Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

China invests 6 billion dollars in Sudan’s oil

November 5, 2007 (KHARTOUM) – The total amount of the Chinese investments in Sudan the field of petroleum have reached more than six billion dollars in Sudan in the past decade at around 14 oil projects, a Sudanese diplomat said.

al-Bashir_Hu_Jintao.jpgAmbassador at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ali Yousif, Ali Yousif gave a paper Monday at a workshop organized on the “challenges facing peace in Sudan” which was organized by the Middle East Studies Centre in collaboration with the Beijing-based International Relations Studies Institute.

He said that China has so for provided five preferential loans to Sudan amounting to 184 million dollars. He also reviewed progress of the commercial cooperation between Sudan and China has jumped from 74 million dollars in 1989 to 3.9 billion dollars in the year 2005.

Yousif indicated that Sudan is considered the third commercial partner of China in Africa, only preceded by Angola and South Africa, the official SUNA reported.

The most important venture undertaken by China in Sudan is Merowe Dam project, which is regarded as one of the biggest project implemented by Sudan throughout its history at a cost of 50 million dollars.

The Sudanese diplomat recommended that a higher council be formed for the promotion of the Sudanese – Chinese relations. This council would be chaired by the Vice – President of the Republic in both countries, the further said.


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