Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Why Omer Al-Bashir should go back to Hush Banaga?

By Chuar Juet Jock*

November 22, 2007 — There is no doubt that the innocent Sudanese people could and once more be at door steps of an all out war if the first vice president of Sudan and president of Government of Southern Sudan Lt. general Salva Kiir Mayardiit toke Omer Al Bashir by his mockery and insult words last Saturday November 17, 2007 at Wad-Madni town and during the 18th celebrations of birth of the National Congress Party’s(NCP) infamous Popular Defense Forces(PDF), a terrorist jihadists army that they co-founded with the help of Bin Ladin in 1989.

Any keen Sudanese mind or an honest observer who did have a chance to hear, read or watch the should be national leader and so-called president of Sudan talking to this bloody terrorists paramilitary have only one thing to say and say it out load and that is that Omer Al Bashir should voluntarily quit the presidency of Sudan and go back to Hush Banaga, his home town in Shendi north of Khartoum where he should go back to take care of his mules and donkeys the only skill he has prove so far to be qualified for. He did prove behind measures that he does not fit to lead a nation so good and civilize as the Sudanese people neither he has the qualifications necessary to lead Sudan as a united diverse and peaceful state.

Omer Al-Bashir, has forget one thing, a very fundamental thing, and that is, he, Omer Al Bashir, is neither a legitimate ruler of Sudan nor an elected president by the people of Sudan, he is just a power robber since he came to power by a clear coupe de’tate when he toppled the last democratic government of Sadiq AL Mahdi, on Friday, June 30 1989.

From the day one of his bloody and shameful rule his face was painted by the blood of the innocents Sudanese people when he started by mass murdering and execution of more than 58 officers from the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) in a clear day light and the signal that have early informed the Sudanese people about the upcoming curse to the land of Sudan called Omer Al Bashir and his racist party, Ingaaz. Omer Al Bashir is not the bravest man in Sudan let alone in the world as his illusionist mind may tell him so, in fact he is the second sickest person in control of power and destiny of a country and people a world has ever witness after the former brutal dictator Hitler of Germany, and like the later he is going to let the Sudanese people free with a bloody record and a list of more than 15 millions innocent lives, murdered, imprisoned, tortured and uprooted from their country by his bloody regime.

In the time of Omer Al Bashir Sudan was overhauled by his regime to be one of the worst place in the world in term of human rights and insecurity, his regime has been the first every Sudanese government to engage directly in a well planned systematic genocide of the African Sudanese in the whole Sudan or what is called of national comprehensive strategy of Ingaaz and which the Southern Sudan, Nuba Mountains , Blue Nile and Darfur are it main targets.

His irresponsible words during last week celebrations in Wad-Madini of the bloody terrorists PDF has indicated to us that the differences between Kiir leadership and Omer’s are now so obvious, while the first vice president Kiir was looking for a peaceful means to resolve the pending issues in the implementation of the CPA in his two weeks visit to United States and Kenya where he met with the officials and statements of the two countries that are concern about the worse political situation in Sudan, Omer Al-Bashir the supposed to be the national president of the whole Sudanese people was shamefully launching and engaging in a very racist and war mobilization of his PDF jihadists and celebrating the 18th anniversary of the emergence of this terrorist wing of NCP.

In fact what the world doesn’t know is that if there is any likeness to PDF in the history of crime against humanity it would be clearly the SSS of Hitler. The PDF are really a state within a state and an army within an army, they are the actual policy and strategy enforcer of the NCP, they are the one who are in control in Sudan and since 1989 they have conducted a brutal cleans up in government and non government institutions and now-a-days, their control of economic, military and political institutions is at its momentum. More importantly if the world is really serious about punishing the genocide and crime of humanity propagators than it should look with focus on the PDF, they were the horse riders that have burned complete villages and women and children alive in Southern Sudan and they are the present Jinjaweed of the Darfur Genocide.

