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Sudan Tribune

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TEXT- Nine Darfur rebel factions reunite under one structure

November 14, 2007 (JUBA) — Nine rebel Darfur factions have decided to reunite their political organisations and military structures under the name of SLM today in Juba, they further said willing to meet the African Union and United Nations mediators.

Khamis_Abdalla_Ahmed_Abdulshafi.jpgIn a “Charter of Unification” issued today, the signatories of the document said they agree to unify under the name of the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A) and to disband their existing organisations.

They rebel factions set up a collective leadership formed by the signatories of the charter to realise the unification process “prior to leaving Juba” the statement said.

This move comes after more than a month of meetings in the capital of southern Sudan, Juba. The SPLM leadership which has undertaken this initiative in spite of the joint mediation disregard and the Sudanese government criticism can say they succeeded where the other failed.

However, the importance of this unification, that all the small groups are now decided to work together and they also inspire to rally the important groups.

Jarelnabi Abdelkarim one of the rebel SLM commanders in North Darfur, told the Agence France Presse that they tasked a committee to contact the Justice and Equality Movement of Khalil Ibrahim and SLM-Unity of Abdalla Yahya, to initiate coordination with them.

“We have set up a committee tasked with contacting the two movements and if possible, to initiate coordination with them,” said Abdel Karim.

Attempts would also be made to reach out to the historic SLM/A leader, Abdel Wahid Nur, who lives in exile in Paris, he added.

The new structure encompasses six SLM factions plus Democratic Popular Front, Sudanese Revolutionary Front and JEM- Field revolutionary Command, a group that splinted from JEM last month.

Most of these factions and movements boycotted UN and AU peace negotiations in Libya on October 27 that quickly broke down.

Jarelnabi said the new united front was willing to meet the UN special envoy to Sudan, Jan Eliasson, and his AU counterpart, Salim Ahmed Salim, who were due in Khartoum on Wednesday, to relaunch the quest for peace in Darfur.


Below the text of the Charter of Unification:


Date: November 13, 2007

Sudan Liberation Movement/Army- (SLM/A)

Justice and Equality Movement- Field Revolutionary Command

Democratic Popular Front- (DPF)

Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF)

Faithful to our aims to unify all parties and to eliminate divisions and disagreements… In view of our common values of the struggle to fulfil the aspirations of our people and our fighting military forces… Considering the desires of the Darfur victims… Fulfilling and preserving the pledge we have made to our people and to our fallen comrades… And in appreciation for the efforts exerted by our friends and the courageous stance taken by the world community towards our people; on the basis of the responsibilities of the current phase of struggle… We the undersigned, leaders of SLM/A factions and military sections, the Justice and Equality Movement- Field Revolutionary Command, the Democratic Popular Front (DPF), and the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF), agreed on the following:

1- All the undersigned will unify under the name of the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army;

2- To establish a special commission represented by the undersigned to initiate and conclude the unification process prior to leaving Juba;

3- To step down from all titles, political or military;

4- To dissolve all existing organizations’ structure (political and military);

5- To designate the existing organizations’ structures to carry out the duties of each respective organization until the unity process is complete;

6- In order to safeguard the integrity of the unification, the current unity process shall be based on solid political programs, the rule of law, and a strong constitution and bylaws;

7- The current unity process shall select (as a matter of priority) a balanced organizational structure/system. A system that is capable of controlling and implementing all unity programs.

The undersigned:

1. Mohamed Ali Klai- SLM/A

2. Ahmed Abdelshafi Toba- SLM/A

3. Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim- SLM/A

4. Siddig Abdelkarim Nasir (Siddig Masalleit)- SLM/A

5. Dr. Salih Adam Ishag- SLM/A- Northern Command

6. Haroun Ahmed Haran- SLM/A-Unity 1

7. Mohamed Salih Hamid (Harba)- JEM- Field revolutionary Command

8. Siddig Mohamed Abdelrahman (Under)- Democratic Popular Front

9. Musa Hassan Musa- Sudanese Revolutionary Front

Signed in Juba, South Sudan on this thirteenth day of November of the year two thousand and seven

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