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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan to draft formal defence policy

September 4, 2007 (JUBA, Sudan) — Semi-autonomous south Sudan has taken its first steps toward drafting a formal defence policy as part of a process to turn the rebel-dominated southern army into a conventional force, officials said.

A_soldier_of_SPLA.jpgSudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) spokesman Kuol Diem Kuol said top generals and politicians, members of the church and civil society, and British and U.S. security consultants had been invited to put together the beginnings of the policy.

“This is the first consultative workshop on the Defence White Paper, the defence policy for southern Sudan,” Kuol said. “Even the size of the SPLA will be determined by this document.”

The first meeting took place on Monday, and the process was expected to take months to complete.

A 2005 peace deal between the northern government and southern rebels ended over two decades of north-south civil war. That deal also gave south Sudan semi-autonomous status and made the SPLA, now 170,000 strong, the official southern army.

Kuol said a lack of clear defence policy was a problem for the former rebel army and meant that the army lacked a roadmap for development into a regular force.

“In the absence of a policy, things are spontaneous. It is difficult to know whether we are advancing or not,” he said. “This policy will help us in the transformation from a guerrilla army to a conventional one.”

The SPLA will be made smaller, which will allow for its speedier development and the purchase of weapons, he said. He said currently all money is going toward salaries and rations.

The army has received a lion’s share of the south’s budget — around 40 per cent — in the last two years.

Analysts have said the inclusion of some 31,000 former militia soldiers into the SPLA this year was necessary for security in the south but could be a severe financial drain on the army. But size was not the only factor in need of change.

“We used to be mobile. Now in the conventional systems we need to be stationary, in barracks,” Kuol said.

He also said more responsibility for internal security would be handed to the police and other authorities as these develop in the south.



  • Bob Tata
    Bob Tata

    South Sudan to draft formal defence policy
    What nonsense such as SPLA to be converted to a regular and official defence force of South Sudan, who will accept the party’s militia to be the only force that defence the country. And are they really going to defence the country from external enemies or to be used by the SPLM to suppers its political rivals?? any way is good to dream and wish too, but let us remember that if wishes are horses the beggars can drive!!

    I don’t know what make some people in the SPLA thinking of themselves as liberators when SPLA has been brought to power through arrangement or the so called CPA which I think is being by NCP.

    So,can we just try to think of how to unite our forces than disintegrating them, because SPLA was not the militia that fought for south Sudan Separation!!

    I hope you will be sensible enough and redefine what the abbreviation SPLA means!

    Now, which one is logic; to make SPLA as a Southern Sudan defence forces or Sudan Defence forces, as I thought you were fighting for the united Sudan or what?

    If SPLA will be the country’s regular armed forces then, what you are going to do with those forces that have been fighting for the sake of separation of south Sudan?

    In my opinion, any defence forces for South Sudan should be made up by integration of diverse armed forces existing now in South Sudan and it should be given a new name than just SPLA, any failure to take that into account will definitely lead to Somalisation of Southern Sudan, which I think we don’t want!

    By Bol Thourmuck

  • Anyak

    South Sudan to draft formal defence policy
    Congratulation to our defence Minister Mr.Kuol. I am very please to hear that from you as SPLA is going to draft some defence policies,that’s where the SPLA would become strong and respective to the public. Like if we comfere to another country no organisation of the soldiers or of the force that can take three years with out to complete.

    Any the only thing that comment is not right is that to have huge number of soldiers and well trained is the perfect defence of the country. And also they must have adquate budget that they must consume in the country if your force are not satisfied no defence in the country while conflict is still hanging around. Any way SPLA is already have enough forces which consist of Malitias and untrained soldiers and consume your money to them and leave the veterans hanging around. Like if you send your officers and NCOs in courses when they come back you did n’t pay them and forget that they where in struggle with you even some where wounded not at their moms houses. I would be very greatful to you if the drafting of these policies becomes into realities.

    With much Salutations and Respect

    Kampala Uganda

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