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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

New rebel group says struggling for Darfur independence

September 21, 2007 (PARIS) — A new rebel group said it is resolved to struggle for the independence of Sudan’s Darfur region as practical solution to end the suffering of Darfur people.

In a statement signed by Commander Idrees Ibrahim Azrag, the Darfur Independence Front/Darfur Independence Army (DIF/DIA) said that “the exercise of the Right to Self-Determination is the only route to a comprehensive solution to our problems.”

The new rebel front expressed dissatisfaction with the current demands of the non signatory movements. It said they will not produce “substantial alterations to the current structural imbalance of the Sudanese state.”

The DIF said it is formed from the following groups: the Revolutionary Movements, the Revolutionary Organization of the People of Darfur in the Sudan Armed Forces, Darfur political organizations, the Student Union of Darfur, the Union of Darfur Women, the associations of Darfur people abroad, the Alliance of Tribal Administration Leaders and the Coalition of Internal Displaced Persons and Refugees from Darfur.

This statement is issued since last August but received by the Sudan Tribune yesterday.


Bellow the text of the statement n° 1 issued by the Darfur Independence Front/Darfur Independence Army (DIF/DIA)

Statement No (1)
Declaration of Darfur Independence Front/Darfur Independence Army (DIF/DIA)
After a thorough study of current political situation in Darfur, deep analysis of its past and present crisis and their implications for Darfurians people in particular and the Sudanese people in general, and after wide consultation inside and outside Darfur, we have come to the conclusion that Self-Determination is the only practical solution to end the suffering of our people and find a lasting solution to the problem of Darfur.

We believe that the exercise of the Right to Self-Determination is the only route to a comprehensive solution to our problems. It is also the only effective and quick way to enable our people in Darfur to govern themselves by themselves for themselves in a society free of oppression, injustice and persecution, in a society where justice, equality, unity, fraternity, liberty and democracy can prevail. We have summarized the main reasons for Darfur to exercise its Right to Self-Determination in the following:

1. The failure of all previous attempts to solve the Darfur problem within the framework of the Sudanese state since Darfur forcibly attached to Sudan. To name a few, Darfur Development Front, Soni Front, Allaheep Alahmar Movement, Bolad Movement, Sudan Liberation Movement/Army, Sudan Justice and Equality Movement, ….

2. The current demands, for those who are for or against the Darfur Peace Agreement (Abuja Agreement), which can be summarized in the position of Vice-President, Darfur to be one region, the compensation for the war victims, Tribes Land, and wealth and power sharing are met. There will be no substantial alterations to the current structural imbalance of the Sudanese state

3. It is impossible to stay in a state that was united forcibly by the British-Egyptian colonial powers and handed over to the Riverian settlers (Northern Jallaba).

4. Sudan is a failed state and its continuation will be a catastrophe. Therefore it must be dismantled for the benefit of all its peoples.

5. Darfur has already seceded from the Nilo-Sudan politically, economically, psychologically and emotionally because of injustice, marginalization, exclusion and arrogance. The time has come to formalize this separation.

6. Darfur bases its case on international law and the principles of international politics to exercise the Right to Self-Determination, the Right to Restore Historical Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity, the Right to End All Forms and Manifestations of Colonialism.

7. Darfur was an independent state with a federal political system and its own currency, economy and foreign relations for more than five centuries. It still has elements of an independent and potentially prosperous state.

As a commitment to our people we, the following groups, the Revolutionary Movements, the Revolutionary Organization of the People of Darfur in the Sudan Armed Forces, Darfur political organizations, the Student Union of Darfur, the Union of Darfur Women, the associations of Darfur people abroad, the Alliance of Tribal Administration Leaders and the Coalition of Internal Displaced Persons and Refugees from Darfur, have decided to form the Darfur Independence Front (DIF) and its military wing, the Darfur Independence Army (DIA). The main goal of DIF/DIA is to work with all necessary means to achieve self-determination for the people of Darfur and to restore sovereignty.

DIF/DIA will fight to establish democratic institutions that will guarantee fundamental human rights and freedom of expression for all Darfur’s diverse peoples to enable them to govern themselves by themselves and for themselves.

It is for this purpose that a steering committee has been formed from leaders of Darfur’s two original armed movements – the Sudan Liberation Army and the Justice and Equality Movement – as well as the Darfur Independence Revolutionary Organization of the Sudan Armed Forces. The committee also includes representatives of Darfur political organizations, the Darfur Students’ Union, the Darfur Women’s Union, Darfur International Associations Abroad and the Darfur Alliance of Tribal Leaders as well as displaced persons and refugees. Consultations are underway with all components of Darfur society to agree on a political and military structure for DIF/DIA. Contacts are taking place with friends of Darfur in the international community to find support for the right of self-determination for the people of Darfur. Many have already have shown their support for this right.

The Steering Committee declares that membership of DIF/DIA is open to anyone who believes in self-determination for the people of Darfur and who is willing to work towards it in order to restore the sovereignty of Darfur.

The Steering Committee welcomes every Darfurian and all Darfurian political, social and tribal organizations to rally around DIF/DIA to take their rights, to exercise their right of self-determination and to establish their independent state, the Federal State of Darfur.

We also appeal to our brothers, the freedom fighters who are meeting in Arusha, Tanzania, to adopt the right of self-determination for the people of Darfur as a minimum requirement for any peace agreement.

We call upon the Sudanese people of all groups and political parties and organizations to support the people of Darfur in exercising their right to self-determination.

We also appeal to the international community, international and regional organizations, and human rights organizations, civil society and all lovers of freedom, justice and peace in all corners of the globe to support the people of Darfur in their struggle for self-determination.

Long live the struggle of people of Darfur

Commander/ Idrees Ibrahim Azrag

Chairperson of the Steering Committee for DIF/DIA

Friday August 3, 2007

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