Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan alliance supports SPLM withrawal from unity government

South Sudan United Democratic Alliance (SSUDA)

Press Release

South Sudan United Democratic Alliance (SSUDA) Endorsed South Sudan Parliament Decision of the SPLM to Suspend its Ministers from the National Government

October 30, 2007 — After carefully examining the SPLM and others Southern political organizations decision to suspend their participation from the National congress Party led government; and having conducted in-depth consultation with senior Southern political parties leaders, the SSUDA leadership is hereby supporting the decision of the SPLM. The unanimous resolution to support the SPLM decision by the parliament of South Sudan come at the time when the Arab ruling class once again embarked and determined to destroy the CPA as they have done it to the 1972 Addis Ababa agreement.

As political organization, though we have voiced our disappointment in regard to misuse of the CPA, specially the failing in the south to addressed the prevailing social, economic, and equitable presentation, we believed that this agreement (the CPA) has granted the people of the south the rights to vote on self-determination to decide their choice for independent as we know it. And, therefore, the protection of the CPA and its implementation cannot be left alone to the SPLM, but should be protected by all southern Sudanese as well as all marginalized and oppressed people of the Sudan.

Thus, in joining the eight political parties participating in the government of South Sudan, we calls on the international community particularly the United States, the Europeans Community, the African Union, and the East African countries responsible for negotiating the CPA to pressure the National Congress Party to fully implement the following:

– Immediately withdraw the Sudan Armed Forces from Southern Sudan and Abyei areas as per provision of the CPA and accept the report of Abyei boundary commission;
– Avail the necessary resources to the forthcoming population census and reinstate the question related to ethnicity and religion to the census questionnaire;
– Avail and review the oil sector and fully engage the government of South Sudan to ensure transparency and equitable distribution of the oil production wells in Southern Sudan as well as other part of the country; and
– Conduct the business of Government of National Unity as coalition government where there is a collective decision making by the two CPA partners.

We, in the SSUDA leadership believed that it is only by genuinely implementing the CPA that the glomming war can be avoided. This is important since going to war will not serve the interest of the Sudanese people, nor benefit any political party in the country. As to the SPLM decision, by now, it should be clear to the Arab ruling class and the world at large, that the Southern people responded in one voice regardless their differences. This is a clear indication that this time around, no force; no money; no individual or group who are lusting for blood money, can stop the aspiration of South Sudan people.

We believed the time is against the use of cheap politics, dictatorship; and the message is that make no mistake that when it came to the issue of protecting the CPA, we the people of South Sudan are united. The timing also is where the wave of liberation and the quest for freedom is all over the country. The liberation struggle of marginalized, and oppressed masses of the Sudan who find themselves hopeless and fragmented, have taken place from Nuba Mountain, Darfare, and to the East of Beja. And as such it appeared that, the York of darkness where the rulers of Sudan encouraged and created tension between tribes and clan against the common unity among different ethnics group by causing havoc is over.

It is with this political stand that the SSUDA leadership would like to send a clear message to all marginalized Sudanese in particularly Southerners, that repeated attempt by the National Congress Party to delay and destroy the CPA is not an act against the SPLM, but it is an act intended to obstacle the road to freedom, justice, equality, democracy, and social development. As was clearly stipulated in the CPA, the first step is to form the Government of National Unity and the South Sudan Government. This will follow by the population census. Without census no election; without election there will be no democratic government. Without democratically elected government in place, there will be no referendum for South Sudan in 2011.

Thus, the political stake here is going against all marginalized people and all political parties in the Sudan. This is the reason why all Southern democratic organizations and major political parties in the North are supporting the SPLM decision. To the negative however, the SSUDA leadership felt that the current pullout or call for 10 to 19 Ministers have little impact on the National Unity Government. We believed the right and effective, but risk decision should have been taken to withdraw the parliament members. Should the SPLM and others political parties taken such decision; the Omar Al Bashir government would have collapsed. By then, the only way out is to immediately negotiate and fully implement the CPA or declare war against the SPLM.

Though during our consultation, somewhere, the leadership of SSUDA been told that taking such decision “is to risk the war, and we do not want to go to war at this time”. However, and to the contrary, we strongly believed that the Bashir National Congress Party has no political moral and public support to bravely wage another war in South Sudan against the will of international community and the Sudanese people. To our understanding the dying regime of Bashire has only one and only one choice of survival. The regime can only save itself if the CPA is implemented; and this is to say, until the election time. At this time it is only the marginalized and the oppressed majority of the Sudan who can determine the future of Sudan. Because the politics of emancipation that was spearheaded by the Southerners since 1956, has reached to highest stage where no force can altered it.

Finally, at this historical juncture, in which we are facing the second phase of liberation struggle, SSUDA calls on all Southern political parties to unite despite their minor differences and watch out for mercenary forces who are prepared by the enemy to carry-out the mission of destruction of South Sudan. We also calls on the Sudanese people of North, East, and West to watch closely the wolves in cheep’s skin who are walking around preaching democracy, peace, while preparing for the worst chaos and instability of your country.

Long live struggle for freedom, equality, justice, and democracy!!!

South Sudan United Democratic Alliance, Executive Political Bureau (EPB)


Ojulu Ochalla, SSUDA Chairman

For contact: [email protected]


  • Santino Akot

    South Sudan alliance supports SPLM withrawal from unity government

    I,Santino.who lefted Sudan since 1986
    like the rest of other Southern Sudanese
    have read this article.and very proud
    for what the South Sudan United Democratic Alliance(SSUDA).have stated
    in the new is right.

    I wish Sothern Sudanese,will think like
    this.either North,East,West,South. and
    central Sudan will do the same.then,see.
    If,this gridy Government will get a way
    with this game he is playing right now
    to the South.and the rest of the world.
    especially,United Nation,European Union
    ,African Union,United States.and the
    rest of the world who were there during
    the signing of Comprehensive peace a
    greement(CPA)in 2005.yet the NCP delay
    implementation.If,this Government think
    he is not making this peace like 1972
    Addis-Ababa Ethiopia peace agreement.

    Event though now,I live in United States
    ,I still know the history of Sudan.
    thank to whoever concern about CPA
    either you from North or South.and
    believe in this right of reality.
    You can reach me at:
    [email protected]

  • Majur Ador
    Majur Ador

    South Sudan alliance supports SPLM withrawal from unity government
    Let me take this opportunity to give my very calculated thank to the management and memebrs of SSUDA for their matured decision of supporting SPLM withdrawal from the GONU for the cause of marginalised peoples of Sudan.

    Remeber we cannot be having true friends without true enemies and at this NIF/NCP with its allies are the peoples’ enemies if they cannot fairly implemet CPA as signed. So unless we hate what we not, we cannot love what we are.

    My message to all recognised parties in Sudan is that they should come together and join SPLM to combat politically or otherwise in the struggle for just and democratic Sudan free of discrimination of whatsoever.

    Finally don’t forget that the enemy of your enemy is a friend and enemy of your friend is your enemy, so WATCH OUT AND CAREFULL

    Majur Ador

    Greator Yirol

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