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Sudan Tribune

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Sacked SPLM ministers say Salva Kiir not qualified to dismiss them

December 4, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — Two former ministers of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) contested their removal from the party saying such decision can only be issued by the political bureau but not the SPLM leader.

Telar Deng
Telar Deng
SPLM chairman Salva Kiir on Monday issued a decision to relieve Telar Deng and Aleu Ayieny from the membership of the SPLM’s political bureau and the national assembly as well as the SPLM’s membership in general as of 1 December. Salva Kiir pointed out that the resolution aimed at protecting and maintaining the solidarity of the SPLM as an entity.

Telar Ring Deng and Aleu Ayieny Aleu told the press they had not yet been notified the decision of their removal from the SPLM. The two sacked ministers said the SPLM chairman can’t take such decision but he had to convene the Political bureau, sole authority invested to issue such decision.

Meanwhile, the sacked former state minister of interior, Aleu Ayieny, launched a fierce attack against the SPLM saying the movement has been transformed from “A national movement into an opportunist movement.” He told Al-Ray al-Amm that the SPLM had been buried with the late Dr John Garang and that it had no leadership in the South.

Ayieny further ridiculed the resolution saying that the SPLM’s leadership could not dismiss him and that he was in fact capable of dismissing the leadership. “I am one of the SPLM’s first fighters and I have the right to dismiss not the other way around” he added.

Ayieny attributed his dismissal to his demands for democracy in the SPLM. “This is the mistake we made because whoever says the truth in the SPLM is exposing themselves to greater danger,” he said.

Telar accused some circles of issuing the decision of removal. However he said “if it is true that it emanated from Kiir you will what we will do.” He further said they have the right to file an appeal against this decision before the political bureau.

The First Vice-President, the President of the Government of Southern Sudan and Chairman of the SPLM, Salva Kiir Mayardit, on Monday, has issued a decision to revoke the membership of two of Telar Ring Deng the nominee for state minister of Justice, and Aleu Ayieny Aleu, the former state minister of interior and the nominee for state minister of Agriculture.

The two men refused to appear before the investigation committee.

The SPLM’s decision was taken on the grounds of the report by the investigation committee that was formed last week to investigate Telar Deng’s statements in which he accused some SPLM members of plotting to topple Salva Kiir and Aleu Ayieny’s repeated statements in which he accused the Ugandan government of being complicit in the death of the SPLM’s former leader, John Garang.



  • Bongo

    Sacked SPLM ministers say Salva Kiir not qualified to dismiss them
    How uneducated men forget important things so easily! Who owns the SPLM/A so as to dismember others? Lest we forget, SPLM/A is a people’s movement … everybody’s party and army of the people’s liberation. It is a conglomeration of those who join in its shape and form willingly and those conscripted to participate in the war of resistance and of liberation.

    Is the liberation over now so that some opportunists don’t want to party with others any more? Why don’t the illiterate themselves resign instead of assume imaginary powers so as to dismiss others? Will Pagan, Dim Deng, Kiir, plus other stooges and sycophants deliver the people’s desired result in this war if everybody else take a back seat?

    Well, if that is so, then let’s call it the SPLM’s time of its saltiness is over. After all, the SPLM wasn’t meant to be a political party, but a political tool for the liberation only. And while everyone has a right to question Kiir or anyone who purports to own the movement, it could be easier for the disliked people to go back to their previous political parties or form new ones. Other than ideologies, mission, and vision, the bedrock for the political parties are people. Every village, payam, county, and state has people. So, if everybody goes back to his area and people, the SPLM will be nothing, but a home steamer for a couple of unlearned, disgruntled, opportunistic elements who will end up nowhere other than on their back yards.

    I am tired of Kiir and his tiny home boyz. After all, he is already appointing them in strategic positions as if he is at war with the rest of South Sudan. Let no man be intimidated by the latter-day compatriots and mighties. The ones in power today are nothing, but cohorts who had done nothing significance that’s worth rememberance in the movement. So, everyone must stand up against these wolves in sheep’s clothing. Claim your right or dish the SPLM at will and join or form other parties that would make Kiir and his gangs run for their stolen or “favourited” money

  • Magiir Kenyang
    Magiir Kenyang

    Sacked SPLM ministers say Salva Kiir not qualified to dismiss them
    There we go! It is not surprising for those who have been following these individuals closely.

    “SPLA is buried with Late Dr. Garang!” What make them persist in what is no longer exist??????????

    That is what can be expected from the arrogances and I can say take them to cattle camps. If that’s not good choice for them, confine them before they can create more turmoil.

