Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Kiir says SPLM does not contemplate Sudan peace collapse

By Isaac Vuni

October 22, 2007 (JUBA, Sudan) — The First Vice President and leader of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) has urged his political partner president Omer al-Bashir who is also leader of the National Congress Party (NCP) to implement the CPA to the letter.

Salva Kiir
Salva Kiir
The president of the government of southern Sudan who is also the first vice president of the Sudan, Lt. General Salva Kiir Mayardit, today evening, called on president Omar Hassan al Bashir and the leadership of the NCP to exercise their responsibility and wisdom in managing the ongoing political crisis with SPLM so that they ensure the building of peace and stability in the country by implementing the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) to the letter and spirit.

President Kiir also calls on the National Congress Party to address the genuine issues presented to them by the SPLM.

He assures the president and the NCP that SPLM remains committed to full implementation of the CPA and does not wish at any moment to contemplate the collapse of the CPA, President Kiir has said.

“SPLM is for freedom, peace and prosperity for all the Sudanese people” Kiir reassured.

Briefing journalists on his recent visit to Khartoum at Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly building, Kiir said the SPLM Interim Political Bureau decision to recall its ministers from the Government of National Unity and not to resume their duties till the outstanding issues are addressed is a unanimous decision that is widely supported by all members of the SPLM including majority of Sudanese people.

He said the SPLM IPB decision is a sign of their dissatisfaction and a protest towards lack of implementation of the critical provisions of the CPA by National Congress party.

The decision is a call to the Sudanese people, the region and international community to rescue the CPA and support its implementation.

He reiterated that SPLM remains committed to full implementation of the CPA and therefore do not wish to contemplate the collapse of the CPA.

President Kiir say SPLM is simply asking the NCP to resolve on critical issues and aspects of the CPA as minimum condition for the return of the SPLM team to the Government of national unity as follows:

– Acceptance of the report of Abyei boundary commission and immediate establishment of Abyei administration

– Immediate withdrawal of the Sudan armed forces from southern Sudan and Abyei areas as per provisions of the CPA.

– Reviewing of the oil sector and engagement of Goss so as to ensure transparency in this important sector .

– Availing the resources necessary for the north-south border committee.

– Availing necessary resources to the forthcoming population census and reinstating questions related to ethnicity and religion to the census questionnaire.

– Initiating a process of the national reconciliation and healing throughout the country.

– Reinstating the SPLM ministers who were wrongly dismissed in Senar and El Gezira states .

– Apology from the national minister of Interior on their recent raids of the SPLM offices in Khartoum and to bring the culprits of these acts into the books of law

– Immediate release of unlawfully detained citizens and political opponents.

President Kiir also call upon all the Sudanese people to remain calm and work for peace while assuring all Sudanese that the SPLM under his leadership will not allow the deterioration of the current standoff to war situation whatsoever the case may be.



  • Marier Mabeny
    Marier Mabeny

    Kiir says SPLM does not contemplate Sudan peace collapse
    Dear President Kiir,
    The south Sudanese are indeed very tired of war but when it comes to issue of freedom we can’t object but follow you as previously. The Khartoum wants to push time just without any changes since the CPA says that there should be a presidential elections in 2008 in which both of you would have been campaigning for now. But because they know that even with or without campaigns there’s no solution to this problem we are separatees. South Sudan indeed needs total freedom of anything like other African countries why should ages grow in war.Bravo Kiir Bravo SPLM the struggle will not stop until South Sudan remains for South Sudanese people regardless of any kind of domination.
    Rumbek shall remain stand for the SPLM in the long run of the CPA.
    Jonah Marier

  • Jiet Akechh
    Jiet Akechh

    Kiir says SPLM does not contemplate Sudan peace collapse
    Bravo, Bravo and bravo our beloved President for still keeping your knowledge and wisdom about Arabs (NCP)’s tricks. The reshuffling of cabinet ministers is not the end but it is a tool of implementing CPA.

    We very much support your idea of keeping that bold decision until the out standing issues are addressed.

    I think you remember that Sudan will never and never be the same not because of the resources we have as people look at it, but because of new generation of New Sudan who are not like those who fought Anya-nya 1 and sign a partial Adis-Abbaba Agreement.

    Bravo once again


    Kiir says SPLM does not contemplate Sudan peace collapse
    Your Excelencies of South Sudan,
    Honestly I wish to pledge my loyalty to OUR president’s(GOSS) Decision of not contemplating Peace collapse.
    Politics is not a Blame Game but honest use of Wisdom,INTELIGENCE, and having Positive VISION.
    GOSS might be slow but if DETERMINE to work for Democracy,it Will MANAGE!
    This is only the 2nd year,you have time to nature this young nation.
    May your Ministers be with you in every aspect of your Diplomatic acts.

