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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan peace partners agree on pending issue except Abyei

November 3, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — The heads of the two main political forces in the government of national unity have reached an agreement on all the pending issue in the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement except Abyei issue.

The minister of the presidency in the government of southern Sudan, Luka Piong, told reporters here in Khartoum that President Omer al-Bashir and First-Vice President Salva Kiir Mayadrit will issue important decisions to reactivate the political partnership between the National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

He said that the two peace partners agreed on all issues discussed in the meeting except Abyei.

Piong said that Bashir and Salva Kiir met Friday in Khartoum and discussed all the issues raised by the SPLM and the NCP. He added that they agreed to form a joint technical panel to prepare all the decisions related to the population census, borders demarcation and national reconciliation in a period not exceeding December 31.

According to the southern Sudan government official, SPLM ministers who quit the national unity government on September 11 in protest at slow progress in implementing the agreement would return to their jobs once the necessary steps had been taken to carry out the outcome of Friday meeting, Piong added.

“We want this return to be made at a ceremony which will mark the re-launch of implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement,” he said.

In a meeting held on October 18, the president and his first deputy discussed the pending issues in the peace agreement. In the top of these issue were the Abyei, north south border demarcation, national census, the meeting also discussed issues related to human rights and fundamental freedom like the attack on the SPLM premises and unlawful detention of SPLM members in northern jails.


On Saturday, before starting visits to Burundi and South Africa, president al-Bashir who was accompanied by first vie-president Salva Kiir told the press that the Presidency meeting Friday was able to surpass the political crisis completely, adding that all issues were discussed and full agreement was reached on them, except Abyei issue.

While Salva Kiit added that the issue of Abyei would be deliberated on in the coming meetings of the Presidency, pointing out that timetables would be set for implementation of the issues agreed upon.

In the next meeting the SPLM is expected to represent its demand for a series of measures to alleviate Abyei population and to release an emergency fund to facilitate the return of displaced persons to the region.

The ruling party NCP and the SPLM signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement on January 9 2005 to end a 21-year civil war, which has constituted the longest civil war in the African continent.

The SPLM decided on October 11 to withdraw its ministers from the national unity government to protest for the non implementation of the CPA. This decision followed months of acrimony between the SPLM and the NCP, each side accusing the other of failing to follow the peace agreement.



  • bol II
    bol II

    Sudan peace partners agree on pending issue except Abyei
    Why is the Abyei issue not included,
    does it means that it is a minor case or a separate case from the dicussed matters?

    Make sure you discussed before going back to the Sudan Gov.

    And your decission will be appreciated by all.

    Posted By Bol M Chol

  • Samson Liberty

    Sudan peace partners agree on pending issue except Abyei
    Except Abyei means a lot, remember when the delegation of International Elders visited Sudan last month ,Natinal Congress Party (NCP) told them that the CPA was 90% already implemented.But the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement(SPLM)On 11 October,2007 contradicted the allegation by suspending participation in the Government of National Unity (GoNU),saying major issues in the CPA not implemented including Abyei.Now after resolving remaining issues,except Abyei issue ie the Abyei Boundary Commission (ABC),the presidency may definitely conlude that the CPA is now 100% implemented.Therefore the Abyei issue may remain a toothache for no reason.

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    Sudan peace partners agree on pending issue except Abyei
    These are promising statements from the two peace partners ,but the sudanese people have been frustrated by the present political state of affairs in the country, and will anticipate the two partners translate every decision they take into actions before the 31 december of the current year. The NCP must be more practical than being theoretical on the CPA implemnetation.

    Gatluak Latjor

    South Sudan.

  • David Mayen Deng
    David Mayen Deng

    Sudan peace partners agree on pending issue except Abyei
    It is relatively good news to the casual observer to learn that the peace partners, SPLM and NCP, have agreed on all pending issues, except Abyei. However, recent developments project a different picture on the level of acrimony still present amidst the “partners”.

    Whenever the marginalized African Sudanese (an absolute majority, but most disempowered) attempted to come together, the Khartoum government became restless and paranoid. Ma’Nafi’s reaction to the presence of an SPLM delegation, even just as passive observers, is but one reflection of the degree of paranoia and restlessness the few ArabArabised leaders of Khartoum are suffering from nowadays. Recent developments in the country indicate that the table of power is already have-way turned over their heads. Since the Mahadist Revolution that thrived on slave trade in South Sudan and Nuba Mountains, the marginalized ethnic Africans of Sudan had never been closer to taking back the country to its mother continent in which the roots of the country’s identity sink so deep. When Dr. John said that peace in Darfur could never be de-linked from peace in South Sudan and the entire country, the few rulers of Khartoum started shaking in fear and asked: “what do these people really want !?” well, they just want the country’s identity to reflect its human composition, if I may answer.

