Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM withdrawal from Sudan government is a genuine protest – official

By Isaac Vuni

October 28 2007 (TORIT) – SPLM decision to suspended its presidential advisors, ministers in the government of national unity was a genuine protest provoked by none implementation of key provisions of the CPA, said a Southern Sudan presidential advisor.

Addressing a huge public rally, today, in Torit, the capital of Eastern Equatoria State, Fr.. George Kinga, GoSS presidential Advisor on religion affairs and member of SPLM Interim National Council stated that SPLM decision to suspended its presidential advisors, ministers in the government of national unity was a genuine protest provoked by none implementation of key provisions of the CPA such as border demarcation between south and north that should have been demarcated within six months of the interim period, redeployment of SAF forces north wards within a dateline of July 9th 2007, demarcation of Abyei boundary and consequent set up of its administration to be manage by sons and daughters of Abyei among others have never been implemented to date.

The people of Eastern Equatoria state are self mobilized and knew what to do when it comes to fighting for the right of the oppressed and marginalized southern Sudanese, therefore, I have noting to tell you than urging you to be ready to face any eventuality that might be imposed on us the marginalized southern Sudanese by Khartoum ruling National Congress Party (NCP) who is renegating from CPA implementation, Fr. Kinga, team leader of SPLM Interim National Council delegation to Torit has said.

“Since NCP is deliberately making unity unattractive by refusing to implement crucial provisions of the CPA then we the people of southern Sudanese should be very happy because NCP is sending us a clear signal that they don’t need SPLM in the so called government of national unity”, remarks Fr. Kinga.

Nevertheless, Fr. Kinaga says whatsoever pressure may be put on southern Sudanese by Khartoum ruling NCP, Government of Southern Sudan leadership are not going to declare for immediate separation nor war even if NCP would like to force southerners into yet another form of slavery; “would any one of us here accept to be a slave in the modern time of democratic system”, posed Fr. Kinga

The GoSS presidential advisor assured the huge congregation that SPLM is not sleeping but also contacting international communities who were witness during the signing of the CPA including the chief mediator IGAD to ensure that CPA is implemented to the letter and spirit.

Therefore, “We are not going to resume participation in the government of national unity until key provisions of the CPA are implemented; otherwise, we are ready to become farmers in southern Sudan”, declared Fr. Kinga.

Fr. Kinga urges the people of Eastern Equatoria State to also be mindful of their martyrs by building a shrine in their memory. If the state government could not afford to build a shrine, then the state minister of Agriculture has to initiate tree planting programme in schools and named them after martyrs of southern Sudan dating to 1955 freedom fighters.


Similarly the GoSS Minister of Legal Affairs and Constitutional development, Justice. Michael Makwei said people should not play with CPA because so many lives have been lost in process of signing the CPA deal, adding that CPA does not only belong to SPLM or NCP alone but to all Sudanese, he assured.

Justice Makwei advised those individuals or political parties trying to sabotage CPA implementation by creating confusion among southern Sudanese should immediately refrain from such subversive but empty propaganda. Otherwise, CPA is there to stay and through CPA, SPLM will lead the people of Southern Sudan to determine their political system come referendum in year 2011.

Justice Makwei noted with concern and refuted evolving allegation by NCP that 80% of the CPA has been implemented, on contrary he said the key provisions have never been implemented and SAF is still occupying two states of southern Sudan, Unity and Upper Nile were SAF have been heavily reinforced and deployed their troops contrary to the spirit of CPA deal that ended 21 year of civil war on January 9th 2005.

“If you want durable peace in Southern Sudan, it’s only through the SPLM” declared Justice Makwei. Justice Makwei went on urging people of Torit, the historical town that kick off Southern Sudanese struggle for freedom and justice in 1955 to register massively with SPLM in order to elect in the coming election people who knew what CPA is all about.


Addressing the same rally, Hon. Nartisio Loluke, member of SPLM Interim National Council and Chairman committee for Education and research in Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly said their mission to Torit was to interact and explain the position of the SPLM IPB who pullout from the government of Unity in Khartoum on October 11th 2007 until key provisions of the CPA are implemented by the ruling National NCP.

“If the people of Sudan want to be free from poverty and marginalization, CPA is the best medicine ever prescribed to addressing chronic problems of oppression and marginalized of the people of southern Sudan and other areas in Sudan”, declared Loluke.

Therefore, its important that youth and women of Eastern Equatoria state must get the right information on what is going on in their country, because they are the very people who are going to carry out the message forwards to the grassroots communities, remarks Hon. Loluke.