    They have no room in government and GOSS in particular.

  • James James
    James James

    Sacked SPLM ministers say Salva Kiir not qualified to dismiss them
    I think folks like Bong might have been joining the movement for money or ranks, what is wrong with SPLA today ?

    I think SPLA still holding and persuing the right of the marginalized people of southern sudan, I don’t see anything wrong today, a lot of people have been removed and SPLA remain firm, in addition, milions of southerners stays without jobs that fetch them huge salaries, yet they still support SPLA, so I don’t see wrong doing being committed by President Kiir, however, if you want to form new movement for bags of bucks please bushe is very vast for all of you.

    We southerners encourage Kiir to the end, to sack those tongue soothers, corrupt officials and coup ploters till they all are brought into flat equalibrium.

  • James James
    James James

    Sacked SPLM ministers say Salva Kiir not qualified to dismiss them
    Telar Deng what stop you from defending those who were sacked sometimes back, you knew they were fired for wrong doing, so do you dude.

    By the way, your mouth in that picture don’t portray peace to the south, but merely an eating object.

    Please remember to buy your digging hoe and join your villagemate or come to Juba and open your NCP/NIF office branch officially.

  • Monye Jur
    Monye Jur

    Sacked SPLM ministers say Salva Kiir not qualified to dismiss them
    Ha Ha Ha!!! I can see now how people are having a zeal for power when their statements are reflecting different views and links with Jalabas.

    Good! Let me start by saying H.E Salva Kiir Mayarditt is the first vice President of the Republic of Sudan, President of Government of South Sudan (GoSS), Chairman and commander in chief of SPLA and SPLM in which he is also the Chairman of the SPLM Interim Political Bureau (IPB).

    He has the full rights granted to him by the south Sudan Interim Constitution and by the laws abides in the SPLM Interim Constitution to appoint and to sack any member who is misbehaving with outsiders like Tiler Deng and Aliu. So it is not so necessary for H.E Salva to further consult or convene the SPLM Interim Political Bureau (IPB) in such case of Tiler Deng when he exposed to the media that Pagan Amum wanted to throw Salva.
    The same thing happened with Aliu when he exposed to the media and accused the Ugandan government of being responsible for the death of our greater hero Dr. John Garang in the plan crashed of August 2005.

    Such allegations rose by Tilar and Alui were raised in irresponsible ways through an individual means and not as by SPLM party. Not known maybe some were correct, but because due to their wrong attitude and lack of political capabilities makes them to fall in this big hole dug by themselves in which they forget that they were digging it for them selves.
    And now Alui is saying; “he is capable of dismissing the leadership and further retreating that; he is one of the SPLM’s first fighters and having the right to dismiss not the other way around”.

    Oh may God!!! So which is which?? Is Alui trying to say that he is innocent or that he was dismissed in a wrong way? Why then did he failed to inform the SPLM IPB so as to reveal the secrets about the Garang crashed of which he was by then a member of the investigating committee? Nevertheless, he instead resigned from the committee after the result shows it was a pilot error. He should have brought such secrets to the table before the SPLM IPB for further investigations to be raise by government at GoSS level not at Alui’s level of just exposing it to the Arabic daily media.

    So who are now the opportunists as Alui and Tiler are rising? If Alui attributed his dismissal for his demands for democracy in the SPLM; then why did they failed to come and appear before the investigating committee at the time they were sermon in Juba??

    Since both of you Alui & Tiler failed to come and defend your self before the investigating committee headed by Dr. Anna Itto, then H.E Salva Kiir Mayarditt has the full right and authority granted to him by the Interim SPLM & south Sudan Constitution to dismissed and sacked you out for good.

    So please readers am not against this decision nor standing with those two guys, but what I want to say is that; if they (Alui & Tiler) think that they were dismissed or sacked in a wrong way; then let them come and present their appeal before the SPLM IPB for further clarifications and justifications. But and I repeat with bold letters BUT let them do it in a gentle way rather than launched a fierce attack against the SPLM saying the movement has been transformed from “A national movement into an opportunist movement.” And that the SPLM had been buried with the late Dr John Garang and that it had no leadership in the South.

    If this is the case that the SPLM were buried with Dr. John Garang and no leadership in the south!!! then you (Alui) should have better killed yourselves at Garang death to mark an end and as a proof that it’s the end of leadership in the south. And if this is your view Alui; better leave the SPLM with it deadly leaders to their own deadly people and form your own alive party with Tiler and some of your lively leaders.

