Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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SPLM corruption and tribalism to blame for CPA failure

Denouncing the Arbitrarily Suspension /Pull out of SPLM from GoNU as Unacceptable and Childish Move by Salva Kiir’s SPLM Group

By Eng Charles B. Kisanga

Oct 11, 2007 — The Announcement that SPLM was pulling out of the National Unity Government formed with National Congress Party After the 2005 CPA, could not have come at a worse time. But it was no surprise for many because for many weeks or even months now there were speculations that the CPA Partners SPLM (or those how claim to be SPLM on behalf of Southern Sudan) and National Congress Party (NCP) were falling out. There were hostile media statements and there were stand offs and even raids on SPLM Party offices.

With regards to some of these events I paid a visit to Khartoum from 24th to the 30th August 2007 in order to hear first hand accounts of the problems and challenges facing CPA and that of the SPLM while trying to lead a Government in Southern Sudan.

To me it was clear from the quarters I spoke with that the SPLM was weak and very much divided and fragmented because of rampant corruption, nepotism and tribalism among its ranks. The SPLM is very weak because tribal elements and unqualified and incompetent staff are usual appointed because of their ties to leaders and as a way of ensuring the continuation of those corrupts officials in power. The marginalisation in the South is even worse now than sometimes under the defunct Northern governments because at least South Sudan leaders and qualified staff were sometimes recognized and given roles then. But under Salva Kiir’s SPLM in South Sudan there is no room for intellectuals, there is no rooms for technocrats, there is no room for academics, there is no room for political figures, there is no room for clean un-corrupt political figures and there is no room for South-South dialogue and political inclusion.

Everything are being done from tribal bases and sometimes based on whether you are a good friend of the former SPLM kitchen cabinet or not. The old tribal kitchen cabinet had been inherited by Lt General Salva Kiir Mayardit and then turned over into an oppressive machine to achieve his own goals of tribal ruling of South Sudan with an iron fist; a rule which is designed to guarantee the supremacy of one tribe and to weaken all other south Sudanese tribes into perpetual subordinates. This can be achieved via ensuring jobs go to relatives, friends and corrupt official who can only make the situation worse while the South will appear to look as a good country while it is actually bleeding to the death under their weight and the CPA will be suffocated slowly as what really matters to them is the Oil money of 50% share. So before Salva Kiir Governed can pull out of GoNU they should really be resigning from the Southern Sudan and handing power to competent people and parties because all they have brought to Southern Sudan after signing the CPA had been more marginalisation, more tribalism, more corruption, more repression, more dictatorship , more inequality and a wide spread insecurity. These are catastrophic failures which all warrant resignation and handing power to somebody with ability to lead the South without tribalism and zero tolerance for corruption and inefficiency.

On the other hand in the North, our SPLM participation is bare minimum and people are not serious about the follow-ups with their Northern counterparts, and this is no surprise since most appointments are tribal based or nepotism based and there is no need for accountability as long as one can prove your loyalty to the supreme tribal clan you can get away with anything. Even surprisingly those who are qualified to do their work were being haunted for removal from the GoNU cabinet or other positions in the Khartoum so that the tribal clan group can monopolise everything even in the Government of National Unity.

Yes there are some or many violations of CPA and lack of implementation by our partners, the NCP. But it is the duty of SPLM to appoint qualified and competent staff who can really follow the work of implementation of the agreement diligently and devotedly and to ensure the Northern partners take them very serious. This has not been the case because even the so called Fist Vice President Salva Kiir Mayardit has failed miserably in his duty as First Vice president in the North and had already deserted his position to the South where he mostly spends his time these days in Juba or Yei. His only jobs it seems are: Chairman of SPLM, Commander in chief of SPLA and President of the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) where everyday he fires arbitrary decrees for tribal related appointments/removals or appointments based on favouritism and nepotism.

South Sudanese and the world at large were even more shocked to hear recently a statement (Tuesday September 11, 2007, Juba ) from supposed First Vice President of Sudan Lt Gen Salva Kiir Mayardit saying that the Sudan was again heading towards war between North and South. What the hell on earth was happening really? Some people asked. How can a man who is supposed to be the First Vice president of the Republic be talking about war really, unless it was already the policy of the SPLM under him? The real things is that Lt General Salva Kiir and his defunct tribal group has failed the South Sudanese masses already mainly because they have no capacity to implement the CPA with the NCP and they have no capacity and competent to rule the South because they depend on people with no ability to work or execute the functions of a Government as most of these people only want to get jobs and get rich quickly via corruption. Those SPLM officials assigned to the North also lament the fact that colleagues in GoSS steal millions and why should they be in the North with less money while their colleague are racking in millions of dollars from the Southern Sudan funds. Hence instead of blaming wholly the NCP and Northern partners in failures in implementing the agreement we should first put our house in order and make sure we appoint able, competent and quailed people to lead in the Southern Sudan and also in positions of the GoNU and all appointments should be based on competence rather then on tribal and friendly affiliations.

