Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

No Unity at the expense of others

By Makazu Panskula

November 20, 2007 — If there is anything that I agree on with Dr. John Garang de Mabior, is the idea of the United Sudan because its advantages outweigh the disadvantages. What is Sudanese population, 40 million? In this competitive capitalist global market, population of 40 million is already insignificant and to reduce this it by dividing the country into two nations will even make these new nations slip under the global economic radar. As I write, I am very sad that our great nation of the Sudan also referred to by some Anthropologists: mini-African is heading to split.

However, as a person who believes deeply in democratic process, I have to respect Southern Sudanese decision and in no way shall I refer to them as politicians and citizens with narrow political and economic interest.

The crises that have overshadowed our nation since its inception are entirely blamed on a few Sudanese elites who have been mentally colonized by Egyptians. Sudan has become an experimental ground for Middle East. Any religious practices that is not compatible with modern political and economic structure, is dumped in Sudan; Sharia law, Islamic bank system, Ant-Semitism, name them, are all practiced in the Sudan. Egyptians are instructing Sudanese to hate Jews and yet they are the number one ally of Israel. Egypt is encouraging Sudan to maintain Sharia law while Egyptian girls are walking in bikini and engaging in commercial sex with Europeans and Americas.

Sudanese Elites never question this because they want so bad to be identified as Arabs. There are uncountable stories about Sudanese Arabs identifying themselves as Arabs and got laughed at by the very people they thought are their brothers. Al Turabi, the architect of Sudanese dirty politics and the hypocrite homosexual urging Sudanese Muslims to live up to Islamic standard while rapping young Muslim boys, has also testified publicly that although he is the most educated person in the Arab league, he is not listened to because he is too dark to be an Arab. In North America it never crosses a white man’s mind to refer to Sudanese Arab as an Arab. The “N” word is used for Sudanese Arabs just like any other black person.

Again as a believer of pseudo-democracy, I respect the right of Sudanese who want to be perceived as Arabs to do so; however, to coerce others to become Middle Eastern and to chastise them for not complying is intolerable.

The consequences of political suffocation of groups from East, West, and South Sudan over a long period of time, is the unfolding disintegration of the Sudan into South and North unless an extraordinary action is taken by those in power in Khartoum.

But as Southern Sudan is heading towards independence, some of its citizens are coming to realize that within the oppressed people of S. Sudan, there are Oppressors. When concerned citizens like me points it out so we could rectify the situation, we are angrily instructed to sit down and read SPLA/M history book and educate ourselves about heroic Dinkas, Nuer traitors and coward Equatorians.

The article I wrote last week “Stop Blaming Journalists,” generated a lot of response from Dinka community. Some of you referred to me as an agent of Al Basir, others termed my article preposterous and yet others said the article was disappointing. I never intended to be the person to express the discontentment non-Dinkas are harboring but clock is ticking and rage is mounting against Dinkas, yet no whistle blower is coming forward and frankly articulating in a few simple words how ordinary non-Dinkas are feeling about GOSS.

When I equated GOSS to SPLA/M and SPLA/M to Dinka, you think I am just fabricating facts? If you as a Dinka could wear a non-Dinka’s skin and carry out interviews, you will get the sense of anti-Dinka sentiments that is sweeping across S. Sudan.

I am not anti-Dinka and there is no reason for me to become one. There is difference between hate and standing up for your-self and to be bold to say what you want to. We want egalitarian southern and if possible the whole of the Sudan. For two decades, Equatorians have endured Dinka oppression. Some Equatorians joined SPLA not because they were invited but simply to be able to defend themselves not against Arabs but ironically against their own brothers in the South: the Dinka.

SPLA/M is dominated by Dinka due to the fact that it was not meant for all Southern Sudanese. At first Garang thought with population of about one million, Dinka alone could liberate Southern Sudan for themselves and revenge for being kicked out of Juba. But he realized later that he and his tribe men were heading no where. That legacy is still lingering in many Dinka heads: the belief that Dinka can do without other Southerners.

Equatorian should start thinking out of the box. The game of diplomacy with Dinka is not working. Perhaps we should treat them the way they are treating us; a tooth for a tooth, until we reach an equilibrium point. We can no longer stand a side and look while being humiliate in the name of unity.