    I still belief and having a hope that; SPLM is still active, is alive and will never die and thus will lead the suffering people of south Sudan and the marginalized people of Blue Nile, Nube Mountains and South kordofan (Abei) to the Promised Land of milk and honey- the independent state of new Sudan. Its true some times our leaders may have some weaknesses but this doesn’t mean that whoever is saying the truth in the SPLM is exposing himself to greater danger as attributed with the saying of these two guys (Alui and Tiler).

    If anyone is jealous due to a positions or something of personal gain with GoSS, then he should not temper with the SPLM/A by giving threats, otherwise, he himself if digging a hole for himself and one day he will felt down deeply in to it like this two guys (Alui and Tiler).

    Lets all be united and to support our leaderships and lets be aware of some Jalaba’s wolfs among us to create disunity and disharmony in the south Sudan.

    Long live SPLM/A , long live true sons of south Sudan and of marginalized areas, long live our greater hope of an independent state of new Sudan.
    The writer is in Juba and can be reached at [email protected]

  • Dominic Majok Makuei
    Dominic Majok Makuei

    Sacked SPLM ministers say Salva Kiir not qualified to dismiss them
    The decision taken by Kiir has come at a right time,Aleu has been messing up things since that time when peace was being, it is not healthy to have some one interfering with our national interests. better,he can be disowned.

    Mr Telar made unfounded acussation less than a week,he deserves being sacked.
    these two can soon cause a problem if not properly watched by those with the insights.

  • Marier Mabeny
    Marier Mabeny

    Sacked SPLM ministers say Salva Kiir not qualified to dismiss them
    Dear SPLM officials,leadership,
    This is not the right time to dismiss some splm./a exfighters permanently from the movement while the war has not yet finished.
    Sacking ministers is your right but dismissing permanently from SPLM is not absolutely right.

  • Toposa Boy southerner
    Toposa Boy southerner

    Sacked SPLM ministers say Salva Kiir not qualified to dismiss them
    Well am 100% with the president of southern Sudan first deputy, Salva Kiir Mayadrit, his the only one I know who truly love south Sudan with all his soul his even much better far more than late DR John Garang I say this because DR John Garang was the men who want southerners to be in slave by Jallaba Mundukuru just because he want to be the president of Sudan that’s why the war end up to 20+ years

  • Bombom

    Sacked SPLM ministers say Salva Kiir not qualified to dismiss them
    I agree with the ministries relieved by Mr Kiir that he has no right to reshuffle ministers as he wants! as he just a SPLA/M leader who was not elected democratically but inherited the power given to his position prior to the death of Dr John Garang!

    Mr Kiir should not try to run the country like his own property in the same way Garang was running SPLP/M militia! He needs to reckon that he did not come to power through democratic processes; therefore he has no right to do with people as he likes or dismisses them as he needs!

    Thourmuck (UK)

  • Anyang Ngong Ayuen
    Anyang Ngong Ayuen

    Sacked SPLM ministers say Salva Kiir not qualified to dismiss them
    My Bongo,
    please if this is your first commend on sensitive issues then please mind your language and that takes me back to let you know that, your analysis is short and shallow and you are not far from the sacked politicians(Telar and Aleu)
    If you can bet me wrong, there is a saying that goes “there is always a course for an alarm” Salva kiir has no political grudge with anybody and that is seen from his current political stand and that means that his decision is a provocation from this politicians who want to take us a mile back to where we came from. Honestly the current political crisis in Sudan is an equal situation that will reflect the views of the few elements who have long been trying to see the fall of SPLM/A which i see as the last thing that they wil do, if it didnt happened when we were in the bush, it will never happened my dear and hence salva should be congratulated in his efforts to eliminate this few individuals who wants to reverse the current political situation of Sudan.This people are just mouth piece of Khartoum government.Although they are shallowly genuine in saying that Kiir was not qualified to dismiss them, that argument is as good as their stay at home like any other sudanese, so lets not beat drums that seems to sound vacuums instead of making noise.
    In respect to the recent decision by Kiir, we all want to save the gaps that the known enemy can think of exploiting and if that means putting all the political rats to trap or to bench then Salva should continue doing that so that we can save the early death of the vision of the SPLM.They claim to have been major wings during the struggle for the last 22 years of the war.Can we say that, they didnt see the wrongs that the movement have been doing in the course of the struggle or we should assume that their intelect rose immediately the Comprehensive Peace Agreement was signed which i guese to be exactly 59 months.
    SPLM is a party for the people, by the people and of the people, we should not look at the short view of the dreams that SPLM wants to achieve but lets see beyond the borders of tribalic propagandas in order to achieve our destiny.



