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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM leader pledges swift action against child abductions

November 15, 2007 (WASHINGTON) — Salva Kiir, First Vice President of the Government of National Unity of Sudan and President of the Government of Southern Sudan pledged action to control a wave of abductions that have led to the disappearance of more than 450 children in the last two years.

yar.jpgPresident Kiir, who was in Washington on an official visit, granted a meeting with the Minnesota student group at the request of US lawmakers.

The group also called upon Ismael Kony, a member of Kiir’s coalition government once recognized as the leader of the Murle militia groups, to negotiate with Murle leaders.

Kony had publicly declared earlier this month demanded that the Murle groups cease abductions.

Kiir told members of the Save Yar Campaign on Nov. 10 that negotiations were not possible with the Murle militia which is believed to be behind the abductions.

The SPLM leader stressed that only military force could halt the abduction spree. However the Save Yar Campaign urged Kiir to attempt peaceful means to persuade the Murles’ to cease the abductions.

The Save Yar Campaign called on Kony to personally negotiate with Murle leaders to cease abductions and release previously abducted children.

US Senator Betty McCollum from Minnesota met with Kiir on November 8 and asked that he investigate the abduction one of her constituents two nieces, Gabriel Solomon of St. Paul.

Senators Coleman and Klobuchar sent a joint letter Nov. 9 to Kiir urging him to meet with Solomon and consider the proposals of the Save Yar Campaign, writing: “We believe this crisis presents an important opportunity for the Government of South Sudan to distinguish itself in the world community as a government that protects the rights of its most vulnerable citizens”.

The students urged the U.S. Congress to monitor the abduction crisis through official communications and congressional hearings. The campaign demanded that the US work through its existing development partnership with South Sudan to address the health and economic problems that provide motives for child abduction.




Solomon’s nieces – Yar Mading, age 3, and 18-month-old Ajak Mading – were abducted October 3 in Jonglei state, South Sudan. Their great-grandmother was fatally shot in the abduction and their grandmother grievously wounded.

The Murle were funded by North Sudan during the recent civil war and did not lay down arms after the U.S.-brokered peace agreement. They seize children from neighboring communities to raise as their own.

With local officials taking no action for a month to locate or free the girls, Solomon and three fellow University of Minnesota students traveled to Washington, D.C., to attempt to meet with Kiir during his visit for talks with U.S. officials.

Joining Solomon, 27, in the 45-minute private audience with President Kiir and his advisers was Amanda Lyons, 25, law student and president of the U. of M. Amnesty International Legal Support Network. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs students Robyn Skrebes, 26, and James E. Collins, 23, accompanied them to Washington for meetings with key officials in Congress, the State Department, the Labor Department’s office of human trafficking, and the advocacy group Human Rights

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  • Kony Alieth David
    Kony Alieth David

    SPLM leader pledges swift action against child abductions
    Thank you very much Mr Kou solomon and Ms Amanda Lyons for your committment you had made to advocate the child abduction which is being done by Murle here in South Sudan. It is one of human voilation against human being.

    your Meeting with first Vice president and president of GOSS is very crucial to us here in Bor Community, it is a way forward to know that our people are being killed by Ismael Kony militian. who are funded by Sudan Government to creat choas here in South Sudan.
    Your information will make first vice president to think of what is happening in his Government.

    I appeal to you to still follow up and advocate it to people to know the evils act of Mr Kony Ismael.

  • Matthew

    SPLM leader pledges swift action against child abductions
    I think GoSS should tackle the problem holistically. There is a high need to address the problem from the root causes. What is causing Murle to abduct is impotence. They don’t produce because of deadly chronic syphlis that has destroyed the Murle. The lobbysts in the US should look for more research on the importence of Murle. There is a need for scientist to establish a research centre in Murle to address the root causes of importnece of the Murle people, otherwise, they will continue abducting children from Upper Nile and Eastern Equatoria. Most of the Murle young Murle now look typically like the Dinka or people from Eastern Equatoria because they are abductees. In fact there are unreported child abduction cases by the Murle in Eastern Equatoria State especially in Lafon County of Eastern Equatoria State.

  • James James
    James James

    SPLM leader pledges swift action against child abductions
    Definitely the abduction of young innocent children must stop, a military attack against Murle will not make things better at all,that may even worsen everything.

    As matthew stated, the disease that send Murle women baren must be treated, workshops that comprise Murle, Dinka Bor, Anyuak and Lou Nuer should be carried out, I think these are the best ways of handling this kind of situation.

    Attacking people like Ismael Konyi is not right, as we all know there are criminals in any commmunity, somebody like Ismael should not be blame that much just because he is a leader in that particular tribe, there are also criminals in Dinka, Nuer Moro or any other tribe and I don’t think we have to put a blame on their leaders, same should apply to Murle. Ismael himself had tried to return few children before to their families, so blaming him is not good path go follow.

    Lastly, caliming that, there are almost 450 children been taken by Murle last two years,well, I am just surprise if that is reality, because many people may not believe in these figures, however something urgent should be carried out, for I don’t want to see those young kids being targeted for what they don’t even know.

  • James James
    James James

    SPLM leader pledges swift action against child abductions
    What is going on here need more then human brain, some people don’t just understand in southern sudan.

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