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Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopia ready to cooperate with US Africa Command – Zenawi

By Tesfa-alem Tekle

November 9, 2007 (ADDIS ABABA) — Prime minister, Meles Zenawi, said Ethiopia is ready to work closely with the US Command to be established soon in Africa.

Meles Zenawi
Meles Zenawi
Meles made the remark when he holds talks with US Africa command commander, General William E. Ward, on Thursday at the premiums office.

“The US Africa command will be important in playing a major role in bringing lasting peace and security across the continent” Meles said.

The US Africa command which its head office is not yet decided will assist the cotinent during emergencies and insecurity problems.

“The command will be in major input in bringing solution to African crises and security related problems that could arise though African leaders and governments are the main actors to find their own problems by them selves” Meles added

Commander of US Africa command general William E. Ward on his side said “The command will put its maximum effort along with African countries to assure peace and stability across the countries”.

Command will also work together with African nations to tacle. The rising fear of terror network in Africa.

According to general word the command will serve as a center for facilitating US-Africa cooperation based on mutual benefits and understanding.

“The command will be on a alert to directly assist African countries on demanded request they make when ever insecurity arises” he added.



  • Africom

    Ethiopia ready to cooperate with US Africa Command – Zenawi
    AFRICOM is not going to Africa with humanitarian mission in mind, it is going to Africa to challenge China’s growing military and economic influence over African countries, which is bound to happen no matter what. America has been reluctant to invest in Africa, and now she sees some one interested to invest, suddenly that makes her mad and breathes fire. What a hypocritical position to hold on to. They have been making the African continent so unlivable for many of the African citizens with knowledge are migrating for America. Africa is a source of knowledgeable human capital for America. Today there are more African professionals living in the US than in Africa. Essentially, America has been robbing African brain power for the past several decades causing African Brain Drain. Now with Africom, she is coming to inherite the land.

    Today, China is a growing competition to the United States of America. Unlike US, China is receiving a welcome open door from Africans, and America is sickened over this growing warm relation between China and Africa. Much like you mentioned in the main article America is unhappy that China is looking deep into Africans’ ground, China has 1.3 billion people and over 900 million of them are living below average and China needs African resources to develop all those citizens and transfer to superpowerdom. Africa is the only continent that has the resources China requires to grow on. Americans, from far right to the center and to the left are not happy that China is growing. China’s growth will definitely mean America’s declination. Today China has invested over a $Trillion$ in the American economy, and that means China owns nearly 50% of all money each and every American has in his/her pocket. Americas’ economy is growing between 2% to 3% yearly, while China’s economy is expanding over 10% per year, in few years time China’s GDP is expected to out compete America’s yearly GDP. To counter all this new developments America is doing everything she can, including re-colonizing Africa under the pretext of sending a “humanitarian assistance,” Africom.

    Their argument is that they are creating AFRICOM to pacify terrorism threat throughout Africa, but there is no terrorism in Africa any more than there is in America. Major threat in Africa is civil unrest and hunger, most of the time created by foreign interference. America’s concern in Africa is installing puppet regimes all around African countries and do whatever they want. Hence, AFRICOM is designed for that reason nd it should not be welcomed. What is happening in Ethiopia is a good example of what Americans plan to do in Africa. They bought Ethiopian foreign policy thru unlikely compromise, Ethiopia was forced to enter into war with Somalia, these are two impoverished countries in the whole of Africa and perhaps the whole world. They lived side by side for centuries, thanks to the 1885 Berlin conference “scramble for Africa” meeting they collided in late 1970s but it was resolved it amicably.

    Since 1991 Somalia has been a state without government, and after all the deaths and destruction the Somalis decide to come together under one government so as to reconstitute Somalia. In 1994 US entered Somalia for humanitarian reasons and somehow lost 18 American servicemen. Since then the war lords came to a certain agreement that they all can live under a certain lull. America was helping some of the war lords destabilizing the country. In 1997 Somalis tried to organize and elect a government, and that was not possible because America was helping the war lords, then the government was dissolved and another government was in the works, as time goes by the world was also changing, 9/11 happens and helping the war lords continued even after 9/11. As we all know the Bush administration is guided by few blood thirsty individuals, so they decided they continue helping the war lords until they were evicted by the vitorious ICU.

