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Sudan Tribune

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France pushing for exiled Darfur leader to attend talks

Oct 22, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — France may take measures against a key Darfur rebel leader living in Paris if he continues to refuse to attend peace talks later this week, a French human rights envoy said in Sudan on Monday.

“We will do everything to convince Abdel Wahed Nur to attend peace negotiations in Libya,” Secretary of State for Human Rights Rama Yade told journalists in Khartoum.

“If he refuses we will draw conclusions,” she said, without elaborating.

Nur heads a faction of the Sudan Liberation Movement that has declined to attend Darfur peace talks due to start in the Libyan city of Sirte on Friday until a bolstered United Nations-African Union force is deployed in the troubled region.

The United States, which has said that genocide is taking place in Darfur, last month said that those refusing to attend the talks in Libya could face sanctions.

“If an important rebel group chooses not to attend, not to send a representative, that should not be a cost-free choice,” US Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte said in September.

“We are prepared to put sanctions. The notion of sanctions is not limited to the (Khartoum) government alone. It also relates to rebel groups’ leaders.”

However, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner in September deplored Nur’s refusal to take part in the talks but stressed that he could not expel him.

Yade, who arrived in Sudan on Sunday, was to head to Darfur later on Monday where she said “the humanitarian situation continues to worsen… The situation is still critical, there is still immense suffering.”

She said that according to the UN’s children’s fund UNICEF 75 children die in Darfur every day.

“We know that women are still raped, we strongly condemn those responsible for serious crimes such as crimes against humanity and war crimes, they must be punished.”

International rights bodies have accused parties involved in the Darfur conflict of human rights violations.

More than two million people have fled their homes and at least 200,000 have died from the combined effects of famine and conflict since Khartoum enlisted militia allies to put down a revolt in 2003, according to the United Nations.


1 Comment

  • Samson Liberty

    France pushing for exiled Darfur leader to attend talks
    France to convince Abdul Wahid Nur is a solution to attend the Darfur rebels unification meetig in Southern Sudanese Capital Juba,a preparation to unify the dozen factions to a table;is one point and to attend waring parties peace negotiations in Libya this month is another.Abdul Wahid who’s obligation to persue his demands forwarded to UN secretary General Mr.Ban Ki-Moon,now to be deleted by pressure and sanctions a condition forcing him to join the talks could be a probability counting a half of full aceptance.A quick effort to get the founder in or the rest to join in is a justification other than Darfurians spliting into signing three or more different peace agreements of no hope.”It can also mean that the roots of a tree supplies water and other nutrients to the branches and the leaves”

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