Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Kiir tells Southerners not to sell votes for forced Unity of Sudan

By Isaac Vuni

November 26, 2007 (JUBA) — Sudan People’s Liberation Movement leader on Sunday November 25 has warned southern Sudanese to not sale their votes for forced unity; he further said that already money is pouring in the south to buy their vote for unity.

Salva Kiir Mayardit
Salva Kiir Mayardit
The President of the government of Southern Sudan who is also the First Vice President of the republic, Salva Kiir Mayardit cautioned people to be careful because money has already been pour here to buy their vote for unity.

“My advice is that if you are given money takes it but vote for what southern Sudanese stood and fought for even Sudan became independent on January 1st 1956, besides nobody will take you to court for having taken bribery money;” reassured Kiir.

“It is peace that we are interested in and indeed we negotiated for it while holding on our guns and delivered it to you the citizen of southern Sudan through the signing of the CPA on January 9th 2005, therefore our mission as fighters is accomplished;” Kiir said.

He added that what remains is the responsibility of the citizens of Southern Sudan including other marginalized Sudanese to embrace and protect the CPA up to time when Southerners would have to decide either to remain in a united Sudan or form a new Independent South Sudan through the forthcoming referendum to be held in 2011 “so the choices are yours but do not sale your vote for forced unity” Kiir said.

Mayadrit was speaking at St. Theresa Cathedral Kator at ceremony to mark the enrolment of 205 new YCS members drawn from Supiri, Juba Girl, Juba Commercial, Juba Day, Comboni and Juba Technical secondary schools in Juba after they expressed willingness to save their fellow students at any time with words of the Lord as commanded by Jesus Christ, the prince of peace.

He hailed the masses of Juba for their warm and historical reception during his recent return from USA via Kenya where he updated the international community particularly those who assisted in realization of the CPA on why SPLM has suspended its participation in the government of national unity in Khartoum. He described his visit as a successful peace mission.

Kiir denied allegations by NCP members that he has gone to USA in order to conspire against the government in which he is the First Vice President. He said those speculating such baseless rumors as the real enemy of peace in Sudan.

Salva Kiir Mayardit reiterated that southern Sudanese under his leadership will not go back to war again. However, if attack, southerners have the right to defend themselves, he declared.

“I do not want us, southern Sudanese and the marginalized Sudanese, to nurse the idea that SPLM/A under my leadership will take people back to war, never again. Instead I urge all of us to exert more efforts in consolidating CPA and to ensure its full implementation to the letter and spirit”, reassured Kiir.

President Kiir disclosed that in the coming weeks he will travel to Khartoum to discus and find out how far President Omar Hassan el Basher and his ruling National Congress Party have gone in fulfilling conditions placed by SPLM as of October 11th this year.

Kiir reassured the jubilant congregation that SPLM ministers and presidential advisors will not resume working in the government of national unity nor the newly appointed will be sworn in until key provisions of the CPA as demanded by SPLM are implemented as scheduled.

President Kiir said it’s an obligation to support and direct the young generation of southern Sudan to leading a promising lives especially during the CPA era that ended a protracted 21 years of war between north and south Sudan and the marginalized Sudanese.

Kiir donated twenty million Sudanese pounds, equivalents of ten thousands United States of American dollars to Young Christians Students (YCS) movement in Juba.

Earlier, Archbishop Paolino Lukud Loro who presided over the YCSers’ enrolment ceremony said people of southern Sudan are yarning for justice, peace and equality in all sectors of governments and privates institutions.

The Archbishop reminded the congregation that the catholic liturgical year 2007 has ended on the very Sunday and coming Sunday will witness beginning of New Year 2008.

Thereafter His Grace welcomed President Kiir who is also a parishioner of St. Theresa Cathedral saying, “Today the we have our children from various secondary before us parents, spiritual and GoSS leaders and they are about to promise before us that they are prepared to lead a Christian’s life for the shake of promoting justice, peace and development in our war torn southern Sudan. Therefore, I invite Your Excellency as our beloved president of the government of Southern Sudan to say a word of advice to these committed Young Christians Students”.

The young Christian students promised to be faithful to the principle of YCS and to put all their efforts in trying to encourage love and mutual respect among all students, in particularly promised to leaded a life of love and rendering services to fellow students within their respective schools.



