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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan says important rebel group to join Darfur peace talks

November 2, 2007 (SERTE, Libya) –- Sudanese top negotiator for Darfur peace talks showed optimism over the future of the AU-UN brokered peace talks saying that one of the main rebel groups in the war-torn region is willing to join the peace talks

Nafi Ali Nafi
Nafi Ali Nafi
Sudanese Presidential Assistant, Nafi Ali Nafi, said that an important rebel group in Darfur is in contact with the mediators and wants to meet government delegation for the peace talks.

Nafi said that there are signs that this “influential movement” wants to joint the peace process.

Three main groups boycott the peace talks in Sirte, the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdelwahid al-Nur who rejects the current process demanding security for Darfur civilians before any talks. Justice and Equality Movement of Khalil Ibrahim who demands to be associated in the preparations of the talks and the choice of the rebels that attending the talks. SLM-Unity led by Abdalla Yahya who demands more time to realize rebels’ unity.

Sudan chief negotiator was opposed to the delay of the peace talks but he reversed his position and accepted the postponement of the talks till December in order to give rebel groups more time to adopt united vision.

“Let us hope for the best in the 2nd and 3rd phases of negotiations,” said Nafi, expressing optimism over the success of the peace process in Darfur and described what is been achieved so far as considerable progress.


1 Comment

  • Juach D Juach
    Juach D Juach

    Sudan says important rebel group to join Darfur peace talks
    Mr Nafi, you are wrong completely, there is nothing called important group!. This is another plot of divide and rule over Fur people. Designating some as good and others as outlawed to be excluded will never bring a long lasting peace to any part of Sudan. Hope the Darfurians have learnt from the past mistakes in the South Sudan when the Jallaba was playing around with us before we knew the rules of the game.
    Struggle continues Darfur oyee! “Africans” in Sudan oyee!

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