The strong and brave son of Equatoria, Isaac Momour is already locked up and there is no sign that he will be prosecuted. Momour did a lot for the survival of SPLA/M but Dinkas have never appreciated that instead they brought allegation of corruption against him and put him under house arrest for good while many corrupt Dinkas are free flying from continent to continent. If Momour dies while under house arrest, the spirit of our ancestors will never forgive us Equatorians. If Kiir is so certain that Momour acted against the law, why not try him? And even if Momour is to be tried, it will be like asking a cat to judge a mouse. We shouldn’t allow ourselves to be used. Poor citizens of Nuba Mountains have already been used and dumped, what a pain!

Unity of S. Sudanese is imperative but it should not be at the expenses of others. If Al Bashir wants untied Sudan he has to make it attractive by treating all Sudanese on the basis of their citizenship but not religion or race. Likewise, Kiir and other Dinka leaders have to convince S. Sudanese to be united by distributing resources equally and branding SPLA/M as a regional movement rather than Dinka movement.

* The author is a Sudanese based in Canada. He can be reached at [email protected]


  • Kujur

    No Unity at the expense of others
    Dear Makazu

    It is your democratic right to expressed your oppinion on how GOSS and some element from Dinka operate the government, brother your oppinion is much influenced by your emotion and hatred toward Dinka and your position in this matter show all backing forces behind you. SPLM/A goal was unity that respect diversity of all ethnics group in the country and that unity should not be forced to people of south sudan if its pillar are strong then nothing will opt it but I doubt if its pillars are stronger as SPLM/A wish.I do believed that Jalaba have no different colour then the colour you have displayed.

    Brother to bring change is not just like turning your motor vehiclle steering wheel it take time; can you imagine how many years it took for southereners and marginalist areas to achieved that glimps, any way people without vision and direction take things in the way they manage their life.

    Keep on you are a good boy to your masters.

    Guem David
    Canberra ACT

  • aguer alaak
    aguer alaak

    No Unity at the expense of others
    Itz not very new to hear that but nothing which is very pleasant can please the crowd in a minute coz of differences in mental make-up and ideologies.Sing your song but remember South Sudan is for all.

  • Angelo Achuil
    Angelo Achuil

    No Unity at the expense of others
    Dear Makazu Panskula,
    I do agree with you about the inequality within the GOSS, and I believe that GOSS is working to ward involving ethnic and gender diversity in various fields. It is by involving all our tribes that make us a stronger nation, because heterogeneity is better than homogeneity. Did you read the story of the 3 bulls?
    We all need to be treated fairly, and you will get many among Dinka who can agree with you that the GOSS should do more as it grow. I do however have my question about your saying that SPLA was originally formed for Dinka. I do not think that that is true. There need to be a difference between the original intent, and the current circumstance. We know that Yes, SPLA initially started with Dinka leaders, and many Dinka did a lot of dying in SPLA in 1983-1987 relative to other ethnic groups. But because SPLA was mainly Dinka in the beginning do not necessarily means that SPLA or the libration for the South was Dinka’s duty. To confuse the two is a pure denial of SPLA history.

    I think for you to say that “Dinka realized that they can’t do war alone, that’s when they invited other tribes” is quiet a stretch from the truth. SPLA’s theme was to librate the entire Sudan, let alone the little South. I don’t remember SPLA rejecting non-Dinka tribes at all, do you? In fact, they (SPLA) recruited relentlessly (even with force) in the entire South without exception of tribe. I don’t see how anybody could librate Malakal and leave Nimule, or Kapoeta and leave Juba?

    That’s my observation, you got some truth (inequality) and something not so much of a truth (original intent)- at least for anybody who knows the SPLA struggle.
    Your demand for equality is worthy enough to any rational mind and does not need some fabricated or made-up stories to give it a weight. Argue on a plain zone like a good Christian, and people like me with stand my your side. Times are evil and lies are a big obstacles toward achieving worthy causes or progress.

  • Bombom

    No Unity at the expense of others
    Dear Brother Makazu Panskula

    Although I am not 100% agreeing with your both current and the previous articles (tilted do not to blame Journalists)! I consider your article as straightforward and not controversial as claimed by some brothers who are blindly trying to link it with tribalism!

    Moreover, my agreement with some issues you have raised up in both articles is not influenced or motivated by any hidden agenda such as hatred for Dinka brother because none of your articles ever overstated or described Dinka in any unacceptable or disgraceful manner! but the genuine reason behind my support to some of your statements is because you are genuinely and tirelessly trying to highlight some dangerous deeds that have been practised by our Dinka brothers dated back to when we were still in the bush (insurgents)and if you have ever visited Itang and Gambella towns of Ethiopian highlands you would have known and realised what I am talking About!

    The wicked and disgraceful practise or deeds committed by some of our SPLA Dinkas (not all Dinkas of course) against other tribes who were fighting with them in SPLA/M were really awful to recollect!

