Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

One SPLA soldier killed in Murles bus-hijacking in Jonglei

By Mayen Daniel Mangok

December 24, 2007 (BOR, Jonglei) — Three days before the arrival of the new governor, Murles militia ampushed and hijacked a bus on the road of Mareng-Bor in Jonglei State, killing one Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) soldier.

10_years_old_young_girl.jpgOn last Friday December 21, around 12:00pm a group of Murles militias hijacked a bus carrying passengers and left one Major from SPLA forces dead, and wounded nine people.

The Murles attackers were in green military uniforms.

“They were in hiding and after seeing the bus they immediately open a fire where they wounded me,” said Mary Ayen, a victim of attack.

Among the wounded, there are three young children between 10-15 years of age; all are school children, one policeman and some are 20 years above.

In other development, the same group waged other attack on Saturday December 22, killing one people who was looking after his cattle and they went with fifty head of cattle in Deer, in Makuach payam

We fellow them up the forest of Ajagar where again they killed one young man of twenty years old and wounded other Youngman said Panther Ngony who also run after they attackers.



  • James James
    James James

    One SPLA soldier killed in Murles bus-hijacking in Jonglei
    What can prove to us ,that hese attacker are from Murle rather than being Mundari, taposa,Lokoro or even Tongtong-Ugandan rebels ?

    was there anyone of them being killed and at least identified as murle through cultural tatoos or marks ?

    Please don’t make up false reports.

  • Manyok Mabiei

    One SPLA soldier killed in Murles bus-hijacking in Jonglei
    Hello James or whatever name is?

    Are you blinded element? Or you don’t see (a little 10-years old girl who wounded by Murlee militia-groups attacked Bor civilians on road ambushed a Bus on Friday Dec 21, which was reported by (Mayen Mangok)? Or you presumed she can’t talk?

    Let me warning you*****? Against citizens of Bor will destroy the South, in the mean time in such silly-debuts on cool blood. (It is easy to kill other civilians in Sudan or South) So, we asked you to remove your dirty mouth, if you’re amongst of those killers.

    Manyok Mabiei

  • James James
    James James

    One SPLA soldier killed in Murles bus-hijacking in Jonglei
    I can see the girl lying there but to be honest,I don’t see any eveidents which prove Murle to be the attackers.

    I don’t know how can you link that to Murle boy.

    First of all you Bor have a lot of enemies, for instant, yesterday, we received a report that, Mundari had taken some cows from you(Bor) also I know everybody in southern Sudan don’t like you, and that make things diffifult to tell who carried out these attack for real.

    But I am sorry for the innnocent girl though to sustain that, better be greatly receive by people who engineered all these chaos.

  • Samson

    One SPLA soldier killed in Murles bus-hijacking in Jonglei
    My words for those support killing neither bor or murle are not ready to protact the live of our brether who are suffering day and night by the situation which they are facing in Jonglei State.

    I knew southern sudan it became a place of evil spirit which have been play other people’s minds then they think that they can control other tribes for what they are thinking.
    My question will be in GOSS, what are they doing? Do they care of lives of enocent people who live in Jonglei State? and if they do care what is their roll by repeating the same conflict who still continues in state without solved.
    IF GOSS is not ready to protact is own civilian by number of gangester. let the State decise what they have to do on both sides. If the State fail, let this go to UNMISS then will figured out what to do on this case.
    PLease do not support criminal, because South Sudan never have a government to protect is civilian
    If you are from jonglei allow peace among you.
    Do not support NCP.
    Murle Stop taking people’s cattles, and Bor stop retaliating allowed GOSS to solve the situation.
    peace be with you all.

  • chomwalimu

    One SPLA soldier killed in Murles bus-hijacking in Jonglei
    By:Chol Dhoor Riak.

    Dear All

    GOOD forum guys however,i happened to disagree and alittle concern about the way we are exercising our freedom of expression
    on this wonderful website. I am not a member of the board on this website,but i have a strong feeling that if we continue to make these comments, it is likey that we might lose the previllages we are now enjoying.

