Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Darfur rebel commanders say not concerned by Arusha outcome

August 13, 2007 (LONDON) — Suleiman Marjan, a leading commander in the rebel Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) said they travelled to Arusha earlier this month only to hold talks on the sideline of the consultations with other SLM factions on the reunification of the movement.

Jurelnabi_Marjan-2.jpgThe rebel commander which the AU-UN made their participation as a victory for their efforts for the success of Arusha meeting told Sudan Tribune that “We are not concerned by the outcome of this meeting. Also we didn’t take part in the sessions.”

Marjan added “People should know that.” He further indicated they only attended the closing session on August 6.

He told to Sudan Tribune that they just carried a unity message on the behalf of the field commanders to the other SLM factions participating in the AU-UN sponsored meeting in northern Tanzania.

Marjan expressed disappointment by the results of the inter-SLM talks in Arusha said “They all agree with us on the need for the unity but when you go in depth with them every one try just to have our support for his leadership. They are not really genuine for the plight of Darfur people and the unity of the movement.”

He also disclosed that they agreed with the United Nations envoy to organize a meeting for the field commanders and the chairman of the movement Abdelwahid Al-Nur very soon. He added that they are waiting for the UN to honor its pledge.

The organizers of the meeting announced that the SLA commanders Jarelnabi Abdelkarim and Suleiman Marjan traveled to Arusha to participate in the rebel meeting on to prepare common position before peace talks with the Sudanese government.

Abdelwahid Al-Nur had refused to participate in the meeting requesting Sudanese government to stop violence against civilians and to respect the signed ceasefire deal before talks.


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