Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jarch oil company exhorts South Sudan to proclaim independance



November 14, 2007 — When Jarch says, “It’s YOUR Land, YOUR Oil!”, it is not just a slogan. We mean it. Jarch believes that the benefits of the resources from the land should go to the people of the land. However, this is not happening. Sudan exports $6 billion worth of crude oil. Out of the $6 billion, 80% of the oil comes from the South or $4.8 billion. The CPA calls for the South to get 50% of the revenues from oil derived from the South. This would come to $2.4 billion but the South is only getting $1.2 billion or 25% of the revenues. This is not enough to build the South

The companies operating in the South continue to work against the people in many ways. Companies that work on the land should work FOR the people and not against them.

Jarch has the interest of the people in mind. That is why our agreements have a 10% royalty and up to 75% of the profits going to the South. We will train you; we will build hospitals and schools; we will protect your environment; we will respect you as the owners of the land. And the Jarch Foundation will be for you, the people. At least ten percent of our profits will be returned to the people in addition to any contractual obligation. Our interests are aligned and we are ready to begin when you are.

Lets us build South Sudan together. Tell your leaders, you want your wealth; you want what is rightfully yours; you want your peace dividend; and you want it now. You want Jarch now.



  • Deng Thiak Adut
    Deng Thiak Adut

    Jarch oil company exhorts South Sudan to proclaim independance
    It NO surprise that every Oil company seem to have slogan in the beginning to acquire the public approval. I have no doubt that if Company like “Jarch” allow to practice in the south, distinctively different from China, and other Arab control company, South Sudan should be benefiting from good faith. I do encourage more companies to take the same step and make a deal with the South Sudan Government. I believe that my fellow, and dearest friend from Bentiu in particular had suffered because of ill-government interest in oil than in people and their land.

  • aguer alaak
    aguer alaak

    Jarch oil company exhorts South Sudan to proclaim independance
    Very wonderful article,excellent if those words are what you stand for and you shall be the choice of many southerners who upto date doesn,t know whether oil can build the wrecked land they live in.Good advertisement I like it.

  • Kony Alieth David
    Kony Alieth David

    Jarch oil company exhorts South Sudan to proclaim independance
    Well, Jarch company for your interest to work for Southern Sudanese for thier oil to give them some benefit . It is really as you said but all the promises that are met by companies can not be offer as the promises them to the citizens. It look as if you want to enter through that channel and later on you will come and calloberate with some very important government officials and forget the development with people who suffered for this freedom and the common man.
    We fought to enjoyed the , death of our brothers who died and pour down thier blood during the war not for company with no objective to the suffered people of South Sudan.

  • som luk
    som luk

    Jarch oil company exhorts South Sudan to proclaim independance
    like you think we don’t know…WESTERN WORLD come for profit or their own benefit. they don’t care about no body. especially when we are talking business. you guys come with a smilly face and a knife behind…every where a western touch, there will be a desaster now or later no matter what..i bet your company is now looking for a village head leader or a rebellion person to cooperate with and fund him to start a rebel faction so he can controll the land while such company can drill the oil and fund him underground…

    it’s not something new..95% of oil industries..do that…

    most arab and asian company come with nothing to hide..either bad or not, they will come with their knives in front of them..nothing behind..



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