Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Darfur displaced protest against Chinese troops

November 28, 2007 (NYALA) — Darfur internally displaced persons (IDPs) have protested today to mark their strong opposition to the deployment of the Chinese troops in their region, a displaced spokesperson said.

AU_soldier_cordons_off-2.jpgHussein Abusharati, the official spokesperson of Darfur displaced and refugees told Sudan Tribune they organised today three protests in three camps in South Darfur state: Al-Salam, Al-Shoak, Kalma. He said that they are resolved to show their full opposition to the presence of Khartoum allies in their region.

He said that the demonstrators delivered letters to the African Union and to the United Nations expressing their position. He added they told the regional and the international bodies that they can’t trust “Khartoum providers of weapons” to protect them.

He also said that other protests are expected to be organized in different IDPs camps in Darfur in North and South Darfur states.

Darfur displaced were the first to express their rejection of the Chinese troops last Saturday, a day before the arrival to the 135 Chinese engineers to Nyala.

Darfur rebel Justice and Equality Movement clarified its position yesterday saying they would not attack the Chinese peacekeeper. However Ahmed Hussein Adam the JEM spokesperson told Sudan Tribune they are opposed to the Chinese participation in the Hybrid Operation.

He accused China of hindering the adoption by the UN Security Council of a resolution related to the deployment of this peacekeeping mission.

China seems concerned by the presence of its troops in this hostile environment. Yesterday the Chinese Ambassador in Khartoum urged protection of his nationals.

The Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson also reacted to this inimical campaign, he said that China could not tolerate criticism from any party.



  • Majok e Deng
    Majok e Deng

    Darfur displaced protest against Chinese troops
    China does not have reputation and creditability as an effective peace keeping force. The fact that China is an important Bashir’s regime ally, would prompt doubt about China as a UN peace keeping force in Sudan. I personally do not prefer any peace keeping force in Sudan because I fear that other countries would take advantage of our conflict, so the really solution for Sudan’s problems is the Sudanese themselves. That way no hypocrite would take advantage of our conflict and make us look stupid. Bashirs’ regime has failed to realize that this a time for change in Sudan, so it is upto the sudanese people to decide whether to remain with this regime that is problematic or opt for better or fair minded president, a president that will govern the multi-religious, multi-ethnic, and multi-cultural Sudan.

    Majok e Deng

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