    (the author is a law student at Kampala International University and can be reached on [email protected] or [email protected])

  • David Chiengkou

    Sacked SPLM ministers say Salva Kiir not qualified to dismiss them
    Dear Southerners
    Salva Kiir Mayardit being the President of the Government of Southern Sudan and the Chairman of the SPLM had the constitutional powers to sacked and appoint the members of the party. As per with the issue of Telar Deng and Aleu Ayiny Aleu; can any one in actual fact believe that Salva had done something wrong? Southern Sudan being the post-war country that is recovering from loses of the war needs enough time to build up peace.

    If Dr Deng considers himself as innocent in this case he would have come out and speak by himself to the public of Southern Sudan or the appointed committee. Can those condemning H.E the President of GOSS for his decision come out clear to explain why they think Salva is wrong? Talking of coup in Southern Sudan can alone derail CPA rather then the current crisis between the South and the North.

    SPLM is not own by anyone but it is own by the ethics, code of conducts and the legislation that guide it as a political party in the South. Breaking this code means that you can be sacked or resigned officially in the party. If you think that these speculations are good and can be entertain then I consider you to be with the influence of the oppressor who wishes to see Southern Sudan in disarray. Southern Sudan had lost more then 1.5 million to the war for the noble cost of peace and tranquility in our land. Can we please help to restore the vision of the dead by promoting peace in our land? I do understand that people who are sack can be a security threat, but was this revolution waged for those seeking leadership? If YES, then I will regret the death of my two sister during the first war and the death of my veteran brother who died as an SPLA soldier with 8 bullets on his body.
    If NO, I will call him a hero who stood for the right of the marginalized people of South with his other colleagues who still bearing big wounds, lost limbs, and those who died including the fallen hero Dr John Garang de Mabior Atem.

    The dead veterans and other innocent soul need to see Southern Sudan in the freedom corners testing the fruits of their fertile land which the oppressor had misused since inception. If this process of building a peaceful society is to be derail by an individuals because he bears the bullet in his limbs or body, then he better leave and stay in his house not to fight for the south because he had no reason to bear the bullet. Can we commit bad atrocities in Southern Sudan and wishing to be pardon because of being veterans? No, Salva had the capacity to protect people of Southern Sudan from any other political turmoil that need to be created by self informed individuals.

    I appreciate what the President had done because Southern Sudanese civilians who had suffered for the last 5 decades need to see peace coming. Talking of coup can make me sick because how many time will people of Southern Sudan continue to be deprive from their mother land just because of individual differences.

    1. How many times will innocent children of Southern Sudan go to exile and leave their nation behind them?
    2. How many times will people of Southern Sudan be known poor?
    3. How many times will the land of Southern Sudan be known for its lawlessness as alleged?
    4. Can the people of Southern Sudan and their politicians stop tribal politics and embrace their diversity on the road to right of self-determination?
    5. Can people living in Diaspora think of what is best for their country but not what will take her back to war?
    6. How many times will we not listen to our leaders and their policies?
    7. Can we think of how Deng Nhial was lost without achieving what Southern Sudan want?
    8. Can we appreciate his efforts during the SANU with Colleague Agrey Jaden and learn a political lesson from their steps?
    9. Can we discourage another korakoro and then focus on the real peace in the South through development?
    10. Can we learn lesson from H:E Abel Alier Kuai, H:E Joseph Lagu Yanga and H:E Joseph Tumbura of the High Executive Councils?
    11. Can we learn lesson from the Aguet Awan and Abuur Matuongdit tragic experiences after the 1972 Peace Agreement?
    12. Can we learn a lesson from Gai Tut, Akuot Atem, Chuol, (Anyanya two) and see what will save Southern Sudan?
    13. Can we learn a lesson on the experiences many of you have gone through during the war?
    14. Can we learn a lesson from the 1991 political split?
    15. Can we learn a lesson on tribal tension being support by the North and its alliances?
    16. Can we learn a lesson from the 1965/67/68/70 Juba, Wau, Bor, and Malakal Massacre?
    17. Can someone ask himself why war of freedom in the south had taken many generations and learn a lesson about it?
    18. Can someone remember and learn a lesson about the horrible period of the Saba-Saba 7/7/1992 in Juba when many civilians were killed by the Arabs in Juba?
    19. Can some one asked himself why the there was revolution in 1924. 1955, 1962, 1983 and how many wars fought and how south lost to get its ways?
    20. As many of you may know very well that many of the marginalized communities of Sudan had never enjoy peace, Can we please make used of the current laws to influence the political change in Sudan?

