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Sudan Tribune

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Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row

December 12, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — The presidential advisor and prominent southern politician, Bona Malwal, has criticised the SPLM for its exaggerarted reaction over Abyei Protocol implementation. He balmed the infulence of Abyei native within the SPLM leadership.

Bona Malwal
Bona Malwal
In a symposium organised by the South Sudan Democratic Forum on the future of The CPA under the current political crisis, held in Khartoum on 12 december, Bona Malwal said “that Abyei alone must not return the country to war. We should seek a peaceful way of implementing the terms of the Abyei protocol, without the threat of war.”

Bona said that Abyei was as an area of Southern Kordofan since 1905, the Abyei area is no longer purely a Ngok Dinka area.

He also criticized the report of experts saying it is “clearly favours one side and is not comprehensive enough.”

Bona, who designated the self determination for southern Sudan in 2011 as ultimate goal of the CPA, urged the SPLM to negotiate patiently with the National Congress Party.

He also said if Abyei’s oil is the cause of dispute then it is urgent to have that oil extracted, so that the country as a whole benefits.

He also proposed to quickly set up of the local administration for Abyei, “under the leadership of the citizens of Abyei, in their entirety.”

The borders of the disputed Abyei region were to be decided by an independent commission and the region would also decide by 2011 whether to be in the south or north.

But the NCP rejected the commission’s report and the Abyei deadlock has continued for two years. Analysts have identified the dispute as a potential threat to the deal which ended Africa’s longest civil war.

The Sudanese presidency has to agree on a solution to end the current row over the oil rich region before the end of the year.

Ngok Dinka tribal Chief, Kuol Deng, said last August that there are about 30,000 Ngok Dinka in the Abyei area now.


To read the full text of Bona Malwal paper on the CPA implementation, please
go at


  • Manyok Mabiei

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row
    Mr. Malwal you’re a great enemy than, even an enemy who paying you. “This article is so-called diverting people of South to North.” We wouldn’t doubt that you’re not far away from confusing element in this world. However, you’re collected your idealess from North to divide the South, it will not workable at this time.

    Therefore, you’re only a man, whom, we never heard from our society, who doesn’t care a dignity of (humanists). “We never, found a man, who like himself to gain benefits for himself. So, take this message from today the South doesn’t mind in such dirty ideology of dividing them to join “Radical Regime Government”.

    Even, if you’re soundless like threaten the “CPA” in will of Southerners, and whole Sudan at large. You will still end up in vain of no dignity from your people. No matter what your days are almost to end fewer than 80s. So, brain doesn’t functioning well in human average you can say ever to divide the people of Cush. “We will not be worry much your sun is almost to end! But your name will remain baseless from people of South to next generations…………..!

    Manyok-Mabiei in exile.

  • Juach D Juach
    Juach D Juach

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row
    The statement above is unnecessary but only benefitial to the NCP party and not anyone else in the Sudan. Mr Bona Malual should retract his statement and apologise for the harm his remarks have done to the marginalised people in the Sudan.

    SPLA/M with or without Abyei natives in the leadership is determined to liberate all the oppressed people in every corner of the sudanese state. I think you giving wrong advise to your president if that’s what you’re feeding Al Bashir.
    You either join the struggle or shut up because if you continue on this dangerous line, Sudan and the South to be precise is going to be in turmoil.

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row
    Oh my God!.

    I never knew that Bona Malaul is a southerner by names. Now I am much convince that Mr Malual is more dangerous than Basheir himself!. Oh God, I can’t undersand how dare could Malual Basheir criticises our SPLM over Abyei?. This is more than serious and can let somebody remain almost thoughtless. Mr Malual, Abyei had never been for Kordufan as from the very beginning. It is for NGOK CHIEFDOM and its must remain like that. I know that your pockets are very dry now that is why you are making these loud noise. My advise to you is that take as much as you can from Mundukuru but, don’t sales your right to them since it will affects your kinsmate. Watch out that Malual Southerners may curse you if you don’t change and apologizes to them as soon as possible.

  • Moses Deng Malual
    Moses Deng Malual

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row

    “Get rid of all bitterness,rage,anger,harsh words,and slander,as well as all types of evil behavior.”

    “A man was criticized for failing to provide for his family.Times were hard.He couldn’t find a job so he decided to go into the fish business.

    “After his first catch,he set up shop underneath a sign he made:’Fresh Fish for Sale Today!’The first passerby offered a criticism:’Why would you use the word today? Everyone knows you don’t want to sell them yesterday or tomorrow.That leaves only today to sell them.’

    “So he sawed off that last word and mounted the new version:’Fresh Fish for Sale.’The next passerby asked,’Why use the word Fresh? Do you mean to imply that at other times the fish are not fresh?’Again he changed his sign.Now it said,’Fish for Sale.’