Hon. Loluke reiterated that the CPA is the bridge to peace and freedom and that it’s the only route to freedom of the marginalized Sudanese.


Meanwhile the SPLM Secretary for State Affairs of Southern Sector, Mr. Lawerence Kurbanyi say SPLM is committed to peaceful settlement of the current evolving political crisis with the ruling NCP by ensuring that CPA is implemented in the way it was signed on January 9th 2005.

Mr. Kurbanyi, however, wondered why the historical town of Torit building and shops are still in old shape of 1950s after CPA has been signed 33 months ago. Where is the developmental programme that CPA has brought to people of Eastern Equatoria state!

SPLM Secretary for state Affairs, Mr. Kurbanyi appealed to Governor of Eastern Equatoria state and Commissioner of Torit County to ensure that Torit town upcoming construction buildings structures matches with modern era of CPA constructed by sons and daughters of the state whom he said should be given first priority in plot allocation. Otherwise, he says, “It is a disgrace to see our historical Town of Torit remains in the same shape of 1950s buildings”. Mr. Kurbanyi emphasized that SPLM fought to liberate people from oppression and to establish peace and development at all levels of communities in Sudan in order to enable them freely proper from rural to urban centers and Torit is not exception.

The SPLM Secretary for State Affairs reminded the congregation that Eastern Equatoria state has many potential natural resources such as gold, oil, cement, diamond, teak tree, laying un exploited. Otherwise, if the governor and commissioners from eight counties could work together and plan for exploitation of those resources, Eastern Equatoria state would witness quick reconstruction and development across the entire state than state waiting for general grant from Goss ministry of Finance and Economic Planning in Juba.

The State minister of Education, Mr. Francis Ataba says they are willing to receive any new developmental ideas and suggestions from anybody that will enhance development in Eastern Equatoria state.

The Speaker of Eastern Equatoria Interim Legislative Assembly, Hon. Sabina Dario assured the crowd that state lawmakers are in full support of president Kiir and SPLM IPB decision taken on October 11th same month of October.

Speaking on behalf of SPLM governing party in Eastern Equatoria state, Mr. Felix Otuduha Siro, SPLM state Secretary, said they fully supported the decision of SPLM Interim Political Bureau to suspended its member’s participation in the government of national unity in Khartoum and assured SPLM high level delegations that the people of Eastern Equatoria state are ready and fully committed behind president Kiir in ensuring that CPA is fully implemented to the letter and spirit, adding that they will also disseminate the same information of SPLM political bureau’s decision to all counties and payams of the state as soon as possible.



The rally ended with a specials prayer led by Honorable Julious Malinga, chairman of Legal Affairs committee in state legislative assembly was as follow:

Our CPA which was signed in Naivasha, you are solid and have come to stay.
Your dispensation of Rule of Law and good governance is fully realized as we honour our great leader the late Dr. John Garang de Mabior and all those who fought and laid their lives to bring about thee,

Your will be done in the north as it is being diligently done in the south.

Give us this day our daily oil share and our national cake and all things due to us.

Forgive us our inability to have not bargained hard enough with the north to secure all our positions and rights due to us right from the onset.

As we forgive the north for complacently and for not honoring thee enough and for hiding all essential information including our daily oil output due to us.

Lead us not into further disunity among ourselves and another civil war, but deliver us from missing the golden opportunity you provide on self determination in 2011.

For yours is CPA is the referendum and its results after the interim period for either a unity or separation and independent South.

And let you peace, development, freedom, progress and external bliss thereafter for ever and ever.


  • Toposa Boy southerner
    Toposa Boy southerner

    SPLM withdrawal from Sudan government is a genuine protest – official
    Best S,S Mr. George Kinga is one of the best people southerners need at this problematic momentum we need wise people that will guide as to the land of freedom the land am talking about is free of mundukuru for ever

  • Bob Tata
    Bob Tata

    SPLM withdrawal from Sudan government is a genuine protest – official
    hi there!

    Sudanese president Omar Al-Bashir was hundred percent correct when describing the behaviour of the so-called Western countries and USA towards the people of underdeveloped countries as immoral! As governments of those countries have no moral concern whatsoever about black people wherever they live on this planet! Whether in the third World countries or in the so-called developed countries!