    In the first place,i donot think it is necessary to look for evident whenever such attacks allegely siad to have been committed by the Murle or whoever did it.Let me ask you once again, does it really help to defend any accusation labelled against any particular community when you don,t know how it really happened? Bob Marley Once said, “if you donot know where you came from,then it is very likely that you do not know where you are going”

    The attacked definetely knew who the attackers were and that is why they did not point a finger to label Mundari or any other community to be the attacker.The best thing we should do is to say at least a condolence to the family of the deceased before embarking on whatever politics driving us to make defensive comments .

    I think We need to keep away from saying “ooh my community is not…..”
    and leave everything to the government and to take care of the rest of the politics and opt ot other resolutions that will keep the two communities together.I know togetherness will not be compatible if hostilities keep popping up but, we need to assume a neutral position and condemn positively on any wrong being done to creat a platform condusive to adopt resolutions geared at achieving a long awaited peace.Nobody among us knows who really propagated this hatred that sunk peace to the deepest bottom of arogant.

    One thing should be interpreted correct,and that is for a very action taken against anybody or community cannot be undo and the wraths of consquences are always tripple charted once retaliation chart it new course on the doer of the action.When analyses between the action and consequences are closely examined,once should well be prepared not to be surprised that neither the doer nor the victims benefited.All these are backgrounds that we should always start from to address any problem affecting our communities.

    I think it will be a good idea to rexamine what christian name mean to you and me before using them as the ghost name to hide our identity.when i posted my name for everything i posted on this website,i am opening doors of honesty and so do you for the participants to address you with honesty,dignity and fair criticism that help you to identitify your mistakes and learn from them.

    Chol Dhoor Riak.

    My turn,

    My opinion.

    Email:[email protected]

  • James James
    James James

    One SPLA soldier killed in Murles bus-hijacking in Jonglei

    I did not want to answer those mindless folks whom their minds are full of tribalism and hatred against other communities and shamelessly,expect every southerner to adhere to thier barbaric routes.

    You are really southerner and I am greatly hoping that, this website would have been better enough if it could fetch good and open minded people like you. Actually When I started joining this website sometimes back, everybody use to see me as humble partriotic and a pure human being without single cell of tribalism in me, but remember there is saying that, if you go with thieves you will find yourself a thief later on too.

    Indeed some of the guys here from Bor has nothig than just hatred and animosity against Murle people, I tried a lot to be fair but all I got as results are just rotten replies against Murle, all are threats and insults, all these made things very difficult for me to keep my faithfulness.

    Victoria, please go ahead and read all those baseless comments they made against me for telling the truth, in fact, I don’t say anything wrong in God sake, is it a problem when I asked them to approach Murle peacefully and in good faith for Murle to hand guns peacefully ?

    It is great disappointment to see people who claim to be educated acting like pond snails knowing nothing about the ways of achieving permanent peace between our own people.

    Let me tell you this, Murle will not give any single gun when they are threaten with all these almighty military force, the best way to get these guns is to send respected Murle leaders like Ismael Konyi to go and preach this issue of disarment to every civilian through thier chiefs for good result, and this is what I had been singing.

    However, people who don’t think well are taking this comment of mine litarily with heavy bombadment, well, they can attack me all they want but the truth will remain the same.

    Those Bor boys should recognized that, people like me are not so dumb, one should not curse, insult and wish all bad wishhes to my people and expect me to welcome that with blossom flowers, that is ridiculus and will not happen, they need to stop acting like kids first for me to go with them in good terms.

    Yet,I don’t know what these guys want, if I ask them to put the past behind us and open new page, some of them still want Murle to be destroyed through military force, if I say well, then let Murle retain their guns for self defend, everybody is outrage, so what do they want ? just Murle extinction ? I don’t think that will happen either.

    Big Ok, now as point of trial, let draw the line between yeaterday and today, forget the past and compaign collectively about peace, I love Bor and I don’t want to see anybody here talking ill against Murle again, I hope that sound good, let not see you start and expect me to dignify you folks.

    Lastly, I want to appreciate the masters of this website, I could remember there was unfairness earlier, now there is fairness both in news release and comments thanks a lot. in fact this is the way we have to express our views,
    thanks once more.

    Happy new year you all,

    God bless.

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