    By then Somalis were fed up of 15 years killing and destruction so they decided to throw all their weights behind the only viable force that was gaining popularity. That force was ICU, and they managed to clean all the war lords supported by America. It is so funny; this transitional government was organized by Weyane (current Ethiopian regime) as soon as the previous government was dissolved. However, America was not interested in this regime; so they continued their assistance to the war lords to weaken the regime Weyane put together. In the midst of all the splits the ICU became victorious to consolidating power and winning over the transitional federal government Weyane put together and the war lords the US was supporting to destabilize the Transitional federal government. Not knowing the US and the Weyane regime were competing head to head for the hearts and minds of Somalis.

    When ICU came to power the Americans got mad, so did the Weyanes. However, Somalis were happy and the new regime began its work of rehabilitating the infrastructure and all institutions, the universities and colleges began giving services and all the high schools and elementary schools opened for the first time in 15 years. Somalis were happy under the ICU, but the foreign interference continued unabated. The Americans lost the war lords, now they only had one way to destabilize Somalia once again, that opportunity was available thru the Weyane ruling Ethiopia. This regime is another desperate regime that was just about to collapse under its own weight, ecause it called for a national election and lost that election? The Weyane regime in Ethiopia is a minority regime that has created by ethnocentric system of divide and rule policy. As fervor revolution started to brew in Ethiopia the Weyane regime used force to quell it for a while, but realized it would be difficult to contain the rising tide. So it applies with the US states department for help. Un holly alliance would be formed right at that moment between Weyane andBush administration.

    The state department realizing this new opportunity jumped on the band wagon to support the Weyane regime as long as it obeys the wishes of the state department. The Weyane regime was so desperate, it signed on for the help in an exchange to salvage its control over Ethiopia. The US did this knowingly that it is violating the 95% Ethiopian majority. As soon as all conditions are set, the Weyane regime began planting bombs in the capital to scare the public and justify the invasion of Somalia to come, in the process they had to kill innocent Ethiopians on busses and taxis. As soon as the American congress was disbanded for the holiday break on Dec 21, 2006 the Bush administration gave the Weyane regime the go ahead on Dec 22, 2006. The invasion was supported by US air force and they began their incursion on heavily populated areas with total disregard to civilian lives. The invasion was planed to take two weeks and hopped to complete the invasion of Somalia by the time the Democratic majority congress in America convenes to resume its function. Well the war went on, and it’s going on to this day ten months after the invasion. This is what America does to Sub Saharan Africa.

    They brought a black lady to guide another wrong war and it might help to put a black face for public relations (PR). That face was a Harvard Kennedy school of government educated, Dr. Jedayi Frazer. What a drama that is, a black woman is brought to help with the raping and destruction in Somalia. Little girls were being raped by a dozen Ethiopian advancing forces, in a Moslem culture that is the worst thing anyone can do to them, disrespecting their women. The Somalis who were saved from death and destruction by the arrival of the ICU are now angry on US for destabilizing their country. The Weyane regime gave the reason as to why they are invading Somalia was that it was the terrorists that were planting bombs in the busses and taxis in Addis, the truth is that it was the Weyane regime in Ethiopia that was planting bombs to use it as a scare tactic, when that reason was being puked on by the Ethiopian majorities, then they shifted the reason to the ICU was looking to expand its territory into Ogaden, what a lie that was! They mastered the art of lying, especially since they associated with the Bush administration policy designers.

    Somalis everywhere were told to support the invasion concocted by the Americans in conjunction with the Weyane regime. How funny the state department is, it used to support the war lords to destabilize Somalis transitional federal government, and they made a “U” turn in their policy design to support it now. These are the same Bush administration people, prior to June 2006 they were supporting the war lords against the Transitional federal government, and after June 2006 once the ICU consolidated power they started to support the Transitional federal government. For a first timer this is too hard to process, but for those of us who have been following the region’s political chaos it is another comical event. The funny thing is they brought an ebony face to their grand design, Ms Jendayi Frazer. She too is rolling with the white supremacy program.

