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Sudan Tribune

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UN envoy appeals to Darfur rebels to attend talks

October 24, 2007 (UNITED NATIONS) — Three days before key negotiations on Darfur, a U.N. envoy appealed on Wednesday to reluctant and disunited rebel groups to show up, saying they could still consult with each other after the talks open.

Jan_Eliasson.jpgOne of several obstacles to the talks between the Khartoum government and rebels from Darfur in western Sudan has been the rebels’ inability to agree a common platform. The parties are set to meet on Saturday in the Libyan coastal town of Sirte.

Rebel leaders said on Tuesday a prominent Darfur faction chief and five smaller groups would not attend because African Union and U.N. mediators had not heeded requests for a delay to let them form a united position and agree a delegation.

But U.N. envoy Jan Eliasson, who will mediate in the talks along with AU envoy Salim Salim, said the “moment of truth” had arrived in the 4-1/2-year-old Darfur conflict and it was essential to get the talks going before momentum was lost.

Eliasson, talking to journalists at the United Nations by video link from the Eritrean capital Asmara, conceded that expectations might have to be lowered on talks U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon originally billed as “final”.

Eliasson said invitations had only been sent out a week ago and he still did not know which among the more than a dozen rebel groups would come. “It’s a moving target right now… I don’t have the final list yet,” he said.

International experts estimate 200,000 people have died and 2.5 million have been driven from their homes in the Darfur conflict, which began with a revolt against the Sudanese government, but Khartoum puts the death toll at 9,000.

Mediators say a cease-fire is their top priority at Sirte.

Trying to win over undecided groups, Eliasson said: “I want to very clearly make the point that the consultations that they are carrying on now … will of course also continue in Sirte.

“We will allow plenty of time for the movements to have consultations among themselves, because the real negotiations will start only after we have the full preparations of the parties,” he said.

“So there is a very grave responsibility resting upon the movements and the (Sudanese) government to come to the meeting,” Eliasson added. Khartoum has said it will take part.


The U.N. envoy said, however, he now had “very little hope if any” that Sudan Liberation Movement founder Abdel Wahed Mohamed el-Nur, a rebel leader with a wide following in Darfur refugee camps, would come. El-Nur has demanded a string of concessions from Khartoum.

Eliasson also noted that Khalil Ibrahim, leader of the main branch of the Justice and Equality Movement, had asked for a month’s delay. But he said he had assurances that Ibrahim would send high-level representatives to Sirte.

Apart from a cease-fire, Eliasson said other high priority issues would be compensation for villagers returning to their homes from camps, security and disarming militias.

Other issues, like power sharing and land ownership, would take longer. “But the main thing is that we stop the vicious circle, that we introduce the political element,” he said.

He said fresh violence in Darfur, rising anger in camps, Sudanese government divisions and splits in rebel movements had all been “very negative” for the talks in recent weeks.

Such problems “may explain a different tone (in U.N. pronouncements) and perhaps the need to lower expectations somewhat,” he said.

The Sirte talks have no fixed end date but diplomats say that rather than producing a settlement they may eventually adjourn and reconvene later, possibly at a different venue.



  • Dhieu Dok
    Dhieu Dok

    UN envoy appeals to Darfur rebels to attend talks
    The Government has failed and it should not be called Government of Sudan. CPA collapsing in the south, a war in the East and West plus another one in far North. This is why Dr. Garang was asking all the marginalized groups to pick up arms against political goons in Khartoum. However, Islam curtailed our brothers in the East and West to an extent that they saw us(southerners) as their enemies. If we would have fought the self-serving stomaches in Khartoum and their allies, we would have been relaxing and enjoying life from Juba- Kassala-Nyala.

  • Kifly Merhu
    Kifly Merhu

    UN envoy appeals to Darfur rebels to attend talks
    If the stake holders of the whole Sudan are genuinely conserned of the well being of their country and people, they shouldn’t approach the crisis in this way. If the Sudan is the home of all Sudanese, they should all sit together to repair their house.
    In my view, there must be only one genuine peacetalk for the whole country, not in every corner of the country. Thus, they could avoid any split or disintegration of the country.

    Stop to blame outside powers for conspiracy or something else. The solution is in your hand. Be visionary and modernize the system.

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