Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan SPLM accused of attempting to divide Nuer

Union of Nuer Community in North America (UNCONA)

UNCONA Condemns SPLM’s Attempt to Divide the Nuer

Press Release

2007-12-26 — The Supreme Council of Union of Nuer Community in North America (UNCONA) is profoundly disturbed by the attempt of the SPLM to divide the Nuer community in North America. On Dec, 10, 2007, the office of First Vice President Salva Kiir in Juba instructed all SPLM Chapters in North America to mobilize the Nuer who are members of the SPLM party to full away from UNCONA. Lt. Gen. Kiir himself instructed SPLM’s offices in the Diaspora to isolate UNCONA because it does not support his leadership when UNCONA urged Lt. Gen. Paulino Matip to quit the SPLA.

The SPLM’s offices in North America have now started bribing some Nuer to write a petition letter claiming that the SPLM’s Nuer do not recognize UNCONA to represent the Nuer community in North America. The SPLM’s representatives went as far as intimidating those who refused the Nuer community to be divided by outsiders. Unfortunately, there are some Nuer who accept bribery and are now writing their names to please Salva Kiir and Pagan Amum.

The Union of Nuer Community in North America (UNCONA) was founded in 2005 after the conclusion of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) to address Nuer marginalization in the Sudan. UNCONA’s mission statement is predicated upon the creation of the government of South Sudan free from tribal domination. UNCONA does not accept any agenda aimed at colonizing minor tribes in the South in violation of the principles of equality of all ethnic groups in the Sudan.

The seriousness of UNCONA for equality was reflected when the representatives of the Equatoria’s Solidarity International (ESI), Equatoria’s Professionals in Europe (EPE) and the Union of Nuer Community in North America (UNCONA) held a series of discussions from Dec. 1st —7th, 2006. The three communities examined the political experiences of South Sudan ever since the independence of Sudan as well as the current political situation and concurred that lack of consensus among democratic forces in the South is the cause of deepening national crisis that has now placed South Sudan in the verge of collapse due to mismanagement of Southern affairs by the SPLM party.

During the signing of Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) in Dec, 2006, the three communities agreed that the fundamental cause of the failure of South Sudanese had been misdiagnosed by some political forces in the region. The discussions held by the representatives of the three communities on all issues pertaining to the national crisis and current political situations in the South arrived at the followings conclusions:

1) The problem of underdevelopment in the post-CPA South Sudan is no longer caused by the North as it is mistakenly perceived by the corrupt SPLM party, but between tribal chauvinists of the SPLM—who champion corruption—and the political forces in the South who want to establish democratic order. Since independence of Sudan, South Sudan has been divided between those who believe in establishing a democratic state and those who believe in imposing militant tribalism and kleptocracy against the will of the people;

2) The three communities unequivocally concurred that the political crisis, which currently bedevils South Sudan, is exacerbated because tribalism captured the institutions of the Government of South Sudan (GoSS);

3) The communities understood that the implementation of the CPA is hampered by the ongoing corruption in the GoSS. The institutionalization of corruption and tribalism is antithetical to the fundamental objective of South Sudan liberation struggle. The three sides affirmed that the only way for the people of the South to exercise the right to self-determination, as promised by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, is to unite behind a coalition of South Sudan parties with the tradition of establishing a just, democratic government;

4) The communities agreed that democratization of South Sudan is not possible without reforming the securing organs of the SPLA and reinstate a system which respects basic human rights and international norms;

5) The three communities affirmed that South Sudan is politically pluralistic, religiously and culturally diverse and there ought to be a consensus on a new social contract that does not permit discrimination on the basis of tribe, religion, culture, race, gender or region;

6) The three communities concurred that tribally inspired military repressions in Greater Equatoria would only exacerbate the ongoing insecurity and would not propel South Sudan towards a lasting democratic order.

Therefore, UNCONA calls upon Nuer in North America to vigorously reject the SPLM’s attempts of dividing the Nuer community. The Nuer in early 20th Century fought the British for thirty years because they didn’t want to be colonized. The SPLM has copied British’s divide and rule tactics in South Sudan and is keen to divide the Nuer in order to destroy them. The Nuer have never been colonized by any tribe in the Sudan history and would resist, by all means, Salva Kiir’s attempt to divide them.

