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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese presidency says to settle Abyei by itself

December 3, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — Sudanese presidency has decided to settle by itself the row over the oil rich region of Abyei while the other pending issues in the implementation of the 2005 peace agreement are referred to other committees.

Omer al-Bashir and Salva Kiir
Omer al-Bashir and Salva Kiir
In a meeting held on Monday evening, president Omer Hassan al-Bashir and his first deputy, Salva Kiir Mayadrit, agreed that the presidency shall take charge of the solution of Abyei issue.

Further they instructed the Joint Defence Committee to set a timetable during the two coming days for the withdrawal of respective forces from Upper Nile state and northern states, Blue Nile and in South Kordofan States.

The two partners agreed in the past to end the full implementation of the pending issue in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement by the end of December 2007.

The meeting was attended also by the vice-president Ali Osman Mohamed Taha,

The six-member committee presented a report in the meeting to brief the presidency on the progress of its works. However, this panel had suspended its activities after the departure of Salva Kiir to Washington.

The high-level six-member committee will continue its meetings and to submit its final report to the Presidency on December 11.

The SPLM delegates in the six-member ad hoc committee demanded prematurely on November 11, to stop the works of the panel. They insisted their mission includes to fix the row over Abyei. The NCP delegation said the question of Abyei is referred to the presidency but the rest is of the attributions of the panel.

The dominant northern National Congress Party (NCP) rejected the findings of an independent commission of experts on the borders of the region, which remains without an administration or boundaries with troops from both sides present.



  • Juan

    Sudanese presidency says to settle Abyei by itself
    Dear Mr.President of South Sudan,this is the way forward.Thank you for the quick thinking about resolving the Abyei issue.
    Advise to MR.Omar al Bashir,try to re-think that the life today is a .com not what we use to hear from others about problem of Sudan.Can you count how many years are you in the seat of the president,how many children have grown up & gone out of Sudan, & what are they thinking about your regiem? Have you thought of that your propaganda created haterate among the people of Sudan? Do you know that we were doomed because of your acts.Please plead to ALAH for forgiveness. If you change your ruling principals even ALAL will welcom you to his Kindom because you ruled his people well.
    His EX Mr.Kiir, let Omar understand that the people need what is good for the community.
    Dear friends and colleques let us make our people have their rights so that they can also access basic needs.I beleive if Omar understands how much large Sudan is,he would have love for his people & do better things than harm.
    SPLM Oheeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • choldit

    Sudanese presidency says to settle Abyei by itself
    The Presidency has failed in the past to meet the Abyie protocol demand by CPA. The Sudanese citizen reacted against this failure and demanded a solution and want the presidency to useg the specification advanced by CPA to solve this issue and others issues as well. But citizens (like, islamic “holy wariors”) got themselves called to military camps for training which is a sign for preparation for another round of war or as a friend put it start for possible return to killing of one another as it used to be in the last 50 years and as it is in Darfur.

    I wonder why Kirr believes the Presidency will solve Abyie deadlock now rather than having 6-persons group (as I suppose it should be called) first explore the issue and then refer to the Presidency for final say. I am not implying that his colleagues are skilful in denial and deception but it seems the best way because initial trust that the nation put on Presidency for Abyie and the likes issues is lost.

    I have great respect for Kirr, but this move is so fishy. North-South border demarcation and Abyie issues are “time bombs” in the CPA.

    Hopefully he is taking care of his steps. Good luck, H.E. Kirr!

  • Majok e Deng
    Majok e Deng

    Sudanese presidency says to settle Abyei by itself
    I think it is good idea to settle the problem of Abyei by the presidency. I hope they not dishonest Sudanese intellectuals. If the problem of Abyei is solved by the best minded Sudanese, then it is less problematic then the foreign arbitrator, who, in disguise wanted Sudan to go back to war. In fact most foreign agents working in Sudan talk about going back to war before the Sudanese could talk about war-they are a bunch of warmongers who wanted Sudanese to suffer while taking advantage of the situation.

    Majok e Deng

  • choldit

    Sudanese presidency says to settle Abyei by itself
    In project management, effectiveness and efficiency are some of the most terribly loved words by CEO. But are not limit to a business world.Every leader needs to do the right projects and do it right, and do them at the right times. That sound impressive haa! This trend of action seems what NCP bosses are doing in CPA related issues(i.e. solve reshulfing, schedule for SAF, think about Oil…), however this professional service have adverse effect on Sudanese citizens as it will definitely amounts to telling Southerns to go with South not in peace since the war has to continue because of the borders. We need to solve Sudanese problem one and for all so that we use the hugh budget alocated for Military activities to for developement and look like human. We need to serve the lifes of our youth rather than keeping them killing one another.

    Why schedule for the removal of SAF forces from South Sudan while we don’t even know where they are doing to as the demarcation of the South-North border is not completed yet. what if the move from Juba and settle in Malakal, Wau or Renk and say this is the Northern territory. the removal SAF from where they are now is meaningless if the border issue is not solve. Demarcation of the border is the most important thing to do now as it will indirectly solve some of the things on the table for Bashier and Kirr(Well, that is for a poor observer like me).

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