Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Russia condemns attack on AU force in darfur

October 1, 2007 (MOSCOW) — The Russian Foreign Ministry has
condemned Saturday’s attack by militants on the base of the African
Union’s mission in Sudan.

“Moscow strongly condemns this criminal sortie aimed at
destabilizing the situation in western Sudan and at disrupting efforts
by the international community to promote a political settlement of the
Darfur conflict.

This is also an attempt to impede preparations for a
joint Afro-UN peacekeeping operation in Darfur to be launched until the
end of the year under UN Security Council resolution 1769,” the ministry
said in a statement posted on its website on Monday.

It called for consolidated steps to end the Darfur crisis through
the political process, peacekeeping, assistance in fighting acute
humanitarian problems and post-conflict reconstruction.

“In the run-up to the Tripoli talks, in which all main rebel groups
should take part if they really care for the destiny of Darfur people,
it is necessary to encourage all sides to show maximum restraint,
prevent armed clashes and decisively curb attacks on peacekeepers,
humanitarian organizations and civilians,” the statement says.

“As a member of a multilateral contact group on Darfur, Russia will
actively assist in these efforts,” the ministry said.


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