    “The next critic said,’Why not leave off the words for Sale? Any numbskull would know that’s why you have a fish market?’Finally,he wound up with only the word ‘Fish.’ Even then,he still had a critic.The next passerby said,’Why do you need to put up a sign at all? Anyone who cames within half a mile of this place knows from the smell what you are selling!’

    “Folks who are determined to leave no stone unturned will find something to criticize about any endeavor we undertake.”

    Criticism: A killer of worthy endeavors and a killer of relationships!

    Suggested prayer: “Dear God,please deliver me from the sin of a negative critical attitude.Help me to become more and more like Jesus in every way.Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer.Gratefully in Jesus name.Amen.”

    Dr.Moses Deng Malual.

  • Ali Alfred
    Ali Alfred

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row
    When you read above article,youwill conviced that Mr Bona is a real southener-Arab,Bona have sold off his southerner aspiration for his own benefits and his own master in Khartoum.

  • Koang Bishok
    Koang Bishok

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row
    first of all I would to thank Sudan tribune for this web so that our views can be share on the internet.

    Refering to statements made by our honourable Malual madut.let me advise you my dear comrades in New Sudan, particularly in Southern Sudan.leave kuer medit] alone with his statememnt.wur me chigualong ke rama kel col Omar butcheryrees sudani is killing like butcherman.anyway let not take serious,there is time for everything,andn no human being in this world has ever forgetton about his grass root although it is useless.I wondered why my colleague made such speech agaist the will of his people.beshir will go any time but he will come back to his useless people in south sudan.[him malwallet him remember the time he was trying to pretend himself to minster in Wau.what did he fulfill? please bona remain quitely eating your money without causing chaos to your brothers in junub sudan,GOd jugge according to what one earn.
    the writer in a southern sudanese in Uk.Koang Bishok

  • Pete

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row
    Any Kins of Buona Malual? If there are any kins to mr Malual then they need to take care of him because I think Buona had Old-timer.
    He is not playing a good political game, the man is making political sucide to himself, to the community, to the society, to Southern Sudanese, and Sudan as whole and even to the world.

  • Karlo Atem
    Karlo Atem

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row
    I have read Bonas words carefully.What I found were facts and opinions which we Southern Sudanese need desperately in this particular time. We should be careful to criticise such a visionary, experienced person who want to share with us his vision.
    Sometime we should learnt to swallow facts too. And that is how we shall grow as a party, nation and people.
    There is not such an organization without a twist. People like Bona acts accordingly and he has such a potential to drive us in good direction.
    Thank you Bona

  • Ayuen Buol mum
    Ayuen Buol mum

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row
    the pro-dominant southern politician, Bona Malwal has made an illegitimate downplaying on behave of southern sudanese for his self-promotion to the NCP’s agendas. Bona Malwal can you elaborated to the southern sudanese the utility of engaging in the illegitimate political behavor that will harm the home of your ancestors Dinka Ngok of the southern sudan.
    I can’t believe the scapegoating of those who are still advocate their own impression to harm the public for their own good come on. south is ours and those who want to justifying that they have knowledge to rule the south must go and let the president Kiir stands firm to take us to the promise land period. therefore, Bona Malwal has violated the implied rule of the game which means politicking will not justify the end for backstabbing.

    Ayuen Mum

  • Bol Nul Dhieu

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row
    I would like to keep you (Bona Malual) aware of only one thing that your mind has greatly missed,”Charity begins at home”. This is the most useful proverb that you have been failing to interpret since you lasted your degree and merged to politics

    Therefore, I strongly ask you to suspend politics as from now and get back to learn what the proverb says. Seriously, this is the assignment I have given to you and stop messing up the CPA that was signed out of your presence. What side were you seated when negotiation was held in Naivasha, Kenya.

    The Dinka Ngok of Abyei are genetically, socially and culturally southerners. Then what point do you want to stagger around?

  • Chol Nyok
    Chol Nyok

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row
    Dear Mr. Bona Malual,
    I doubt whether your ability will ever deliver any fruitful thing to Southern Sudanese. When will you learn from your ill deeds against your blood brothers and sisters? You killed Deng Nhial and made no regret, you sold thousand children in Northern Bhar el Ghazel through slave trade and still do not regret. You worked againgst the SPLM/A when they were in the bush and still no regret. You are working hard to distract Southern Sudan from getting self determination and yet unsatisfy. You have now extended your evils to Abyei protocol, what kind of person are you? You are a true increnate of devil, I wonder if there is any Dinka who will ever think like you. Your grey hair earned you nothing even a single wisdom.

    Bona, when will you learn to appreciate what southerns are crying for? You are stooge, sycophant who thinks of his stomach. Mind you, will die poor even if you earn milions of dollars everyday from blood oil, still you pay a price for betraying your blood brothers and sisters. Remember anything you get free, goes away free.