    The agendas of Western countries in our war ragged Africa are far from what they hypocritically term as human right promotion in that part of the world! thus anyone who understands politics she/he should be aware that the main objectives of Western intervention into the affairs of our underdeveloped countries are simply meant for the controlling or domineering of our resources and to make sure that we are not progressing like we should be! As they do not want the people of underdeveloped countries to develop and become thrive like them! Because if we become like them their business will ruin as no one will buy their commodities, therefore, they want us to remain behind like that unless we liberate ourselves from their slavery by stopping our reliance on them to solve our problems, to feed us and to dictate our will and decisions!

    Westerners are only happy to see us at war with each another as that is the time when their businesses flourish! They are only proud to refer to our countries as third world and developing or undeveloped countries! They also like to remind us about colonisation and slavery too as they make them look superiors to us!

    To cut a very long short; Western governments do not become happy except only when they see us in crisis of starvations, and disease epidemics! They like only to talk about HIV/AIDS epidemic and how much it is destroying Africa or any other underdeveloped country and without any sympathy to give support to them! Even when they try to help, they only send their unqualified expatriates to help us during our natural and man-made disasters!

    To be realistic about their hypocritical claims that they are caring about us, why are they spending billions of dollars exploring other planets (e.g. red planet) and why are wasting money exploring space! Why are they spending billions of dollars financing unnecessary wars such as that of Iraq and Afghanistan while intentionally allowing their human fellows of the underdeveloped countries to die with hunger and treatable disease such as food or water born microbial diseases! If they care enough about us, why are they not doing enough to curb poverty, HIV/AIDS and Marilia that are killing thousands of people of underdeveloped countries everyday than to encourage people to fight unnecessary wars that are preventing development and self-reliance of African counties!

    Why are they allowing or encouraging wars in the third world country countries instead of endorsing or promoting peace and tranquillity there given to the fact that poverty and spread of diseases including HIV/AIDS are direct consequences of wars! The simplest answer one can give is that they don’t care about us!

    Our fate in Africa will be just like what USA has done to people of Latin America (South America) and the Caribbean! When USA used to allow pro-USA dictators from those Countries to rule, torture, abuse or violate human rights and kill their people without any Condemnation from USA as long as those dictators agreed to promote American interests in their countries!

    The civil war in Sudan started during Dictator Gaafar Nimeiry’s regime! Why USA and Western counties were backing up Gaafar Nimeiry and not SPLA/M by then? Well, simply because by then Gaafar Nimeiry was promoting their businesses, as he was purchasing armies and other military and civil commodities from them! Also Gaafar Nimeiry used to claim that he was fighting communist gorilla that wants to turn Sudan into a communist country given to relationship between SPLA’s Garang and the former Ethiopian president Mangisto with the ex-Soviet union regime! What happened when Soviet Union was dissolved? well, America and the West started to hook-up with the same SPLA/M under the headship of the same Garang! So, what was new? As one USA’s CIA agent said: “Sometimes you can change things to the worst as long as they protect your interest”.

    Thus,if we Africans will not stop dependence on West to solve our problems we will never achieve any progress whatsoever and forever!! As western countries aim is only to control Africans’ wealth! They want us to keep ourselves busy killing one another so that we will not have time to think of other important things such as development!

    They always want us to be behind the world and forever! They don’t like us as some ignorant individuals may think! I mean all of us! it doesn’t matter weather you are Christian or Muslim it makes no different to them as long as you are black!

    We the people of Africa must reckon that westerns are happy seeing our countries urbanized! As they want us to relay on them forever!

    I love people of Darfur very dearly but I would like to advice them that Westerns do not really care about you in the same way they don’t care about any black man! Their two-faced empathy for you is aimed to further their agendas in our country!

    Let there be peace in Sudan so that we can sit and settle our problems or differences as Sudanese! We fought a two decade war in South that killed 2 million people BUT at the end it didn’t solve the problem! Until both side realised that negotiation is more effective than war!

    I can’t deny that there were injustice and inequality previousily in Sudan! But now if our brothers from North have come to understand that injustice and marginalisation of other Sudanese have to be put to end in order to rescue the country from fragmentation or what I can call Somaliasation! I believe it is good to grasp that chance for the interest of our unhappy or miserable people and our war ragged country which is very roomy to take all of us if we understand ourselves!

    Let there be no more war in Sudan as we the laypeople of Sudan had enough of wars! Who can assume victory by killing his own people?? No one was victorious in those wars neither SPLA/M nor the Sudan government I believe! So, let us stop reminding ourselves about that dirty past! and let look for the way forward for sake of the Sudanese generations to come!

    Bol Thourmuck of Greater Nasir (UK)

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