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Sudan Tribune

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Darfur rebel faction reconsiders talks after Kalma camp attack

August 22, 2007 (NAIROBI) — A leading Darfur rebel faction said Wednesday it was “reassessing” its commitment to an internationally-sponsored peace initiative in the light of recent raids by Sudanese government forces.

Ahmed Abdelshafi
Ahmed Abdelshafi
“On Monday night, government of Sudan forces attacked Kalma camp (in South Darfur) with some 35 Land Cruisers and 1,500 troops,” said the spokesman for the Sudan Liberation Movement faction of Ahmed Abdel Shafi.

“As the result of the raid, five people were murdered, two of whom were children. Forty people were arrested and taken to an undisclosed location.” The rebel communiqué said.

Khartoum last month approved a landmark resolution for the deployment of a large peacekeeping force including troops from the United Nations (UN) and the African Union (AU), to replace an embattled African contingent in Darfur.

During a meeting in Arusha, Tanzania earlier this month, most Darfur rebel factions agreed on a common platform to pave the way for final settlement talks with Khartoum.

The consultations, which were sponsored by the UN and the AU, also led to a series of confidence-building measures on the part of the rebels, notably a commitment to facilitate humanitarian access and halt military operations.


Beloow is a press statement issued by the rebel faction on Kalma attack

Sudan Liberation Movement/Army

Statement from the SLM/A regarding the brutal attack of the GoS troops on Kalama IDPs’camp

In the early hours of the morning of August 21, 2007, Government of Sudan troops have raided Kalama camp for IDPs in South Darfur. Over one thousand GoS troops using about 35 vehicles (landcruisers), burst into the camp after surrounding it (Kalama camp) overnight. As the result of the raid, five people were murdered, two of whom were children. Forty people were arrested and taken to an undisclosed location.

The raid on Kalama camp is well planned, and it came (the raid) in response to the comments made by Al-Bashir during his recent visit to Darfur where he instructed his security forces to clear all IDPs camps ahead of the deployment of the UN-AU hybrid forces. The GoS is now using a new tactic to justify its brutal act against the IDPs and raiding of the camps. It (GoS) used some elements belonging to one of the movements that signed the DPA, under the guise that some bandits have attacked a police post nearby, and the troops were chasing these bandits. This is a clear indication that the NCP is not seeking a peaceful settlement to the Darfur conflict.

The SLM/A warns the NCP and its allies that the SLA will not tolerate the killing of innocent lives. We also call upon the international community, especially the UN and the AU to do more to prevent further loss of innocent lives, by expediting the implementation of all UNSC resolutions.

In light of this senseless act by the NCP, the SLM/A is currently reconsidering its commitment made during the Arusha Consultative Meeting early this month with regard to reenergizing the political peace process. We need to see a change in attitude and commitment in the part of the NCP, to resolve the Darfur conflict through peaceful means.

Finally, we call upon all Darfurian forces to join hands and unite their efforts to deal with the current phase of struggle against the Khartoum regime.

Jaffer Monro, Spokesperson
– Sudan Liberation Movement/Army
– Phone: +33633935298
– Paris: August 23, 2007


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