Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Spare no road on SPLM errand children

By Isaiah Abraham

November 27, 2007 — The ruling partners in the Sudan named as The National Congress (NC) and the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) have signed peace Agreement known as Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) few years ago but difficulties in the implementation of that agreement are still there to maintain that peace. The SPLM argues that the NC has refused to accept the finding by the Abyei Border Commission, set up according to Article 5:2 of that agreement. It has also accused the NC of deliberately maintain its army presence along oil Southern rich areas. The border demarcation and transparency in the oil proceeds and details among other triggered the SPLM to suspend its participation in the unitary government known as Government of National Unity (GoNU). There have been few voices abroad and Khartoum who wanted the boycott lifted without any solution to issues at sight. The impasse has been aggravated by their war in the media houses; each side declaring no war but no retreat. Khartoum and Juba never hide their hate for each other; attempt by other opposition parties from each region (South and the North) to usher in some compromise proves elusive. An international arbitration is rejected by Khartoum but favored by Juba, which could have help ease and bridge the differences. It’s hard to think at this atmosphere whether any party would swallow its pride and give in to the other. The two camps know this at the onset and are ready for plan B. People are waiting to see that B yet, but the indicators show imminent break down of the Agreement (CPA).

But the real war is shoddier within each party ranks and file. SPLM suffers from this episode a great deal. Classical among them is a suppressed propaganda feeling where an attempt is at its grand stage to divide Kiir into his loyalists and conspiracy gamblers (Garang boys) who want to take over power using this situation to upped leadership agenda. Mr. Tellar Deng Ring, the designate SPLM Minister of State for Legal Affairs came fighting and spoiling for war against Mr. Amum, whom he accused of being a plotter. But this man never comes public without a controversy! Recall it’s him who is discredited for being first Southerner who denounces Don Peterson’s Abyei Border Commission and made serious statements against Mr. Deng Aloor Kuol and Mr. Pagan Amum over Abyei issue. When will this good lawyer cease from his bad political mouthing or simply grow up? In July this year he again proposes himself for the position of Secretary General of the SPLM accusing Mr. Amum of spending much time abroad. What a farce and a gamble? This is best an abuse to our intellect as we couldn’t all be retarded mentally to forget what he and his team did during trying years of the struggle (war). President Kiir owes our people an apology in the first place as to what basis in the appointment of this man at the SPLM position when he long renounced it and refuge with Dr. Haroun Ruun plotting and spying against our people. Could Yei theory be anything to believe, if not what other grounds to merit him an appointment? Was the appointment done so because of his professionalism? Why leave out loyal SPLM lawyers as Judge Aleu Akichok, Judge Monythong Deng, Judge William Kon, Dr. Richard K. Mulla, and Judge Samuel Dong etc?

No one at his right mind denies democratic mockery within the SPLM. There are structural and organizational ones that could have been fixed; the party is sick and paralyze due to lack of transparent democracy within its ranks. The party key leaders are hand pick and party programs of actions and that of the Government are badly interwoven. These are situation even the SPLM party leaders are aware and working towards their solutions. But for a right thinker, is that any priority worth our circumstances? In as much as we need democratization and pluralism, we can’t do them on the expense of the real flat form (freedom-Independent Southern Sudan). Oh, is this an agenda for the SPLM? No and yes! But the fact is this: there are still scores to settle with the NC on major issues of the agreement that could leave lofty universal dream hanging. We are obliged to work together for the good and better future of Southern Sudan now. Unfortunately, our quest for join efforts have been misplaced and abused by some leaders who shout the loudest but lack the moral ground to do so. Careless political utterance could cost us dearly. Shifting issues to assassinate characters is too bad for those scrupulous leaders whose future is now and only today. Who knows why the SPLM made this decision of pulling out its members from Khartoum at such a time? May be to know who is with Southern Sudan and who for our adversaries. There are moles in which his Excellency the President (Gen.Kiir) made a good move to investigate and check their disciplinary credentials. But this committee must not be like others before. It has to produce some results no matter the cost, to serve as a lesson to those who spread out their loyalty. Gen. Kiir is a true son of Southern Sudan and our martyrs in the grave shall bless his soul before he joins them.

However this is not simple and blame has to be guarded here. Once we roll out throat cutting political whirl, the fall out or the aftermath remain anything to worry many. The enemy is waiting to reap from any fall out within the SPLM ranks. Mr. Aleu Ayieny Aleu has sweet records among our people because of many lives he save while removing land mines and his heroic sacrifices and decision after he was implicated and down graded in Rumbek in the middle of 1980s. He didn’t ran to Khartoum but rather be humiliated by his people than to share plate and table with enemies of his people. Dr. Ann and her team must not fall trap of emotional vehicles. Hon. Aleu didn’t say an extraordinary thing. Garang was eliminated, period! Timing of his confession is another but there is no better time anywhere in criminal findings. Even at that time, evidences to the truth might not be there due to the implication and deaths to those who could be implicated. Uganda interest is different from Southern Sudan. No confusion. But Mr. Tellar refuses to acknowledge that party decisions bind anyone. Mr. Amum must be supported and respected, not denigrated because he has been standing to say no to Khartoum on our behalf. He is huge and big!