  • Mabor Yiel Naih.
    Mabor Yiel Naih.

    Kiir tells Southerners not to sell votes for forced Unity of Sudan
    I agree with what President Kiir said. And to support what you said, some people in Southern Sudan are very poor and they consider South Sudan as their origin homeland meanwhile others are rich and were having wicked hearts especially the recogined and prominent leaders. On behalf of the youths of Southern Sudan we are really commiting to the CPA implementation as we shall always propagate the forthcoming referendum to our citizens in our respective areas in Southern Sudan.

    And our message to you is that, take care of the Government and let the law work efficiently to punish those culprits who wanted to confuse the Administration. As the father, you should know the characters of your children. There are good and bad children in the family and bad children always bring confusion in the family. Please try to eliminate those horrible people who have hands to spoil CPA implementation. People of Southern Sudan and the Sudan at large are longing for Peace and Freedom.

    Let Bashir and his Money perish.

    Mabor Yiel Naih

    Anuol Payam, Yirol West county, Lakes State, Rumbek

    E-mail: [email protected]






  • Samani

    Kiir tells Southerners not to sell votes for forced Unity of Sudan
    Im suprised no one commented on this article. Who is Mr. Vuni and are these statments true?

    I ask this because i find it hard to believe. Vise President Mr. Kiir would stand up and claim that ‘money is pouring in the south to buy their vote for unity.’ If it were true and money is being poured into the south, Good. Isnt that what peace and the CPN call for? The resources of the country be spent amongst all its people (im assuming its infrastructure, schools and Hospitals). Isnt that the whole purpose of the CPN to make unity attractive for all, wealth sharing. If buying votes means to give money to people directly, i think any sane person would find that difficult to comprehend. The governemnt paying people to vote the other way? Is that forced? How much are they paying? Where can i sign up? …. I doubt that. What about the real money being spent here. Wouldnt it have been better spending those Ten thousand dollars on those millions who realy need it. Not some religious organization. Please someone correct me if im wrong.

    What Mr. Kiir should be calling for (what the international community expects him to be calling for) as vise president of a country in turmoil is Unity and equality for all. If President Bashirs statements are contradictory at times, to what some might interperet as ‘calls for war’. We can come to expect that. But i expected more from someone who the free world thinks is going to lead the south to democracy, prosperity and peace.

    It was from his own words that Mr. Kiir admitted that most of the outstanding issues in the CPN have been resolved, Except Abyei. Monitors of the CPN, the AEC reported that both sides havent completed thier deadlines for implementation, but Abyei seems the most crucial (feel free to read the report http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article24908). So Abyei is the issue, why? Is it because both sides have concluded that the CPN stands for seperation and each side is trying to gain the most out of it(even it means hinting at war). Is sudan going to be a cake for people to divide? Abyei being the cherry on the topping. Then i suggest we stop fooling everyone and make things clear, because im sure the world is confused just as i am. The Sudan is going to seperate into 2 states in 2011. Atleast now we have a deadline to prepare for that. The North should start to live with that, the South start to plan for that. Resources can now go into one thing, seperation. SPLM should be the South Sudans People Liberation Movement (cause i dont see proof otherwise). The Central government should start treating the GOSS as an equal seperate country and not fall under its governance (something always frustrating my southern brothers).

    Its sad THE SUDAN should fall like this. But what would you expect from a bunch of narrow minded, short sighted, easily manipulated, ignorant arabs and africans. The world looks forward towards the future in development and growth for all. The European Union the most obvious of examples, not to mention many other groups. They try to unite and think of 2056, while you divide and think 1956. The land of some of the greatest civilizations for thousands of years. From African, Black, Nubian and Arabs to Christian and Muslim commuinties. The Nile has always united and divided them, yet still they lived as people of The Sudan.

  • Baalens

    Kiir tells Southerners not to sell votes for forced Unity of Sudan
    Bravo! Bravo! H.E Mayardit for the caution you made towards the ill-derives of the NCP, for attempting to win Southerners’ votes for Unity, through maneuvring them with money…it will never never and never be accepted by the really patriotic Southerners whom their beloved perished for the “NOBLE CAUSE” that’s to fight & retained the true and valued dignity our golden land. LONG LIVE MAYARDIT! LONG LIVE SPLM/A! LONG LIVE NEW SUDAN!