    We have all SEEN what WAR has Done,Let’s Struggle to See what Peace can DO.The TRUTH hurts but it will eventually PREVAIL.

    The outsiders only become Peacefull if the Insiders are Peacefull.
    Together WE will Strive for PEACE

  • Bob Tata
    Bob Tata

    Kiir says SPLM does not contemplate Sudan peace collapse
    This week, People of Sudan have eye witnessed the second vice president of Sudan Mr Ali giving a press conference on Sudan national television!
    All including myself were listening to his speech with full attention!
    Why? because people wanted to know exactly what provoked the sudden withdrawal of SPLA/M from the government of national unity (GoUN).

    Thus, majority of Sudanese people (including myself) were interested to listen to Mr Ali’s speech as they want to make sense of SPLA/M finger pointing to National Congress Party (NCP) that the later is violating the comprehensive peace agreement (CPA) by not implementing certain issues such as reshuffle of Dr Lam’s post(dealt with), Abeyi standoff, demarcation of South-North boundaries, and lack of transference concerning how many barrels of oils are sold-out daily by GoUN(that should have included SPLA/M) and so on!

    According to me (in my opinion),Mr Ali seemed to be more trustworthy than his counterpart the SPLA/M! Why? because he didn’t not just defend his government by denial of SPLA/ M allegations but also managed to reveal some SPLA/M weaknesses concerning various matters such as the fraudulent manner with which the SPLA/M-dominated GoSS is handling the public money in South Sudan, hindrance or suppression of liberty of people of south Sudan by SPLA/M and so on!

    Mr Ali asked a very important question about what SPLA/M has delivered to people of South Sudan to this moment, he indirectly accused SPLA/M of corruption when he confirmed that there is a monthly report/review about how much money the SPLA/M-led GoSS is receiving as its divide out of the oil revenue! Mr Ali also mentioned the hundreds of millions of dollars that the GoUN gave to GoSS to support what he called vital public developmental projects such improvement of health, roads building in South Sudan (including Juba the capital of GoSS)and educations!! those projects are supposed to be the priority of GoSS I am sure many people will agree with me!

    However, it is not fair for one to verdict SPLA/M as blameworthy before one listen to its part of the story! Thus, for the SPLA/M to be considered honest and trustworthy it must come on National Television to tell the world about its part of the story so as to disprove NCP and everyone else’s speculations that SPLA/M withdrawal was meant to evade the accusation that the party is corrupting the public money and that it suppresses and restricts the freedom of speech for the vast majority of people of South Sudan! Failure of SPLA/M to speak out will mean approval of those allegations!

    Bol Thourmuck of Greater Nasir (UK)

  • Abila Ocho
    Abila Ocho

    Kiir says SPLM does not contemplate Sudan peace collapse
    Bravo Mr. Kiir, We should exploit all non-violence mechanism to resolve the current political situation in Sudan. I belief beyond all circumstance we will overcome the challenges surrounding the implementation of CPA. We should not surrender in the struggle of strengthening CPA to become strong and stronger in any aspect.

    I know this time is a tough moment for the main stakeholders of Naivasah peace agreement. Our brothers from NCP are always trying their best to destroy the CPA like Addis-Ababa Agreement when former president Nuimery dishonor that document by saying “that agreement was not a Bible neither was it a Quoran”. This scenario of dissolving or breaking the essential protocols of this CPA is coming and this situation will force us to take war as an alternative to resolve our grievances with Arabs domination.

    I pledge to all Southern Sudanese to prepare ourselves for coming war. This might be illusive idea but the current situation is very clear. Let us unit together to fight our common enemy so that we will development our own approaches of reconciliation.

  • Bob Tata
    Bob Tata

    Kiir says SPLM does not contemplate Sudan peace collapse
    Mr Mading Ngor

    You are really a journalism student given to your naive and superficial approach to hot topics that are divisive to people of South Sudan! The way you described Nuer in your articles is irritating and dangerous and if you are the one that posted such a vedio of your so-called Bor massacre on the youtube web site that is too naïve from you as your directly perpetrating or preaching hatred between our two closest tribes Nuer and Dinka! Do you really know where Dinka-Bor took refugee during 1960s flood? it Nuer Land! Please be realistic of the consequences of your articles! I hope you will learn more about ethics once you complete your education and hopefully you will realise how naively you action was!

    Bol Thourmuck of Greater Nuer Greater Nasir(UK)

    Please read some of the comments by people on the youtube and realise how much your vedio is dividing our people!

    nuer will pay for these one day……dinka have heart then these animals who don’t think and care about their own kind……….nuer God will pay u back if dinka forgive ya……..

    nuer will pay for these one day……dinka have heart then these animals who don’t think and care about their own kind……….nuer God will pay u back if dinka forgive ya……..

