Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Rebel SLM leader says SPLM efforts in Darfur doomed to fail

December 15, 2007 (PARIS) — Darfur rebel leader Abdelwahid Mohamed al-Nur has denounced Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) efforts to reunite rebel movements saying “Any work to falsify the will of our people is doomed to fail”.

Abdelwahid al-Nur
Abdelwahid al-Nur
The founder of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) was reacting to the creation in Juba of a new rebel group with the name of Sudan Liberation Movement headed by Ahmed Abdelshafi on Friday.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune, al-Nur said there is nothing new in such move. “We used to see since the failure of Darfur peace talks in Abuja two or three people with a vehicle and some satellite telephone publishing statements in the name of Darfur people.”

He further added “What is new here is to see the SPLM associating it self to National Congress Party (NCP) efforts to fabricate rebel groups in order to falsify the will of Darfurians.”

The former ally of the southern Sudan ruling party said the “SPLM betrayed the confidence of Darfur people and Stabbed our cause in the back.”

However al-Nur added “The SPLM said succeeded togather all the rebel groups in Juba since last September and now we see that the mountain gave birth to a mouse.”

“Whatever the SPLM or others do they should know that our people are able to defeat this conspiracy,” he asserted.

Since last September after a series of meeting in Paris with the influential rebel leader, Riek Marchar, GoSS Vice-President and Edward Lino, the prominent SPLM member criticised openly the rejection of Abdelwahid al-Nur to join the AU-UN sponsored peace talks with the Sudanese government to end the four year conflict in Darfur.

Al-Nur demands before political talks with Khartoum to implement a series of actions aiming to provide security to Darfur civilians; like the deployment of a robust peacekeeping force on the ground, and the disarmament of the Khartoum backed militias.

He explains his position by saying that Khartoum’s lack of credibility pushes him to demand reparation of the conflict effects before to engage political talks on the root causes of the conflict.

Al-Nur was supported in the past by the late John Garang the former leader of the SPLM and former First Vice-President. Since Garang’s death his relations with the SPLM are deteriorating.



  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    Rebel SLM leader says SPLM efforts in Darfur doomed to fail
    well, it is up to Abdel wahid to judge the SPLM and its effort to end the ongoing war in Darfur.But he should know that southern sudanese at present feel that their brothers in Darfur should not continues dying if their is a chance of stopping the war in a way that answer the cause of the struggle of the people of Darfur.That is why the people of south sudan represented by SPLM made that effort.Abdel Wahid should not oppose every thing ,this may lead to big loses of chances and what the Darfurians should get from their struggle.

    God make sudan peaceful!!


  • Bol Madut
    Bol Madut

    Rebel SLM leader says SPLM efforts in Darfur doomed to fail

    It’s a time that you get your butts off France and go back to Darfur and participate in both political negotiations and battlefields. SPLA/M was successful because it was doing both (engaging NIF in both arenas). Don’t sit around and keep issuing press after press. It won’t help people of Darfur you’re claiming to be fighting for.

    Besides, SPLA/M never betrayed people of Darfur; it was you Darfurians who betrayed Southerners by fighting along side the NIF against the South since we took up the arms.

  • chomwalimu

    Rebel SLM leader says SPLM efforts in Darfur doomed to fail
    By:Chol Dhoor Riak

    The Sudan people liberation army/movement have not and will never give up in its thirst to bring all Durfur factions to a common ground favourable for peace.the demand to appreciate the effort the SPLM have exerted should be reinforced by all Durfur factions for peace to be realized.

    The will to admit and accomodate all the foundations laid by the SPLM are the best resolutions rather than criticing SPLM for course it has not chart.I don,t personally think that the SPLM has anything to doom and falsifies as Mr.Abdelwahid put it.What all Durfur factions must know is that SPLM have neither a desire to disintergrate the Durfur people nor does it backs any particular faction.Dragging of blame to any side of suspicion will not help Durfurians but will only derailed any means aimed at bringing peace to Durfur region.

    My opinion’

    My turn.