    Personally, although I was a direct victim of such an immoral behaviour, I can’t and will never blame it on any SPLA private or even captain due to the fact that those soldieries are NOT disciplined or even educated of how to conduct themselves within the boundaries of ethics and morals!

    Shockingly although expectantly, vast majority (if not all) of SPLA/M soldiers were and are still ignorant about what is called code of conduct so, no one can blame such people to behave themselves like regular army when no one educate them to be like one.

    To me, educating those to stop looting and unlawful confiscation of civilian goods, among others of imoral deeds such as collection of taxation on behave of council by SPLA as it was scandalously mentioned by Mr Ali the second vice present, and that each SPLA soldier own a checkpoint Shouldn’t be allowed by all cost! if GoSS wants to succeed!!

    I and many other citizens of southern Sudan suffered or experienced physical and verbal abuses from SPLA Dinka and some of their Nuer slaves and traitors such as people like the dead tyrant and murderer El-shake William Nyuon Bany de Garang the biggest slave and traitor of Dinka specially Garang!

    One of my nightmares was in Itang in 1986 when I fought with one of SPLA/M soldier from Dinka tribe whom I found was physically abusing a Nuer woman who was a refugee and in the refugee camp! the man was angry because I asked him why he is doing so, when they took me to their checkpoint, Nuer refugee who saw that were so terrified thinking that I might be killed by Dinka. As we arrived there, a Dinka sergeant asked me about my battalion or division!! I quickly came up with an idea that saved my life and I told him that I am from Youany battalion, a controversial division that was created by the tyrant and the traitor Nyuon Bany De Garang out of our innocent sons of Greater Nasir the very thing that cause the traitor his life! Then, the ignorant SPLA-Dinka sergeant was unable to discriminate me as none combater because I was speaking professional Arabic language than any of his primitive SPLA Dinka that I found there!

    Lastly, the primitive couldn’t do nothing other than to order both of us to be equally lashed!!!!!!!!!!! the end! THAT WAS NOT THE ONLY PROBLEM I FACED DURING MY STAY IN ITANG THAT YEAR, FOR YOUR INFORMATION!

    My apologies are due to any Dinka brother/ sister who might be offended by any element in my statement! But at the same time I would also like to persuade you to realise the fact that one rotten onion spoils the onions in the whole sack or beg! The good example is when Nuer are called by some SPLA Dinka as traitors or collaborators of enemy given to the few Nuer people who chose not to joint SPLA for whatever reason! Dinka kept on calling even their own Nuer comrades in the SPLA as Nyagats or traitors regardless of the fact that majority of SPLA combaters who were fighting in the enemy forefronts were from Nuer tribe! thus the word traitor has become synonymous to the WORD Nuer just like the word GoSS and its corruption and nepotism as well as the word SPLA/M are becoming synonymous to word Dinka I think it pair enough!

    I think we need to think carefully about how will we go forward and leave our differences or our dirty past behind us! Let us not only think of the unity with the rest of Sudanese who seemed to have already determined their own destiny! Let us not hypocritically calling for the liberation of other people while we didn’t liberate ourselves from ignorance and tribalism that is awaiting us to destroy our country as soon as we try to establish it! who can dispute the fact that our so-called country which we are aiming to built will be even worse than Somalia if we will not make our unity attractive by stopping all kinds of discriminations among ourselves, depraving others of benefiting from public wealth! Stop nepotisms so that people should be employed according to their competence rather than their preference based on gender, tribes, among other traits! Let there be the full representation of all tribes no matter how small they are and political spectra in southern Sudan given that SPLM is not the only political force in the South! Let the people not to be targeted simply because of their difference with SPLM as this can lead to collapse of the Southern Sudan as an entity!

    Unity with northern Sudan, why not if they will in deeds and genuinely make it attractive for Southerners! Sudan is the largest country in Africa which is least populated, so, I believe it is enough for all Sudanese if we understand ourselves!

    Bol Thourmuck of Greater Nasir(UK)

  • Bombom

    No Unity at the expense of others
    Dear Brother Makazu Panskula

    Although I am not 100% agreeing with your both current and the previous articles (tilted do not blame Journalists)! I consider your articles as straightforward and not controversial as claimed by some brothers who are blindly trying to link it with the tribalism!