The dilemma of Sudan is a matter of leadership, since its independence, the de facto successive presidents in Khartoum were the makers of policies of division, racism and oppression, instead of being the leaders for goodness, unity, and prosperity of Sudan, they were the civil wars fire igniters not the peace makers. they weren’t even leader at all but just power robbers and thieves of nation’s wealth, This is because they were not elected or chosen by the people but they are the de facto leaders who always came by bloody coups, though lacking neither the legitimacy nor the mandate by the very people they are acclaiming to rule, and as a result they have to create internal and external troubles and wars to give them reasons for staying in power and control and this is the fundamental reason why we have been in this chaos and war situation in Sudan for fifty bitter years.

Lack of wisdom and collective responsibility of our successive de facto presidents has caused too much destruction and agony to Sudan and its innocent people and in the light of president Omer Al Bashir last Saturday, September 17, 2007 words of insult to the Southerners, we out to ask ourselves these questions: Did our leaders learned from the hard lessons of fifty years of wars and destruction? Does it really worth it to pursue war methodology as the means for solution of problem of Sudan? Are our leader incapable of resolving the nation differences by peaceful and political means or did they lost the touch with the people and the facts on the ground? What is the purpose of leadership and what are the higher aspirations of any human nation on this earth, is it just only war?

Our leaders, now and in future ought to know that Sudan problems will only be solved by more stability not more instability, a stability that will create more sustainable and equal development and prosperity, and that will eradicate poverty, marginalization and illiteracy and that will heal the bitter wounds of the past wars and that will change the hatred into love and fears into confidence, and this won’t ever happen but in peace and only in peace. We need a long peace that is guarded by leaders such as vice president Salva Kiir, a long peace that will make it possible for all the blessings mentioned above to be a reality and president Omer El-Bashir should joint the guards of this peace not the destroyers and the bullies.

The NCP party doesn’t have to create wars so to find legitimacy to stay on power and shift the attention of Sudanese people and the international community away of its crimes against humanity in Darfur neither it should stop the implementation of Comprehensive Peace Agreement(CPA) so to avoid the proposed general election it will never win nor should it believe that after 18 year of systematic killing and uprooting and all sorts of injustices and inequalities did it successfully change the solid good conscience of Sudanese or its demographics.

The message of chairman of the SPLM Slava Kiir Mayardiit and his first deputy Dr. Riek Machar in respond to the words of insult uttered by Omer Al Bashir was a great balance of responsible leaders who have led the war of liberation for 21 years and have known by experience what war really brings. They are well aware that war is the last thing Sudanese in general and southern Sudanese in particular could ever think about. The NCP should not act upon these peaceful reactions as a ticket to more insult and defiance. The SPLM is not weaken neither it will be, but the SPLM doesn’t see the war as an objective itself but a mean to regain the stolen freedom, justice and equality of Sudanese people by the Khartoum successive military regimes, Al Basher included

However the SPLM must not be carried to believe the lie that the NCP will relinquish the power peacefully and through clear and clean national election or that the NCP will fully implement the CPA through peaceful means, this could be a clear and dangerous illusion, the NCP will never do any of those as long as there is oil money and as long there is China in United Nation Security council. The SPLM should not just sing the song of peace, this won’t ever guard the CPA, it should build the peace, protect it by building a good governance and training the SPLA. Peace means being strong and being ready, being the hope and the answer and being recognized as a strong partner, peace is a balance of power, it is not just an emotional gesture. The SPLM must be realistic if it wants to be respected as strong peace partner otherwise the SPLM will never have an effective role on the table of governance of Sudan neither in the mind of its defiant political partner the NCP.

Our country is really calling upon all of it sons and daughters to avoid war and make Sudan a no return to war country. All Sudanese should joint hands to make this dream a reality, let us differ in what ever aspects we want, let us compete for power and interests but let unite in making Sudan a no return to war country, it is only possible in everlasting peaceful Sudan that every dream and aspiration of each one of us will be attained and no doubt we will realize the Sudan of freedom, prosperity, unity and Justice.

*The author is a Sudanese that reside in USA, he can be reach at [email protected], to read more topics by the author please go to http://chuarjuetonline.blogspot .com

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