    Southern Sudan will achieve peace and stability without Bona Malual, AByei will be for Dinka without Bona Malual.

    Please Change your name from today to Mohame not Bona Malual, our good name.

    When will Bona die Nhialic Deng Abuk?

  • Pothwei Apet Bangoshoth
    Pothwei Apet Bangoshoth

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row
    Doom on you Bona Malual. You will never lead us with your devolish ideals of Omar El.Bashir. We know that you have already finished your deal with them to buy you, eventhough we merganalize will prevail on both of you.

  • Pothwei Apet Bangoshoth
    Pothwei Apet Bangoshoth

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row
    Doom on you Bona. You will never lead us with your devolish ideals of Omar El.Bashir. We know that you have already finished your deal with them to buy you eventhough, we merganalize people will prevail on both of you.

  • Manyang

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row
    Outdated politicians must be told to chat up!

    I am really very happy with the way the south sudanese had responded to Mr Bona Malwal Madut infamous article. The best way of tackling outdated politicians like uncle Bona is to challenge his political reasoning. He must be criticize base on his ideas and not talking about his community and private live. Some weak politicians always take cover in their community to hide their infamous past. For us to succeed, we must critized our leaders base on their ideas and activities and not defaming the general community.

    In my opinion, I do not see Bona as a politician or a person who would one day become a southern leader. He is just a troublesome old man who has no wisdom to give to his people. Other patriotic southern Sudanese of his age are keeping quiet and are guiding young southern leaders on how to accomplish the mission of our suffering people.

    Bona is out of touch with the reality in the Sudan. He had spent most part of his life in Khartoum and in London. He still sees arabs in the eyes of 1970s and 80s when he was a politician. He sees arabs as his superiors.

    Mr Bona we are the new generation of the Sudan. We see thing differently from the way your generation did in the past. We see arabs as ordinary sudanese and not as superiors. The NCP has no legitimacy to tell us what is ours and what is not. We are ready to declare war on NCP and it proxy militias if the CPA is not implemented in it entirety.

    Mr Bona tell your superiors that their days are numbered. The best way to save them is to let them implement the CPA by letters. We are not going to give up on abiei and other marginalize areas in the Sudan.

    Mr Bona, our vision “New Sudan”, is well defined vision and it is working. For your information, we spent the last 22 years fighting your superiors base that vision. Some infamous southern politicians had tried in the past to undermine this vision. They came up with their own agenda on how to solve the sudan problem but they failed miserably. We are not going to drop this vision because of selfish advise from belly politicians like you.

    Mr Bahir, you are getting advise from a person who has no credibility what so ever in the south. Bona is telling you to abrogate the CPA but you will never succeed. We know, you are the only Sudanese self-imposed president who had officialized militias “Popular Defence Force”. You had reopened their training camps in the country but they will end up in hell or Guatanomo Bay like other terrorists your regime had trained

    In all, Mr Bona, you are entitle to your opinion but remember not abuse this long won freedom of expression. Your opinions are always painful to marginalized people of the Sudan. We in the SPLM know our vision better than you do. Please come up with your vision and the sudanese people will be our judges.

    Long live SPLM/A!
    long live new sudan!
    Long live CPA!
    Long the Sudanese people!

    By: Manyang Deng

  • Butrus Ajak.
    Butrus Ajak.

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row
    Bona Malual Madut commnet on the current political crisis in Sudan and Southern Sudan in particular is more dangerous for the infant Government whose its citizen still recovering from the wound of war.
    Depending the right of Self-determination in that way will never make the people of Southern Sudan.There southerners need to watch out.

  • Peter Deng Bior
    Peter Deng Bior

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row
    Bona Malual, it is unfortunate, I did not know people like you who have gone so far in politics could today decide to criticise the belove Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement who through the brave Late Dr. John Garang, H.E Salva Kiir, H.E Riek Machar and the rest of the Patriots brought peace and harmony to the people of Southern Sudan in which by this opportunity you are investing in the bribery accounts.

    SPLM as a national party is the only gateway to freedom of its people across the nationwide and it is the only hope to the opportunists like you to draw their boat to the other side of the river. I had thought that you were going to be the head of the State one day but today, I am very surprised that you have no clear vision for them at all.

    Shame on you my dear one. Never dream of leading the people who suffered with SPLM to bring harmony in the Country. Love of SPLM is the only key to leadership. Change your attitudes of turning your back to your people into which you were born and brought you up until you knew the value of NCP cash. Thanks for not knowing the SPLM role in uniting the people who love peace and United Southern Sudanese.

