords you more than anything in the world. Our today’s leaders should think of how painful it is to go and fight with food and water I know most of you who are now serving as ministers today, non of you shot a single bullet to jallaba man during that difficult time because you were thinking to be the smarters people that can remain in Maskeric to cook for the SPLA that wasn’t the case, today is the day to thank SPLA , to honor and to give them their right, whatever they needs for their families or to the families of those fallen heroes.

    Our today’s leaders Most you have invlovement in corruption scandle because of self interest those corruption cases will not let you serves those position for long time, your times are almost over for the young childrens of the greats fighters and greats thinkermen southern Sudan fighters CDR, Hon Kuol manyang and almighty father and the father our Nation H.E. C.IN.C DR John Garang De Mabior (Ne Nhialic tooo kene yen) Ager Gum Nyaciek Gaak, Deng Aguang, Dhieu Warebak, CDR Acinen, Martin Majeir Gai and all other SPLA fighter are on the way caming to serve the country from getting into the hand of corrupted network elements who has no vision southern Sudanese people.

    Pray for our coming and we will be praying for you.

    Thank long live SPLA, long live Africa , long live John Garang and his commrades, long live jiecamer (Lost boys)….
    [email protected]

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