Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM slams accusations by Sudan ruling party of sabotaging Darfur peace

By: Wasil Ali

October 24, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — The former rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) blasted statements by a senior Sudanese official accusing them of standing behind decision by Darfur rebel groups to boycott peace talks in Sirte, Libya.

Yasir Arman
Yasir Arman
Sudan’s presidential advisor Mustafa Ismail was quoted by Agence France-Presse (AFP) as saying that he suspected that SPLM “sought to torpedo the Sirte negotiations” through a Darfur rebel groups meeting they were hosting in Sudan’s southern capital of Juba.

However Sudan s U.N. Ambassador Abdel-Mahmood Abdel-Haleem later in New York contradicted statements made by Ismail saying that “we are not saying at all that Silva Kiir has asked them [Darfur rebel groups] not to go. He is the First Vice President of the country and has been mandated some time ago to mediate on the issue”.

“Ismail is looking for a scapegoat in their failure to address the Darfur crisis. He should have left the Darfur matter to those in the NCP who were assigned the issue” Yasir Arman, deputy SPLM secretary general told Sudan Tribune by phone.

Seven factions announced over the last couple of days that they will boycott the Libya peace talks including the powerful Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) throwing a debilitating blow to an already fragile political process.

Last week most Darfur rebel groups were meeting in Juba in an attempt to find a common negotiating position with the Khartoum government ahead of the peace talks.

Following the talks most factions said they needed more time to consolidate positions and demanded a rescheduling of peace talks.

“If Ismail and others in the National Congress Party (NCP) listened to suggestions by the SPLM to resolve the Darfur crisis things would have been very different” Arman said.

Arman said the SPLM stands ready to contribute to a peaceful settlement to the Darfur crisis

The war of words between the NCP and SPLM has escalated since the withdrawal of the latter’s ministers from the government of national unity.

A reshuffle decree by the Sudanese president, a key demand by SPLM, failed to convince the former rebels to resume their work in the government of national unity.

The Sudanese president Omar Al-Bashir and SPLM leader Silva Kiir failed to resolve the outstanding issues in their meeting last week.

Al-Bashir and Kiir were supposed to meet Wednesday to follow up on last week’s meeting.

However Arman said that final arrangements for the meeting are in progress and should finalize “very soon”.

The 2005 peace agreement brokered by the US and other western countries ended two decades of civil war between the Arab and Muslim-dominated north and the mainly Christian and animist black southerners.



  • Monyror

    SPLM slams accusations by Sudan ruling party of sabotaging Darfur peace
    To the World in large,to especially the Government of NCP,Goss and the African Human Right as well as the community of Sudan in large,let us feel pity on the people of Darfur as they lost a quite big number of people who died in this little time of war.

    We South Sudanese have been fighting for 21 years and that is the great lost only that we were looking for our right like what Darfur is doing as they need their right and we remain the people of Sudan as well.
    Maybe some people says Darfur should leave fighting but nothing good like truth and you see, whenever a cow is crying know very well it looking for either its club,or hungry or looking for a husband,give Darfur its right such that they feel Sudan community.
    Let all of us the people of the World in general pray for all these conflicts and come together to unit as sudan community and hope the peace talk in Darfur will be the best of which there will be no disagreement.

    Hope for the best and add to pray God for this peace talk.

    Monyror Abraham.
    Yirol South sudan Boy.

  • Mayen Mangok Mayen
    Mayen Mangok Mayen

    SPLM slams accusations by Sudan ruling party of sabotaging Darfur peace
    Please Ismail, problem of Durfur was not originated in SPLM but NCP failure to governance her people effectively. So stop false accusations, but think of the solution to the crisis than scrumbling for nothing that is a part despair in NCP.
    Dufur took arms because of the misgovernance in NCP therefore solving their issues will be the away forward. this need your brutal givernment to accept Mistakes and re-adjust the system of ruling.
    Ismail you are like somebody who was not there during the war that made you to behave unbelieveable about the crisis in the Sudan, therefore you learn nothing during the past and forgot nothing up to now.
    Your government need to watch out and stop blaming SPLM for no good reason.