  • Matueny Muorwel
    Matueny Muorwel

    Bona Malwal criticises SPLM maladroitness over Abyei row
    Bona Malwal, from NCP chairman advisor to spokesman
    By Matueny Muorwel

    Bona Malwal Madut, a prominent leader of South Sudan Democratic Forum (SSDF) and president Bashir’s advisor denounce the CPA by saying that the SPLM did not unite southerners during negotiations in Naivasha, Kenya. He made this statement during a symposium he held in Sharga Hall, university of Khartoum on 12 Dec last year. It means that Malwal himself is not a partner in the CPA government, but on which steps did he become president Bashir’s advisor? This question the sincerity of Malwal claims to self determination of the South. He was clearly received as a spokesman of the NCP when he stated that the NCP is serious about the peace otherwise they would have used militia during the negotiations to disturb peace processes in the South. His defense of NCP was widely noted. Malwal and his SSDF talk of 2011 referendum as their political build up but in his statement he said that the CPA could not be implemented in six years time, what hypocrisy! The veteran leader whose political career is the self determination of the South went further to note down that this right of Southerners should not be lost as a result of dispute between the SPLM and the NCP; he did deplore the reasons that have led to the dispute. Bona Malwal has been a persistent headache to any thing to do with peace or progress of the South. He tried by many ways to get the south into his pocket but this has been so difficult. Bona Malwal clinging to right of self determination of the South proves how visionless the man is. It is not a description of a man to claim the children who are not truly his biological children. This is what Bona Malwal is; there is nothing good that Bona has contributed to the achievement of the right to self determination. Modern history of Southern Sudan has to clarify those collaborators who drew the sketch maps that were used as clues for aerial bombardment of the South during the war. Bona Malwal conspiracy on the people of the South and the SPLM become as clear as broad day light. It is self insulting to this veteran politician to claim the championship of the Southern nationalist while he is doing the opposite. Who does Bona think is blind and deaf to see or hear his affiliation with enemies in the North? The South of today is not the same as it was in 1970s when Bona Malwal and his likes were one-eyed men among all the blinds, this is the time of work and not of dusty talks. Bona Malwal should first measure the temperature of political awareness among the young generation of the South before he talked of his camouflaged claims to self determination. Outdated ideas have no rooms in the South of today, Bona should not still dream of the South that was being represented by traditional but illiterate chief. In his statement, the veteran politician, Malwal said that there is no political freedom in the South, which is his phobia. That complaint is only from Malwal as an individual, but his party’s members are working politically in the South, they are known by names. It is only Malwal who is afraid to go to the South and this adds more questions as what crime Malwal has committed or is still committing that makes him fear about his safety in the South. Malwal should not mix personal dreads with party’s activities. Malwal’s silence to condemn the NCP way of handling the CPA which is a key to self determination inevitably makes mockery a description of a leader. It is not to be denied that Bona has a secret agenda to execute at the expense of Southerners’ rights, but this is not the time for such trickeries. Bona says that the SPLM is marginalizing other political parties in the South but he does not talk about his party’s marginalization by the NCP, how do we call that? Bona words always remind the Southern public of the statement he issued two years ago in which he termed the SPLA forces in Eastern Sudan and Blue Nile as occupying army, he did not touch any thing about the presence of SAF on Southern soils if he were a true Southern nationalist. That went down in dark history and records of Bona Malwal. Malwal and his SSDF party have nothing to do with the future of the South and its people; this is what all Southerners should understand before they are excited by false prophecies of wolves dressed in sheep clothes. Right to self determination was what the South fought for, it does need to preached or be used as a ladder to achieving one’s political egoism. Political parties are formed out of visions and missions, this is not the case with SSDF which was formed out of anger where by angry people lined up and called themselves a party whose financial resources come somewhere from the presidential palace. If we take the whole membership of the SSDF which is sometimes confused with South Sudan Destruction Forum (SSDF), you will not find a member who has registered his membership because of his belief in the party’s manifesto, all were driven by anger. A company of trouble makers lives by troubles and disbands by troubles. In recent crises within the SPLM concerning the two leaders who were dismissed, the SSDF assumed the spokesman ship of that group. SSDF is a South- anti-South designed by the NCP to distract SPLM attention from national issues. This is heard louder when Bona Malwal and his SSDF talks out dust in defense of the NCP. The Southern public should not hold Bona responsible for the damage he is inflicting on them, but the nature. According to the nature when some one goes beyond the age of eighty years, his memory returns back to the periods when he was a child. This is what has happened to Bona Malwal, science proves the reality of this natural hypothesis. The SSDF and its sister parties with which it shares the same nomenclature are confusing and for simplicity, it is advisable to group them under one name “political militia parties” (PMP). They are using the same tactics like when the armed militia use to shoot SPLA from behind while the SPLA are fighting SAF. PMP are in this era of CPA firing the SPLM from the back while it is fighting the NCP politically.

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