The announcement by Pagan of Amum and other SPLM officials today that they are puling out of GoNU which means that the group of SPLM led by Salva Kiir and the like will never deliver on CPA and will be letting our hero late Dr. John Garang down. Hence I can only condemn an arbitrary pullout from the Government without having exhausted all options first such as involving the International Committee and IGAD partners. Didn’t Dr. John Garang say this agreement had guarantees and so where are these guarantees then that we have to resort to pull out to solve our differences.

I would like to assure our SPLM, Salva Kiir faction and the Northerner Partners that the whole Sudan is yawning for peace and we had enough of this war mongering like the one hinted last time by HE Salva Kiir about possibility of returning to war. What many South Sudanese know now is that the real SPLM had been hijacked by a few people for their personal gain and hence any return to war with North will only work to make the tribal Southern Government to achieve their goal of more marginalisation of other Southern tribes and more looting of the resources of South Sudan to leave it bare than ever before. I condemn any premature and unfounded unilateral withdrawal from the GoNU and any retreat from the CPA and I would like to assure the Northern partners that there are many South Sudanese who are genuinely interested in a achieving a comprehensive peace in Sudan and attaining equality and justice in all four corners of Sudan. If Lt Gen Salva Kiir and his cronies of the former SPLM kitchen cabinet cannot face up to the challenges of implementing the CPA and achieving peace and equality and development for the masses of Southern Sudan then they should just give up and call those like me with the ability to handle the hard work required for coordination with the North and NCP partners in order to keep the agreement on track. People like me and many others in SPLM who yawn for equality and justice are ready for the challenges of delivering genuine peace, equality, justice, and development to the masses of South Sudan via concerted work and sincere deliberations and collaborations with our Northern partners and NCP to implement the CPA. I’m ready for the challenge and I call upon all SPLM /SPLA cadres to support those who are really interested in good governance and a just society coupled with a full implementation of the CPA.

Hence I’m call upon all SPLM/SPLA cadres and members who are unhappy with the tribal regime in South Sudan and now its inability to implement the CPA with the in North to stand with me so that we can come together and reorganize ourselves to surmount the challenges implementing the CPA and to keep Dr. John Garang’s dream of real peace in Sudan alive. This is our agreement just as said by our late hero Dr. John Garang. The CPA is not theirs to undermine at will. The CPA was not about giving the South to another colonial master but it was about achieving equality, justice and peace which the people of Southern Sudan and Sudan at large had yawned for since 1955.

Oyee.., to o a true democratic and none- tribalistic and none-biased SPLM

Eng. Kisanga is a former SPLM NLC member who currently lives and works in exile in UK as Consultant Communication Systems Engineer. He is also chairman of Western Equatoria Azande Community world wide Organ


  • Garang Ayang Kuoi
    Garang Ayang Kuoi

    SPLM corruption and tribalism to blam for CPA failure
    Mr. Eng,

    The CPA is in danger right now because of people like you, those who fear to exercise their freedom of speech within the SPLM and negotiate with SPLM on behalf of South Sudan people. It is unfortunate that once we discovered something wrong within ourselves,then we run to the north and turn against one another on behalf of the North. But my friend let me make it clear, our people from the South have no time to listen to hatred speeches made by those who are being bribed by the enemy, and those who are actually not on the ground to see with their own eyes the damages that the Khartoum are causing the CPA. Therefore I would say that if you want to join the North, now is right time to do so because we are not ready to be divided at this moment of critical political atmosphere. If you think that you have an ability to liberate us from the north, then speak in a tone that does not divide us, because these are historic moments in which the liberation and full revolutionary needs our collective efforts. SPLM was once slaped in the face to a point whereby we almost lost, but because the freedom and justice speaks for itself, we re-united and were not defeated, so if you want to defect, then just leave us alone and we will find our way without you. A good Southerner who beleives in our freedom is one who can trully speak about our unity as the main weapon that we must have, not some unscurpulous folks who are used against their own people for the sake of materials.

  • Philip Makoor
    Philip Makoor

    SPLM corruption and tribalism to blame for CPA failure
    Dear Mr.Eng,

    We respect intellectuals that use their intellectual reasoning but not coward intellectuals like you!!!Let me made you aware of the CPA, CPA came into existence through blood sacrifies of the incapable people you are referring to; Yes we are not educated in Engineering as you are, but can you ask yourself exactly what your engineering education is doing to Southern Sudanese?? When it was a fighting none of you who ran away for greener pastures never open their mouth about what the SPLM/SPLA were doing!!

    For us to support you and your childish intellectuality, you should come down to South Sudan and participate in making South Sudan what you think fit for them. When you talk about tribalism and neptism you are actually supporting the Northern partners.

    Let’s speak the truth, during our bad days when the socalled Marginalized tribes in South Sudan joint the Northern partners and fought us a longside the main enemy, we managed to hold on to our dreams and objectives until they came back to us again and be come one with exceptional of some few element like you, now because of our liberation you called us War mongers!!

