Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM decision shows Khartoum is not trustworthy: Darfur rebel leader

October 11, 2007 (PARIS) — The leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) said that the decision by Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) to pull out of the from the National unity government shows once again that the National Congress Party (NCP) cannot be trusted.

Abdelwahid al-Nur
Abdelwahid al-Nur
Al-Nur told Sudan Tribune that the SPLM was forced to suspend its participation in the government because the ruling NCP has no credibility when it comes to honoring the agreements they sign.

“They are prepared to sign anything as much they are ready to renege on their obligations and attempt to renegotiate the terms” he said.

The prominent rebel leader said the SPLM signed the 2005 Comprehensive peace agreement (CPA) as a result of intense international pressure to please the NCP.

“Today we are seeing that the CPA implementation is falling behind and the international community is just watching” he added.

Al-Nur who refuses to participate in the upcoming peace talks in Libya said that the crisis that erupt in Sudan are resolved individually with the NCP and not as part of a bigger problem impacting the entire population from all backgrounds.

“Negotiating separately with the NCP offered this minority party the unfair advantage in terms of power sharing” he stressed.

However, al-Nur acknowledged that the CPA implementation constitutes the fundamental pillar for democratic transition in Sudan and the resolution of Darfur crisis.

The SLM leader who demands the deployment of peacekeepers in Darfur before he will join peace talks said recent events in Sudan leads us to stick with our previous positions and request the realization of security for Darfur civilians before any talks can commence.

Al-Nur also demands the disarmament of the Arab militias and Khartoum’s observation of the ceasefire deal.

He also urged the SPLM to join the forces to seeking build a democratic and united country saying that “we should not leave this regime break the unity of the country. We need a state that affords equal citizenship rights for its entire people and a fair distribution of power and wealth.

The founder of the SLM was a close ally of the late John Garang the former chairman of the SPLM who was killed in a helicopter crash in August 2005.


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