    Ms. Frazer is now angry that Eritreans are giving the Somalis a room to make peace. Ms. Frazer however, is so upset that she too has become more like slave master ordering everyone to do this and do that. Lately, she is threatening Eritrea to get with the program of accepting white supremacy and AFRICOM or else they too will be rolled over with the US bulldozer policy. Only, if she knew what she is doing is anti African, I hope she will realize that she is being used to change the course of African history to make it look worse than it is. Soon she would also realize that she too is nothing but Bush’s black condoms like Condi and her predecessor Col. Colin Powell.

    While we mourn over those who have lost their lives thru unnecessary war of aggression by the American empire against Africans, but we continue to hope for better tomorrow for Africa and Africans. I also wish Ms. Frazer that she is another soiled glove planting evil seedlings all around her ancestors’ land. Somalis who have been seeking for peace for the last 16 years will hopefully gain it at the end. May all the Gods of positive forces come together to make that possible. I also wish for China to rise faster and counter the violently declining US imperial power and force it to recoil back much like its predecessor, the European empire in the last century. While many are focusing on Darfur, Somalia is collapsing before our eyes, thanks to Bush he has created Iraq to the Somalis, and to the world he has given them another humanitarian catastrophe to deal with.

    Why would Africans like America, while America is setting our continent ablaze under the pretext of fighting terrorism? Whites have always been the evils of our Earth, for the first time in history of our world an Arab man (Osama Bin Laden) out eviled them. In my book though, they still occupy the top of the list for the incarnation of evil. Under their watch a million Rwandese Tutsis were exterminated, under their watch Darfur is burning, and now Somalia is collapsing, thanks to their invisible hand Zimbabweans are carrying the brunt of white supremacy policy much like the Iraqis between 1991 and 1996 until 2003. If you ask Zimbabweans they would tell you Mugabe is at fault, because they do not know what goes on in the minds of American policy designers.

    We all are watching what is happening in Iraq today, at least 1500 civilians die monthly. These are human beings like you and me, these people who are dying by thousands today have paid dearly during Sadam Hussen, and the followed by American invasion in 1991 which followed by severe sanction that lasted until their demise 2003. The destruction continues as you read this commentary, they are dying by thousands migrated from their homes by millions. All this is happening because of the same devilish whites who rule America, they accuse others not being patriotic if you question their poor judgments. As recent as August 2005 they ignored a looming hurricane that destroyed the hub of African American majority city, New Orleans, LA. When confronted with facts they tried to shift blame on others, they do not admit problems they make, but they are quick to create so many at a time. So what makes you think America is setting up AFRICOM to help Africa? If they do not like their own Black citizens what makes you think they like African blacks who have different culture and language? Think about it.

    AFRICOM is not a solution to Africa’s problem, our problem in Africa is their unwanted intervention and AFRICOM will only complicate our problem further. They plan to make headquarter in of the three countries; Nigeria, South Africa, and Ethiopia are among the candidates to host AFRICOM’s headquarter. All of these countries are happy to host AFRICOM, because it will help the incumbent stay in power indefinitely. While the two countries are fully utilizing democratic principles to change administrations, but Ethiopia remains under one strong man rule. However, to compensate for the shortcoming in the democracy department the Weyane regime ruling Ethiopia has opted to volunteer for America by invading Somalia.

    Let me close this commentary by saying, AFRICOM is bad for Africa’s progress and it will be the last holder for America to stay sole superpower. And eventually AFRICOM will be their last institution and Africa is the last battle frontier to challenge the growing influence of India’s and China’s military and economic might to be fealt throughout the African continent. IT IS A BAD IDEA FOR AFRICANS LONG TERM PROGRESS.

  • Kifly Merhu
    Kifly Merhu

    Ethiopia ready to cooperate with US Africa Command – Zenawi
    The west told us, the Africans are not able to govern themselves. Obviosly there is something truth behind that claim. We are currently observing the prove, that the current PM of Ethiopia is iviting them to help him how to govern his country and how to invade and destablize neihbouring countries in the gise of combating terrorism.

    For how long would be Africa the playground of the west? When do we take our destiny in our hand? Is Africa still in slavery?, my answer is yes.

  • Matthew

    Ethiopia ready to cooperate with US Africa Command – Zenawi
    The USA Africom is a good idea and the US should just contact the Government of Southern for the land and space to establish the centre. Southern Sudan will be very strategic while the small office in Djibuti and Ethipia could facilitate smooth operation. Southern Sudan is the right place for the Africom. Those who are opposing this are the anti US war on terror

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