For Contact:

John Gatluak Kam

President of Union of Nuer Community in North America (UNCONA)

Email: [email protected]



    Sudan SPLM accused of attempting to divide Nuer
    It’s disgusting that our brothers in diaspora are ruining/setbacking the unification of Southerners and that require full attention of all the citizens however it will be too late to tackle when it has hit the base because there is no smoke without fire. Iam here urging our government (GOSS) and all the citizens to have those culprits with little dick heads convicted.
    However iam quite sure that the press is barbaric and has no fruitful yield at the end because the second largest tribe like Nuer must have a wise persons who forsees the impacts of the decision, thus a community that hold the position of a vice president still criticizing the government what about those doesn’t have even a minister? In a real sense what next do they want? Does it means that every Nuer even a cattle keeper want to be given a post in the government? and if so where is that one happening in other parts of the world? Does Nuer brothers in abroad wanted their own government even with in the same country? how greedy is the Nuer majority is? if i ask a question, how many of your intellectuals have defected during the wars of liberation and did SPLM fails to avail the freedom to the people of Southern Sudan? therefore, it’s up to you wether you want to form your own government or an other rebellion do it and mind you avoid involving brothers from Equatoria they are not like you, beside who is suppose to rule that will come from a non tribe?
    I wish our vice president and the rest of the intellectual plus millitary officers from Nuer should talk some thing to the citizens of Southern Sudan about this press otherwise no smoke with out fire, likewise there is an other rat in Australia shouting that he has a rebellion,why is it that our brothers are situation provokers?
    UNCONA, what do you mean by Salva Kiir bribing Nuers? Is Salva the one bribing or Bashir Mundukuru? beside can Salva bribe Nuers in which sense actually, to be Gogrialist or Mayardit family members? you better be open that you have an other party (Nuer) rathar then polluting the political atmosphere now and then, remember Late Dr Garang said ‘ my father house has so many rooms’ so if you want to form a party that will accredits the devastated South Sudan then it’s welcome, and mind you all the people in Sudan are the same so stop your tribal hatreds, to day it is Dinka ruling, tomorrow it will be somewhere (tribe) and no body knows wether it will be a Nuerawi and if not from Nuer then it is too early to complain and talk of domination.
    Lastly i beg you to come out of North America and convince your leaders to join you and form your own government (GON), you should change the name of the party UNCONA to UNcOSS so you change Nuer from two states to a nation otherwise your words will be nonesense.


  • Africa

    Sudan SPLM accused of attempting to divide Nuer
    Hi Gatluak manguel Kam,

    Your UNCONA organization is suck, why don’t you declare war against SPLM. Whatever UNCONA posted here in Gurtong website is alway focal on SPLM VS Nuer, what is wrong dog?

    You don’t even bother to contribute a fruitful ideas that would benefit not also Nuer, but also whole southern sudan in general.
    Is UNCONA organization in America created to defense Nuer from SPLM? Don’t you have Nuer intellectual that can analyzes before you posted sensitive outrageous article onto the webe?.

    Is that is the way UNCONA get money from donors, which turn UNCONA to be a survival organization, not for development and reconciliation whenever there is differences?
    Don’t we anticipate that one day one time son of Nuer will become a leader of southern sudan, rather than preaching division? I am really sick of UNCONA and De chand.

    The good news is, majority of NUER are not going to listening to this organization because SPLM is dominated by Nuer intellectual

  • Chol Aleng Maguet
    Chol Aleng Maguet

    Sudan SPLM accused of attempting to divide Nuer
    Dear brothers.
    There is something wrong going on within our communities in the greater Upper Nile and this is registered by Nuer,why do you always like breaking away from the system of good governance ?
    the peace that we are enjoyed was brought by the participation of all the citizen of Sudan but Nuer suffer most as from the beginning by the two battlion of 105 and 104,Nuer are the majority but the always confuse themselves within a minute.
    People the goverment is belong to all of us not for one family or Community as you termed to happen to you, never.
    Would you be supporting the goverment whom you see the President,vice and all Ministers come Nuer then it will not make sence and will never happen.
    Be abide by the constitution and policies so that when Nuer come to Power one time they will be supported by all tribes,
    Goverment does not belong to Dinka,Nuer,Zande,Kakwa,Kuku,Shilluk or mundari,it belong to all of us and any body can become leader not for tribe but for all people.
    Nuer community need special prayers from all christian community so that the greedy of leadership should not be forced by critism.
    I thank the present of Dr Riek Machar.HON John Luk Jok,LT Gen Paulino Matip,Maj-Gen James Hoth,Maj-Gen Peter Gadet,Maj-Gen James Gaduet Nyakuac,Maj-Gen Paul Dor Manjur,Maj-Gen Simon Gawet Dual,Maj-Gen Charles Lam,Minister Weljang,Minister changson and many other who are sharing in the goverment of Southern Sudan will not give a room to those who want to run mad.
    Long live for Nuer People,
    thank you.

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