    Chol Dhoor Riak.

    contact:[email protected]

  • Monye Jur
    Monye Jur

    Rebel SLM leader says SPLM efforts in Darfur doomed to fail
    Dear Abdul-Wahid Mohammed Al-Nur

    I thought you would have known and recognized that SPLM/A is the only hope and partner who will help the Darfurrians of getting out from this big hole dug by the NCP in which your people are now suffering.

    Frankly speaking, you Darfurrians are the only people who pro-long the war in the south by associating with the NCP and killing southerners in the battle fields and government control areas.

    You Darfurrians did so many bad atrocities to the southerners to the extern that it cannot be mentioned nor be forgiven. SPLM/A is not supposed even to participate in anything for the welfare of Darfur since Southerners have nothing in common with you and besides all you(Darfurrians) have been carrying arms against SPLM/A.

    You Abdul-Wahid cannot deny this, you were a Mujahid before in Juba and you have been living by then at the SAF military general HQs during the early. 1990s.

    However, SPLM/A tried to forget any atrocities done by the Darfurrians to the southerners by engaging serious in the peace processes and for the unification of the Darfur scattered factions. So now you are blaming the SPLM/A of “betrayed the confidence of Darfur people and Stabbed your cause in the back.”?????

    Shame on you as a leader and founder of SLM to speaks such a dirty words against SPLM/A. If you think that you are the truly and right leader who is fighting for the marginalized people of Darfur; then you need to know that a liberator cannot stay in luxury home in Paris and eating chocolates while your own people whom you are claiming to fight for their rights are staying in camps with no shelter, food, health, security and many others.

    You need to know and understand that; the little peace which south Sudan is now enjoying is because their leaders including late Dr. Garang were heavily engaged in the field and in front line with all the rains, mosquitoes, sleeping under trees with some hazards such as snacks and other wild animals for a 21 years and they proved their liberation in the eyes of the NCP and the international community. So you better come back in to the front line, leave Paris to their own people and engage in battle fields since you are the founder of SLM, otherwise you will find those who united in Juba under the SLM of Abdu-Shafie will be recognized and you will find your liberation in dilemma.

    Lastly, you have to understand that, SPLM/A has a limited partnership with NCP; I guess the implementation of the CPA and SPLM/A is not carrying NCP agendas on Darfur. Better be united with your brothers to have a common goal so that you will be recognized by the world otherwise; you will find yourself one day of being expelled from Paris and then you will regret for words against the SPLM/A.

  • Buong Deng
    Buong Deng

    Rebel SLM leader says SPLM efforts in Darfur doomed to fail
    Mr al Nur Sound like has name by blaming southern Sudan government.Mr al Nur there is no way in this World Southern Sudan normal men can back NCP. A normal Southern Sudanese Political leader like Salva Kiir can not Support NCP.We the Southerner know and we will never forget the killing of our People by NCP.Though we forgot what they Dafurians did during the War in Southern Sudan by helpig NCP killing our people. By saying unlogical dirty word from your mouth ,it remind me of the war back in the day in Southern Sudan.

  • Deng

    Rebel SLM leader says SPLM efforts in Darfur doomed to fail
    This Abdel Wahid who does he think himslef is? Does he think that he alone can solve the problem of Darfur? This guy is just trying to make a political name for himself and I don’t think that he is after the interest of the Darfur people. Because the Darfurians themselves know that they are the most used to fight the Southerners during the twenty one years in the name of Religion and Jihad, and most of the people who killed our people in the South were from Darfur. The SPLM and South Sudan should have had nothing to do with them for what they did to us, but because we don’t want them to suffer as we did, the SPLM is trying to unify them so that they could go to table united other than having too many factions without tooth. All the Darfurian groups including Abdal Wahid should be grateful for the efforts done by SPLM to unite them so that they are strong enough to negotiate with Khartoum. This Abdal Wahid if he is a true leader why can’t he like the other rebel leaders stay in Darfur and fight on the ground like his colleagues, why is he in exile in Paris just having a big mouth for criticising rather than appreciating and support the efforts done by the SPLM and the international community to stop the war in Darfur.
    Any way I congratulate the SPLM for it’s efforts to unite the rebel groups and I congratulate the rebel groups too for this big achievement for the sake of Darfur people.

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