  • Dominic Majok Makuei
    Dominic Majok Makuei

    Kiir tells Southerners not to sell votes for forced Unity of Sudan
    Bravo H.E Kiir,
    it is actually a good move for our president to remind our compatriots southern sudanese to be vigilant with Arab’s money.it is obvious that they are buying our people most especially those who acquired wealth during this short run of peace.they embezzle money in the GOSS to establish their rapports with North and as a result ends up being bought which is opposed to the poor people of southern sudan.

    Therefore,for someone with the insights,you cannot sell your liberty for money.You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you”

    [email protected]

  • Bombom

    Is there any quarrelling in the militia’s(SPLM) house?? I wonder to hear Kiir’s nag about the unity the of Sudan!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    From my own point of view, I suppose there must be something behind Mr Kiir’s nag that southerners are being bribed by the people he didn’t disclose; to sell their votes in the upcoming referendum for the self-determination of Southerners scheduled to take in place 2011!

    One wonders about what obliged Mr Kiir to disclose his new look wearing the uniform of separation this time, contrarily to his/Dr John Garang’s ritual outlook of the united Sudan! is Mr Kiir’s condemnation of what he called enforced unity might have been motivated by the rumours of the coup conspiracy against him by radicals of SPLM unionist group of true sons of Nyadang faction led by Pagan Amum, Deng Ajack, among others of SPLA/M radicals!!

    Has Kiir decided to distant himself from SPLM in the fear of falling over and thus decided to form another Anya nya III for the separation of southern Sudan!!!

    One wants to know since when Mr Kiir turned to become a separatist or nationalist while he was the unity preacher of yesterday!
    What have happened overnight to the Garang’s vision of the united Sudan that Kiir used to embrace and adore?

    what about Kiir’s own vision of the united Sudan that they fought A2 for!! Is Kiir’s vision of unity has been put-off by the exhaustion or prostration due to the marginalisation the militia is receiving now from its partner in crime(NCP) or is it an attempt by the militia leader to win the hearts and minds of southern Sudanese in the hope to win their support for the militia in its anticipated war for Abyei???

    This is really the Kiir that used to embrace and adore Dr Garang’s philosophy of the united Sudan or those wild dreams are realistically becoming much more harder if not impossible to attaint!! Wonders of the world hearing Kiir complaining about people being bribed to sell their votes for the unity of Sudan that the militia was wasting human lives and recourses to achieve; are we really okay hear? I believe there must be something behind Kiir’s statement!!!

    Bol Thourmuck of Greater Nuer Greater Nasir(UK)

  • Bombom

    Is there any quarrelling in the militia’s house(SPLM/A) I am wondering to hear Kiir’s nag for the unity of Sudan!!
    From my own point of view, I suppose there must be something behind Mr Kiir’s nag that southerners are being bribed by the people he didn’t disclose; to sell their votes in the upcoming referendum for the self-determination of Southerners; scheduled to take place in 2011!

    One wonders about what obliged Mr Kiir to disclose his new look and wearing the uniform of separation this time, contrarily to his/Dr John Garang’s ritual outlook of the united Sudan! is Mr Kiir’s condemnation of what he called enforced unity might have been motivated by the rumours of the coup conspiracy against him by radical unionist group of SPLM/A the true sons of Nyadang faction led by Pagan Amum, Deng Ajack, among others of SPLA/M radicals!!

    Has Kiir decided to distant himself from SPLM in the fear of falling over and thus decided to form another Anya nya III for the separation of southern Sudan!!!

    One wants to know since when Mr Kiir turned to become a separatist or nationalist while he was the unity preacher of yesterday! What have happened overnight to the Garang’s vision of the united Sudan that Kiir used to embrace and adore?

    what about Kiir’s own vision of the united Sudan that they fought A2 for!! Is Kiir’s vision of unity has been put-off by the exhaustion or prostration due to the marginalisation the militia is receiving now from its partner in crime(NCP) or is it an attempt by the militia leader to win the hearts and minds of southern Sudanese in the hope to win their support for the militia in its anticipated war for Abyei???