Democracy (freedom of speech) won’t run away but others would. That doesn’t in any straw stretch of reasoning mean sending it to the gallows. The existing time as it has always been sang here is a determinant for better or for worse. But should we keep quiet and allow few leaders to mess us up? I don’t see that ‘mess up” as so damaging than what Khartoum is trying to do on us. The conference for Southern NCP members on Sunday rings a bad bell. We are fighting a clever and charming enemy; it would fight Southern Sudan even after Referendum. Ours is to make or break and we must check our loyalty and consistency.

In the light of all that, there is no fear when you know where you are going. The SPLM is just doing that. We must not take our eyes away from our freedom even if it means going for another lap-war. If someone doubts this resolve, then let him hear it here. The writer has been waiting for another step after Khartoum announces war on us in Wad Medeni couples of days ago. Our major challenge though is our heart to claim that position. If a liar tells you tomorrow that the South isn’t prepare for war or the SPLA isn’t in a position to fight back, then that man knows more than Garang. Believe me or not, Southern Sudan occupation has ended from Naivasha. What we only need now is recognition which could come through UDI or through our Kalashnikov. The SPLM/A has not been about individuals leading it, but about people behind it. Hon. Tellar fails to read behind his stark poor ambition. It’s his democratic right to vie for any seats in the Party but not his right to challenge why we request our ancestral land right in Abyei.

His another blunder or argument that Gen. Kiir removal could cause unrest and disunity in the Southern Sudan, confirmed my fear of this man’s ability to reason. Does this tell anyone that Gen. Kiiir’s people would fight back if their man loses in Southern Presidency if he’s is elected out democratically? If yes then that is a fighting worth a thousand lives. Gen. Kiir would retain his seat through the support of others not necessarily on the support of his people Dinka people alone as Mr. Tellar wants everyone else to believe. Southerners are also Gen. Kiir mania such as any other Dinka. He is our national leader and his backing shouldn’t be pegged exclusively on the support of Dinka as a nation or community. He has to prove himself like his predecessor that he could be trusted to rally and protect Southern interest. The time to do this has been here and is now. After Referendum he might ride on a tight rope to power if he failed to govern well. SPLM leadership Council decision in 2005 after the death of Garang to fill in Gen. Kiir without a competitor was understandable and shouldn’t be abused and misused as an exercise of electioneering. True, he has skills to lead as his past record show it. He has been firm and strong soldier fighting for the freedom of his people from day one. He endured all hardship to bring us to this standard and deserve our unreserved respect.

Mr. Amum, the SPLM Secretary General shouldn’t get scare because of those who are baying for his political blood. He ought to make history by working towards the slated Convention for the Party in January 2008. He got to make immediate preparations and work towards this end. He must invite and actively engage other party members in the Diaspora who got short changed for one reason or another. Other friendly Parties should also build the team in the Convention. On top is Union of Africans Parties (USAP). That would be a moment for Southern Sudan to heal and move together. There are damages that need attention and people want answers at that time. There are short comings such Security in some parts of the South, corrupt related cases aren’t been seen in courts or sentence pronounce to some sacred cows, employment and appointment issues, land issues in the capital survey (laws for land) etc.

But strides have been made in the army, police and other law enforcing agencies. The Defense Minister Gen. Dominic Dim Deng has proved himself as being in control. Despite Yambio heinous incidence where we lost lives through savage killings, the SPLA under Dominic is coming out of age. Our men are now well dressed and fed, thanks to Gen. James Oth Mai efforts in logistics. The other is the ongoing road works (tarmac construction) from the main Parliament Building through Bulluk to the airport. This is laudable and credit goes to the cabinet and in particular Hon. David Deng Athorbei (Roads Minister). The water and electricity systems in town have improved and the market is stuff with all kind of varieties due to business environment. Credit goes to Hon. Anthony Lino Makana. Though there are still issues to be done such as the absence of Bureau of Standard, revenue or tax collection goofs on goods at the borders, the market is booming. There are others at your domain, but the point to note is that GoSS hasn’t stable and would stable once Khartoum stops its dirty nose unto Southern Sudan. It’s not just an excuse but true picture of what behind closed doors. Mr. Amum and his team are leading and therefore unreal for Mr. Tellar and his associate to escape condemnation however close he might be to whomever at the top.

* The author is based in southern Sudan. He can be reached at [email protected]

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