    Reach me [email protected]

  • Manyang

    SPLM slams accusations by Sudan ruling party of sabotaging Darfur peace
    I often feel disgusted when i hear NCP heavily labelling false accusations to SPLM. The NCP should recognize that its failure to bring peace in Sudan is a sticky issue the NCP must truly accept which i think has become part and parcel of NCP culture. What ashame!

    Besides, i strongly urge all the black people of Sudan to fight collectively for their right in a peaceful and diplomatic manner. Mind you dear marginalized Sudanese, that what a great joy to be a free man/woman getting all his human rights than being a fat-chained slave without freedom? So, let’s think carefully between these lines for our destiny and for the future of our generations to come.

    M.Rwei Gach

    [email protected]

    Greater YiroL -South Sudan

  • Benjamin West Ayali Koyongwa
    Benjamin West Ayali Koyongwa

    SPLM slams accusations by Sudan ruling party of sabotaging Darfur peace
    I would like to repsond to the arthur of this article. Wasil Ali you consistently use medival words such as “Animist” interchangeably in all your postings which reduces you to some of us the contemporary Sudanese as colonist writers of 15th century.

    Why can’t you take time to research and select words according to the current Sudanese thinking, at times you may actually be having a very good message educating to all Sudanese but once coiled/blended into this myopic paper bag of separatist colonist attire, it becomes unadmirable to majority of Sudanese people.

    I think a youngman like you with all that talents should really live in the present rather than in the past.

  • Bob Tata
    Bob Tata

    Why SPLA/M is hesitant to give a press conference so as to tell its part of story to the world in general and Sudanese people in particular!
    Why SPLA/M is hesitant to give a press conference so as to tell its part of story to the world in general and Sudanese people in particular??

    This week, People of Sudan have eye-witnessed the second vice president of Sudan Mr Ali giving a press conference on Sudan national television! All including myself were listening to his speech with full attention! Why? because people wanted to know exactly what provoked the sudden withdrawal of SPLA/M from the government of national unity (GoUN).

    Thus, majority of Sudanese people (including myself) were interested to listen to Mr Ali’s speech as they want to make sense of SPLA/M finger pointing to National Congress Party (NCP) that the later is violating the comprehensive peace agreement (CPA) by not implementing certain issues such as reshuffle of Dr Lam’s post(dealt with), Abeyi standoff, demarcation of South-North boundaries, and lack of transference concerning how many barrels of oils are sold-out daily by GoUN(that should have included SPLA/M) and so on!

    According to me (in my opinion),Mr Ali seemed to be more trustworthy than his counterpart the SPLA/M! Why? because he didn’t not just defend his government by denial of SPLA/ M allegations but also managed to reveal some SPLA/M weaknesses concerning various matters such as the fraudulent manner with which the SPLA/M-dominated GoSS is handling the public money in South Sudan, hindrance or suppression of liberty of people of south Sudan by SPLA/M and so on!

    Mr Ali asked a very important question about what SPLA/M has delivered to people of South Sudan to this moment, he indirectly accused SPLA/M of corruption when he confirmed that there is a monthly report/review about how much money the SPLA/M-led GoSS is receiving as its divide out of the oil revenue! Mr Ali also mentioned the hundreds of millions of dollars that the GoUN gave to GoSS to support what he called vital public developmental projects such improvement of health, roads building in South Sudan (including Juba the capital of GoSS)and educations!! those projects are supposed to be the priority of GoSS I am sure many people will agree with me!

    However, it is not fair for one to verdict SPLA/M as blameworthy before one listen to its part of the story! Thus, for the SPLA/M to be considered honest and trustworthy it must come on National Television to tell the world about its part of the story so as to disprove NCP and everyone else’s speculations that SPLA/M withdrawal was meant to evade the accusation that the party is corrupting the public money and that it suppresses and restricts the freedom of speech for the vast majority of people of South Sudan! Failure of SPLA/M to speak out will mean approval of those allegations!

    Bol Thourmuck of Greater Nasir (UK)

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