    So what..? how about Federal Reupblic of Nuerland after 2011 or whichever come firt? with Nuer People’s Denfese Forces as it forces……

    BBy: Mading Ngor
    Posted to the web on August 30, 2007

    Riek Machar

    “Garang didn’t like semblance of institutions of structures of democracy within the Movement. He is interested in running the Movement as his personal property.” -Riek Machar, “Sudan Massacre,” 1991

    Calling for democracy in the SPLM/SPLA was the sorry mask the Nasir Faction wore to justify their heinous, shameful, uncivilized, mindless, genocidal and cruel massacre of August 28th, 1991 of which some say more than five thousand civilians were killed. According to a journalist in the “Sudan Massacre,” posted on,, “It is impossible to know how many people died. Some say more than 5000. Many ran from their villages to hide in the swamp and were slaughtered there; some were strangled, others were shot.”

    But to me, both the initial phase of devastation and the aftermath of the massacre are not to be underestimated.

    The brunt of the Bor massacre might have been comparable to modern Darfur killings in scale but don’t take my words for it. Perhaps time will tell the exact magnitude and scale and only then will things heat up for Riek Machar to stand trial in the Hague, alongside with Joseph Kony that Riek Machar is pathetically mediating for the end of his doomed cause in northern Uganda.

    Riek Machar is just another human rights abuser masquerading as peace mediator for another shady character – ancestors have mercy.

    With my own eyes, leaving my village, around central Bor in 1991, walking along the roads, I saw dead cows and humans lying on each side of the road, no exaggeration, until I reached the end of Bor south (Pariang Abei) without missing a sight of such an horror. In trying to make sense of the phenomenon, some southern Sudanese scholars have in their books written of a wide support the Nasir Faction garnered at its primordial conception in 1991. In their explanations, lost in the books, the (SPLM-Nasir) was formed as a genuine Movement to redress what the breakaway faction saw as increasing plunge into authoritarianism and autocracy in the SPLA/SPLM under the chairmanship of the late Dr. John Garang.

    Riek Machar charged that “Garang didn’t like semblance of institutions of structures of democracy within the Movement. He is interested in running the Movement as his personal property,” (Riek Machar, “Sudan Massacre,” 1991). Later on, the unnamed authors and their books went on, the Movement splintered after many dissenters learned about the human rights fiasco in Bor- far worst than the supposed monstrosity of the rival faction – SPLM Torit they had predicted to remedy.

    Despite overwhelming evidence recorded in video tapes, then Riek Machar dismissed the killings in Bor as mere propaganda. In “Sudan Massacre,” he is quoted as saying, “I cannot just say kill the Dinka Bor, no, not at all. They’re using it as a human rights violation; am aware of that. I think it’s propaganda.” He added: “We don’t love killing. It’s not a good character. It’s not part of my description. Garang today has no troops. If he had troops we would have been fighting here. Most of his troops are wiped out in Bor. And anyone else who wants to fight knows that his fate might be the same with those who were wiped out in Bor.”

    Moreover, countering the rhetoric of the Nasir Faction warlord in “Sudan Massacre,” Garang dwelt on forgiveness but declared that“Even if I forgive them, they will be known in history as people who stabbed the Movement in Southern Sudan in the back. They will be known as people who at the point of victory when we were going to win in Juba, they stabbed us in the back. The people of the Sudan will judge that.”

    Sixteen years on, Riek Machar has continued to evade the eyes of the so-called human rights organizations who seemingly are blind to the atrocities Riek Machar and his Nasir Faction have committed in Bor and elsewhere.

    For those who would like to bury history, not everyone is amnesiac about the past. In 1991 our people were brutally murdered in the name of democracy; how best would one end than to repeat Garang’s utterance that “Democracy had been so much beaten up these days that even the devil can come and say he is a democrat and people will listen to him.”?

    When Riek was in Bor recently, I was painfully reminded of the violence of 1991 when I saw the warlord Riek Machar (Sudan Tribune August 18th) being greeted in Bor town, again on another stupid mission.

    May justice be done and lest we forget!

    *Mading Ngor is a journalism student in Canada. He can be contacted at

  • Bob Tata
    Bob Tata

    Kiir says SPLM does not contemplate Sudan peace collapse

    Dear Mr Mading

    You are really a journalism student given to your naive and superficial approach to hot topics that are still divisive to people of South Sudan! The way you described Nuer in your article is irritating and dangerous and if you are the one that posted such a vedio of your so-called Bor massacre on the youtube web site I can say that it is too naïve from you as you are directly perpetrating or preaching hatred between our two closest tribes Nuer and Dinka! Do you really know where Dinka-Bor took refuge or sanctuary in the 1960s flood? it was Nuer Land my dear! Please be realistic of the consequences of any article you write! I hope you will learn more about ethics once you complete your education and hopefully you will realise how naively your action was regarding this article!


    Bol Thourmuck of Greater Nuer Greater Nasir(UK

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