    Moreover, my agreement with some issues you have raised up in both articles is not influenced or motivated by any hidden agenda such as hatred for Dinka brother because none of your articles ever overstated or described Dinka in any unacceptable or disgraceful manner! but the genuine reason behind my support to some of your statements is because you are genuinely and tirelessly trying to highlight some dangerous deeds that have been practised by our Dinka brothers dated back to when we were still in the bush (insurgents) and if you have ever visited Itang and Gambella towns of Ethiopian highlands in 1980’s-1990’s you would have known and realised what I am talking about now!

    The wicked and disgraceful practise or deeds committed by some of our SPLA Dinkas (not all Dinkas of course) against other tribes who were fighting with them in SPLA/M were really awful to recollect!

    Personally, although I was a direct victim of such an immoral behaviour, I can’t and will never blame it on any SPLA private or even captain due to the fact that those soldieries are NOT disciplined or even educated of how to conduct themselves within the boundaries of ethics and morals!

    Shockingly although expectantly, vast majority (if not all) of SPLA/M soldiers were and are still ignorant about what is called code of conduct so, no one can blame such people to behave themselves like regular army when no one educate them to be like one.

    To me, educating those to stop looting and unlawful confiscation of civilian goods, among others of imoral deeds such as collection of taxation on behave of council by SPLA as it was scandalously mentioned by Mr Ali the second vice president, and that each SPLA soldier own a checkpoint Shouldn’t be allowed by all cost! if GoSS wants to succeed!!

    I and many other citizens of southern Sudan suffered or experienced physical and verbal abuses from SPLA Dinka and some of their Nuer slaves and traitors such as people like the dead tyrant and murderer El-shake William Nyuon Bany de Garang the biggest slave and traitor of Dinka specially Garang!

    One of my nightmares was in Itang in 1986 when I fought with one of SPLA/M soldier from Dinka tribe whom I found was physically abusing a Nuer woman who was a refugee and in the refugee camp! the man was angry because I asked him why he is doing so, when they took me to their checkpoint, Nuer refugee who saw that were so terrified thinking that I might be killed by Dinka. As we arrived there, a Dinka sergeant asked me about my battalion or division!! I quickly came up with an idea that saved my life! I told him that I am from Youany battalion, a controversial division that was created by the tyrant and the traitor Nyuon Bany De Garang out of our innocent sons of Greater Nasir the very thing that cause the traitor his life! Then, the ignorant SPLA-Dinka sergeant was unable to discriminate me as none combater because I was speaking professional Arabic language than any of his primitive SPLA Dinka that I found there!

    Lastly, the primitive couldn’t do nothing other than to order both of us to be equally lashed!!!!!!!!!!! the end! THAT WAS NOT THE ONLY PROBLEM I FACED DURING MY STAY IN ITANG THAT YEAR, FOR YOUR INFORMATION!

    My apologies are due to any Dinka brother/ sister who might be offended by any element in my statement! But at the same time I would also like to persuade you to realise the fact that one rotten onion spoils the onions in the whole sack or beg! The good example is when Nuer are called by some SPLA Dinka as traitors or collaborators of enemy given to the few Nuer people who chose not to joint SPLA for whatever reason! Dinka kept on calling even their own Nuer comrades in the SPLA as Nyagats or traitors regardless of the fact that majority of SPLA combaters who were fighting in the enemy forefronts were from Nuer tribe! thus the word traitor has become synonymous to the WORD Nuer just like the word GoSS and its corruption and nepotism as well as the word SPLA/M are becoming synonymous to word Dinka I think it is pair enough!

    I think we need to think carefully about how will we go forward and leave our differences or our dirty past behind us! Let us not only think of the unity with the rest of Sudanese who seemed to have already determined their own destiny than us! Let us not hypocritically calling for the liberation of other people while we didn’t liberate ourselves from ignorance and tribalism that is awaiting us to destroy our country as soon as we try to establish it! who can dispute the fact that our so-called country which we are aiming to built will be even worse than Somalia if we will not make our unity attractive by stopping all kinds of discriminations among ourselves, stop depraving others within us of benefiting from public wealth! Stop nepotisms so that people should be employed according to their competence rather than their preference based on gender, tribes, among other traits! Let there be a full representation of all tribes no matter how small they are and let the be a full representation of all political spectra in southern Sudan given that SPLM is not the only political force in the South Sudan! Let the people not to be targeted simply because of their difference with SPLM as this can lead to collapse of the Southern Sudan as an entity!

    Unity with northern Sudan! why not if they will in deeds and genuinely make it attractive for Southerners! Sudan is the largest country in Africa which is least populated, so, I believe it is enough for all Sudanese if we understand ourselves!

    Bol Thourmuck of Greater Nasir(UK)

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