    If you are a nationalist, please try as much as possible to encourage unity, because disunity has never work for us and will never help anybody who claims to be marginalized. And remember being a politician does not make you to be unreasonable public speaker.

    Thanks for your understanding!!

  • Toposa Boy southerner
    Toposa Boy southerner

    SPLM corruption and tribalism to blame for CPA failure
    Best south Sudan, x. Kisanga you are nothing but dead mouth try to talk like someone whose get feeling to his own people if your southerner thanks

  • Atem Awan de Dut
    Atem Awan de Dut

    SPLM corruption and tribalism to blame for CPA failure
    I am primarily convinced that you wrote your article out of sheer ignorance of the true existing situation we are in now.Think again:What is the connection between president Kiir firing a minister in his cabinet or a governor in his government, with the snatching of Southern soil, the dishonoring of the agreement we so much worked for,the intimidation of our SPLA soldiers by the SAF?
    People like you should be mature enough not to write such demaging articles at such crucial times.You are negatively resolute because your morbid hatred for the tribe you haven’t mentioned has totally blinded you and put you into an emotional quagmire

    You shamelessly call yourelf ”Eng.” You should be ashamed of yourself.We youth should learn from people with your education.What do you think comes into our minds when people like you have not seen the real transformation of basic education,leave alone being an engineer?
    Well,corruption is rampant in the South,we all know that,but is this the right time to say damaging statements against the South and its government?

    Well,you have many options:Accept the south together with the tribe you hate so much;live your life and leave us alone because we don’t need people who defect at a time when the South really need them.Away with your morbid hatred.
    Don’t ever call yourself ”Eng” because you don’t deserve the title.You should be a nationalist not a grabby little agitator.
    We don’t need you Mr.Charles[or whatever your name is].You can as well go to the National Islamic Front and tell them that we have disown you……….the South doesn’t need you.Perhaps you should form a party to replace the SPLM and let it feel the vacuum.Think like an educated man,not a malevolent,sarcastic,ignorant and withdrawn tribalist.You wasted your eduaction years.You have not been rational.You are the type who sell your people just because the government has not done your wishes.Go on wishing,you will never lead this country,that is guaranteed.Oh sorry,am talking about you leading this great nation.
    I think you are a serious dreamer and since your dreams are just but dreams ,you resorted to being abusive of the government.You can do that till your last day on earth.But know that you are not worth a dime in the South.That is guaranteed!

  • Angelo Achuil
    Angelo Achuil

    SPLM corruption and tribalism to blame for CPA failure
    Dear Charles,

    I wanted to let you know what I thought of your article with the above title. You certainly had some insight that I can say are worth noting, only that the wording was utterly inappropriate and unacceptable. I hope you have read people’s comments under your article at, and might have felt the wrath of the people.

    I am from Dinka tribe myself and I do believe in equality for all Sudanese tribes which is not the case right now in SPLM (they can do better). Someone may qualify it saying it is because Dinka are the majority and should get the biggest portion in Sudan, but that’s not always true.

    You called on the GOSS to hand over the power to competent and intelectual, but the way you argued your good cause was quite a contrast to that of an “intellectual.” It is way too sarcastic, crude, probably driven by anger with no self-control. This could make you lose people who could otherwise be on your side.
    Your targets (Kitchen cabinet” you didn’t say what it means, and Kiir)have conscience and you must argue rationally to appeal to their conscience, but the way you pleaded would cause you to be ignored. It won’t matter who you are or how many Ph.Ds you’ve got. And in Sudan, it doesn’t work if you say “Remove that person in power and put ‘me’ in there because I am competent.” It just doesn’t work! It the spirit of individualism which is the very thing you fighting off. Also from a Christian perspective, it fail short- lack courtesy and good judgment.

    You may have a good concern, but if you misdo your communication class 101, your cause is as good as a bubble gum. Try your wording again, and this time, argue like an intellectual.


    Angelo Achuil

  • Dau Atem
    Dau Atem

    SPLM corruption and tribalism to blame for CPA failure
    Hi Mr Inane,

    I am sorry to read such unhelpfully article which you posted by mistake.Please mister,your degree in engineering will not give a pleasure to southerners president and his cabinet to consult you.

    Mister,the donkey or dog can go to university and passed all units and graduate,and still it is donkey or dog.Therefore,you went to university as a fool from foolish tribe,and come back like that.

    That is why we call you ‘Doro’

    Don’t joke around,the president of the GOSS and his cabinet know what they are doing.

  • Abila Ocho
    Abila Ocho

    SPLM corruption and tribalism to blame for CPA failure
    My friend with all the skills and knowledge of uniting the Azande community and any other Southern Sudanese people either it been outside or within the country is a waste.

    We should fight our common enermy then our difference as southerner will be the second agenda after attaining our aimed objectives (Secession). It’s true that the GOSS is too corrupt and it recruitment goes long tribal line. But we should all advocate for unity inorder to build strong force so that we can crash our opponent fromt the north.

    People like you would have been the spearheaders advocates for common ground of all the southerners.

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