    Dear, Southerners, being your son and brother I think like you and look like you, but can writers look at the other side of the mirror and ask themselves the above questions?
    I am always worried day and night just because of the situation in the South. The estimated population (12-15 million) of Southern Sudan need peace, allow them to cross Jordan, please because we can keep enjoying peace in other countries of the world and our mother land in chaos. Learn lesson from Eritrea, learn a lesson from the Tegiray Liberation Army. Southern Sudan freedom is not for SPLM/SANU/SSDF/SF etc, but for the people of Southern Sudan who had been deprive, tormented, tortured, enslaved by the North so far. People had been injected with hatred of close district, people who’s their ancestral dignity, compromises, honesty, loyalty and generosity had been stolen and subjected to the whims of detestation.

    If writers could really know the political party policies and guidelines then they would appreciate the step taken by the president. Telar Deng and Aleu Ayiny aleu are Southern Sudanese and have the capacity to rejoin the party if they prove themselves cleans from the wrong doing or unjustified statement.

    God Bless Salva Kiir Mayardit: and his leadership of GOSS to redeem the destitute people of Southern Sudan. Give him the strength to stand firm for the orphanages who’s their mothers and fathers falls victims of the civil war. Bring stable peace to Southern Sudan and give Salva and his followers the ability to maintain it. Make the widows, wounded, orphans, widowers and the impaired not experience any war again in the South. Give people of Southern Sudan living in other country heart to love and advocate for the peaceful country. Make him and his leadership to make the history in the Country that had never test the fruits of its own nature. A country described by the world as the lawless country. But a Country promised by your prophet Isaiah. A country who’s you have save many lives from the wild animals. Give him peace to tackle all the barriers and move for the better Sudan and Southern Sudan in particular. Amen

    David A. D. Chiengkou
    Author is currently living in Australia-Melbourne and can reached with [email protected]

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Sacked SPLM ministers say Salva Kiir not qualified to dismiss them

    Kiir is on the ball and he is not sparing anyone even if you are a home boy.

    Akuein is in jail and the two guys are gone and this means no safe haven for the homeboys.

    So no one should misbehave and thinks he is going to be safe because of how is close to home….well forget it….

    These salva rules are good and they will be applied in anya-nya III.

    ahmed chol, the future commander of anya-nya III

  • Chol Nyok
    Chol Nyok

    Sacked SPLM ministers say Salva Kiir not qualified to dismiss them
    My comment goes specifically to former SPLM/A minister, Aleu Ayieny, I salute you in the name of SPLM/A. Being a man of people, by people and for people can not make you a leader in such volatile situation. Mind you, to survive in illitrate Movement you must admit to be a stooge, sycophant, talewagger or bootlicker. Otherwise, there is no chance for you to maintain your position if you lack such qualities.

    Remember you blew the whistle this year claiming that Dr. Garang was assassinated, that is totally, absolutely unethical. I was worried when I heard such from you. I thought you would lose your position immediately because when you are in an instution such problem can not be revealled at individual ground, and also you did not learn a lesson from Nyandeng De Mabior when complained the same issue, she was rifted off from her duties as a minister for Road and costruction.

    I think the death of Garang should not be complained because there is a mystry behind it and we should take caution when we want to talk about it.

    We all know that Kiir is not educated however, he adopted Daniel Moi phylosophy “Nyayo” footstep,what can we do? Let’s wait untill he retired.

    Please take a back seat and be patient.
    Your teacher.

  • Steven Riek Deng
    Steven Riek Deng

    Sacked SPLM ministers say Salva Kiir not qualified to dismiss them
    the dismisal of the telar and Aleu came at a wrong time. a time on which all people are focusing on the implementation of the CPA.Dear president, you can releieve these two leaders from their constitutional post but not from thier SPLM membership and the national assembly.Telar and Aleu are needed by the people of sudan particular people of southern sudan. they are not useless, they are usefull that is why they stood firm with you during the 22 years of struggle. Thier struggle and contribution could not just be thrown in a one day. Let us not betray the cause.If dismisall is a solution, you would have been dismiss by Dr,John Garang when you quarrel with him in rumbek on rumors that you was dismiss by him. If dismissal is a solution, Dr, Riek Machar would have been dismisses by Dr, John Garang when he made a coup against the chairman.If dismissal is a solution, Nhial Deng Nhial would have been removed from his SPLM membership and SSLA membership. If dismisall is a solution, Abdelaziz Hilu and Yasir Arman would have been dismissed because they rebel against the movement because of personal interests.If Aleu was dismissed because of his statement on the death of late Garang,why not dismiss Mama Robecca Nyandeng. WE need to be realistic and fair.We wish you a united spirit and mission.

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