    Let’s briefly reflect on a strongly related (all things do not operate in a vacuum nowadays) manifestation of the paranoia our “rulers” are currently experiencing as they confront the SPLM at the CPA front:

    On Ethnicity and Identity: The disgraced Taha went to the national TV and enumerated deceptive reasons which tried to incriminate the GOSS and paint it as an irresponsible partner before the Sudanese people. Among other things, Mr.Taha (disgraced Taha) tried to argue for the reasons why they opted not to include Ethnicity and Religion on the census forms due to be distributed and filled by all the Sudanese people soon. The disgraced Taha argued that the inclusion of Ethnicity and Religion would undermine the unity of Sudan – that there is a consensus in Africa not to include those two elements on population census forms because of the many negatives that may result from their inclusion. Well, assuming that his argument may hold some water in a sociology class; could it be true on the ground of Sudanese reality as well? NO! One of the reasons why Sub-Saharan African countries do not /do not need to include ethnicity on their census forms is that their countries are not forced by a few rulers to join the Arab League. They are proud to be Africans and know, by looks and biological realities, that they are Africans. Is this the case in our beloved Sudan? NO! A few dictators in Khartoum decided that Sudan is an Arab country – and the Dinka, Nuba, Zaghawa, Kakwa, Danagla, Shiluk, Balanda, Halfaween, Nuer, Zande, Hadandawa, etc, etc should just shut-up! Sudan is an Arab country, period! Well, Mr.Taha, we know that such identifications are derived from a single source, STATISTICS; on which other bases did you decide that Sudan is an Arab country? What is the premise of your classifying the country as belonging to the Arab world? To simplify that for your simple and cunning mind Mr.Taha: what statistics did youdo you want to rely on in the future for continuing to classify us as Arabs apart from population census?

    On Religion(Islam) and identity: There is no reason, whatsoever, to mix matters of faith with biological realities- for the simple fact that faith is vulnerable to change given the fact that we are reasoning animals, whereas biological realities are permanent and inalterable. The marriageability of faith and ethnicity has never happened in the history of human existence on this planet, except in The Republic of Sudan where convenience forced their court-ship. There are many examples of Muslim countries that did not join the Arab League even when their populations are over 99.9% Muslim – Iran, Senegal, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Malysia, etc.

    So, the few rulers of Khartoum thought that to include the two questions about Ethnicity and Religion would have an everlasting impact on how the country looks at itself. If one travels in South Sudan (leave alone the rest of New Sudan, Nuba Mountains and Angasana Hills) one would know the big myth in which Sudan was forced to live as a nation since “independence”. For instance, the only estimation on the population of the Dinka was conducted almost five decades ago, and it assumed that the Dinka stood at 3 millions- almost one third of the whole population of Sudan which was about 10 millions. Now, many believe that the Dinka are about 6.5-7 millions – any skeptic should just have a trip to Bahar El-Ghazal to see for him/herself. On the other hand, the Nuer are now estimated to be one million (instead of at least 2.5) – again, I strongly believe that it is another calculated move to undercut the population of one of the bravest warrior tribes on earth. In addition, the region of Equatoria may hold not less than 7-8 million inhabitants. To include other tribes in Bahar Al-Ghazal and Upper Nile, like the Shiluk, Balanda,etc we may roughly estimate the population of South Sudan to be close to 18 million (i.e. almost halve of the population of Sudan).

    Now, so briefly and to the point, the objective behind undercutting the population of South Sudan is a military one. If the South was conscious about its numerical superiority it would have had a boosting impact on its self-belief and that, in turn, would have tilted the balance of power substantially on the military front in favor of South Sudan- it is worth noting that numerical superiority was the only reason for South Sudan to survive the vicious military incursions of the militarily well-equipped north. And since the coming census is to be international monitored, hence possibly accurate, Khartoum would do anything in its dwindling powers to hide those two important aspects of the identity of Sudan. If the Sudanese people wake up one morning and discover that almost halve of the population is Christian or affiliates to Christianity and over 85% is ethnically African, Sudan will have changed forever. And since the rest of the African tribes in Sudan are now increasingly becoming proud of their “African-ness” , questions about Religion and Ethnicity sends waves of wake-up shocks into the conscience of the nation which will “never be the same again”, to quote our late hero.

    David Mayen Deng, The Center for International Human Rights Law and Advocacy, The University of Denver

  • Deng Mabeny Kuot

    Sudan peace partners agree on pending issue except Abyei
    Zero ethnic and political relation between Larab of the North with Abyei Dinka. I urge both associates in CPA (NCP and SPLM) not to eliminate the Abyei issue out of the CPA central elements which resulted to the extraction of the SPLM from GoNU. I feel bad to hear that both parties had agreed on all the other crucial issues exception of Abyei subject because we had not yet answer the Abyei musician question of “Abyei e yi dong wei kade.” I also urge Abyei to claim and decide on how to leave the hungry wolf, whom they have zero relation with.
    Deng Mabeny Kuot

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