    This is really the Kiir that used to embrace and adore Dr Garang’s philosophy of the united Sudan or those wild dreams are realistically becoming much more harder if not impossible to attaint!! Wonders of the world hearing Kiir complaining about people being bribed to sell their votes for the unity of Sudan that the militia was wasting human lives and recourses to achieve; are we really okay hear? I believe there must be something behind Kiir’s statement!!!

    Bol Thourmuck of Greater Nuer Greater Nasir(UK)

    Reply to this comment

  • BORAnyidi

    Kiir tells Southerners not to sell votes for forced Unity of Sudan
    I am thankful to our leader Salve Kiir for making it cleared to the sudanese people that are taking money. I hope these people would understand that it important to achieve freedom rather than being slave in our own country. I believe they would understand the liberty that the southerners are working on is very signficant to their children.So the people that are taking money from central governement would have to put money in their Pockets, but not to use them against the sourtheners.

    Thanks to Salve Kiir

  • Angelo Achuil
    Angelo Achuil

    Kiir tells Southerners not to sell votes for forced Unity of Sudan
    Samani, why would you talk like Judas who betrayed the Lord when the perfume was put to a good use? You said $10,000 given to Christian students in Juba should have been giving to other million who need it the most- and you critized the giving to the religious organization, may I ask you who do you think need that money most that those poor Christian students in Juba? Who do you think deserve the greatest support than those children in school, who are the future for the country. I wondered what you were thinking when you were commenting!

  • James Banak Monyror
    James Banak Monyror

    Kiir tells Southerners not to sell votes for forced Unity of Sudan
    I totally agree with what President Kiir had said – and let all remember that the refrendum of 2011 is the last and the first chance for the Southern Sudanese and the marginalized communities to free themselves from the york of slavery by the minority Arab clique who have usurp the state power apparatus since independance in 1956. Let only the memories of your suffering and the brutal actions inflicted on you by the sucessive Northern regimes who wielded power along the years be your password to the valot box. You should also be better reminded that it is not the ultimate outcome of the refrendum that is going to determine your fate. It is how you will vote in the 2009 elections that will have a crucial impact on the outcome of the 2011 referendum. In the comming election you should vote for the person you trust will not sell the CPA to the common enemy. Vote for person who will pacify your wy to freedom

    Let them give you the money as they are doing now. Once you are given the money use it well for your own betterment and that of your family. After all this money is our oil money and will be utilzed indirectly for development in the South. if our partners in the NCP could still have the guts to open afresh the war wounds inflicted upone you just only yesterday by calling to arms their agents of destruction (PDF)to wage war again against the South and the marginalized sudanes just because they are reminded of footdragging and reneging on the implementation of CPA, where is the attractive unity they are talking for. The only way to bring about atractive unity is through implementation of CPA in spirit and letter. THis is what prompt our President to talk otherwise. The NCP are to lead in this process; otherwise as the oppressed communities,we have nothing to lose, rathetr, we shall gain by adopting separatist stance. A gain I intice you never to vote for somebody who will sell your freedom ,be it your mother or father.

  • Kuol Madhier Anyang
    Kuol Madhier Anyang

    Kiir tells Southerners not to sell votes for forced Unity of Sudan
    I believe that it is true, if the President of South Sudan and vice President of the Natoinal Unity Government said that money has already been used to buy people’s vote in South Sudan. We have to realze that this government is not just after vote from common people.But they are aiming to buy votes from ministers and others high officials in the SPLM party. They have succeeded during Any Any 2 by giving people who were in command of the Any Any 11 army good jobs and waited until things settle down and than later on removed them or demoted them to distroy the moment I must say. They have also been trying to manipulated high commanders in the SPLA/M in order to join them while the war being fought. This government in Khortoum think that they can use our own money to buy our vote and I think that idea is absurd and whoever who will vote for them this time around should have to explain to the people of Southern Sudan what is the benefit of that government.
    I am happy that they are at least considering buying our vote this time because we have never been considered citizens of Sudan for many years with the execption of those who had chances to get education.
    In the free democratic Countries the candidates persuaded people in order to vote for them without bribery but in this half democratic Country like Sudan where many people are poor and can do anything to feed their children anything and everthings is possible.
    Kuol Madhier Anyang.

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