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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM ministerial reshuffle, a step towards active role in Sudan cabinet

December 26, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — With the ministerial reshuffle announced today, the SPLM appears gathering forces and coming with new agenda to prepare for the electoral battle of 2009.

Sudan's FVP Salva Kiir Mayadrit
Sudan’s FVP Salva Kiir Mayadrit
Sudan’s President appointed on Wednesday the ministers of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in the government of National Unity marking the end of two months political crisis.

It is expected that the new ministers will be sworn in by President Omer al-Bashir and First Vice President and Chairman of the SPLM Salva Kiir Mayardit in the Presidential Palace in Khartoum on Thursday.

The exclusion of Lam Akol, the former foreign minister, suggests that the SPLM wants to distance its self from people who were viewed as too close to the National Congress Party (NCP).

Also, the entry of Pagan Amum in the government at a pivotal ministry indicates that he will be the driving force behind the SPLM team in the government and to align their policies with that of the party.

The participation of the SPLM during the last two years in the federal government has been marred by indiscipline from its own ministers such as the outgoing foreign minister Lam Akol who was accused of bypassing his party’s decisions. Also, the former state minister at the presidency Telar Deng was reportedly acting without consulting with the SPLM.

This awkward situation led some NCP officials to accuse the SPLM of trying to play the role of an opposition party while being members of the cabinet. But it was clear to observers that the SPLM was politically disconnected from the government.

However Pagan, who will maintain his position as SPLM’s Secretary General, is likely to need more aides to run the party. Sources suggest that he may restructure the SPLM in order to have several deputies. The former deputy secretary general, Abdel-Aziz El-Helou appears to be the ideal candidate for the post. El-Helou is now in Kenya after spending two years in the USA.


The new SPLM team has to work to ensure the full implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and particularly the problem files such as Abyei.

James Wani, the speaker of the southern Sudan parliament, told the Sudan TV yesterday that the row over Abyei should not prevent the SLM from going ahead in the peace implementation. He stressed that through the dialogue people can find a solution for this issue.

There is a political objective: the SPLM has to set foot in the political arena in the perspective of the general elections.

During the past two years the SPLM, dedicated much of its time to quarrel with the NCP over the oil shares, troops redeployment and border demarcation. Moreover there have been widespread allegations of corruption within southern Sudan administration. All these issues altered the image of the SPLM as a viable alternative for political change in Sudan.

Also, one of the tasks of the party is to rally support to the SPLM in the Blue Nile and the southern Kordofan. The natives of these regions feel they have been abandoned by their allies in southern Sudan who are waiting for the 2009 referendum on self-determination.

The following is a list of the appointed officials with brief presentation:

– Mansour Khalid, maintains his position. He declined any ministerial portfolio.
– Andraw Makro, a former Sudanese diplomat worked as Ambassador in Ukraine and Italy, he was also the former governor of Bahr al-Ghazal.
– William Ajack Deng, he is the former State Minister at the Ministry of Justice.

– Pagan Amum, Minister of Cabinet Affairs, SPLM secretary general and former SG of the National Democratic Alliance.
– Deng Alor, Minister of Foreign Affairs, was a close aide to the late John Garang, former minister of cabinet affairs, former SPLM foreign affair secretary.
– James Kock Rona, Minister of Foreign Trade, no information besides being a native of Al-Nasser and from the Nuer tribe.
– Philip Thon, Minister of Roads and transport, former governor of Jonglei state.
– Costa Manyebi, Minister of investment, from the Western Equaroria, he is the former minister of humanitarian affairs.
– Harun Run Lual, Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, a priest from northern Upper Nile.
– George Boreng Niyami, Minister of Higher Education, the former minister of foreign trade.

– Lual Ashwel Lual, minister of state at the presidency, a former Administrative officer, studied in Liberia, from Gougrial as the First Vice President.
– Abbas Juma Aboeidallah, Mnister of state at the Ministry of Interior, from southern Bleu Nile.
– Wek Mamer Kuol, Minister of State at the Ministry of Justice: no information.
– Aboch Kwojock Akwo, Minister of state at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
– Bol Mirial Dut, Minister of state at the Ministry of Industry: no information.
– Ismail Khamis Jallab, Minister of state at the Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries, former governor of Southern Kordufan (Nuba Mountains).

Dr Thabisa Shokaya as Minister of Health, Mrs Angelina Tany Minister of State for Energy and Mines, and Mohamed Yusif Mustsfa as State Minister of Labour, Public Service and Manpower Development retained their portfolios.



  • Toposa Boy southerner
    Toposa Boy southerner

    SPLM ministerial reshuffle, a step towards active role in Sudan cabinet
    The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement’s Ministers in Govt National Unity return to government in Khartoum
    Mading Ngor, The New Sudan Vision (NSV), http://www.newsudanvision.com

    SPLM Secretary General and Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Pagan Amum Okiech
    The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement’s ministers have rejoined the Government of National Unity, after a boycott since October. Yesterday, the Minister of Presidential Affairs, Dr. Luka Biong Deng arrived in Khartoum to hand over the list of ministers proposed by the SPLM Chairman Kiir Mayardit to the President of the Government of National Unity, Omar Hassan Bashir. “Am reading from the letter of the [SPLM] Chairman to the President [Bashir]. And they have all been approved without any amendments or changes,” said SPLM S.G Pagan Amum to New Sudan Vision.
    Pagan Amum remains the SPLM Secretary General in addition to the new position of the Cabinet Affairs in the Government of National Unity. “Basically I will continue to be the Secretary General of the SPLM until the next Convention,” he said, adding “This is not the first time for a single person to hold a party position as well as a government position.“
    Based on the system of the National Congress Party, the president of the government is the president of the party, while the deputy president of the government is the deputy of the party. In the SPLM, the President of South Sudan is also the Chairman of the SPLM and Commander of the SPLA. Conversely, Wani Igga is deputy chairman of the SPLM and Speaker of the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly, and Malik Agar, current governor of the Blue Nile State, is deputy chairman of SPLM. “So the Secretary General can be a minister and continue to have [position of Secretary General]. There is no contradiction in this work, it is possible. And I will continue to discharge my functions as the Secretary General of the SPLM and will not be affected by being a minister, particularly that I have two very able [deputies to Secretary General].”
    Asked about the fate of Dr. Lam Akol who is not on the list, Pagan Amum said “I don’t know,” saying “I just got the information from the Chairman of the SPLM. And he is of course the one who picks his team to form the government.”
    The Cabinet Affairs was assigned to Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin before undergoing investigations. It has not been made official if he is dismissed but his absence in the Government of National Unity may be ominous.
    Presidential Advisors
    Dr. Mansuor Khalid
    William Ajier Deng
    Andrew Makur Thou
    Pagan Amum, Minister of Cabinet Affairs
    Deng Alor Kuol, Minister of Foreign Affairs
    George Bureng, Minister of Higher Education
    James Kok, Minister of Foreign Trade
    Harun Run Lual, Minister of Humanitarian Affairs
    Philip Thon Leek, Minister of Roads and Transport
    State Ministers
    Lual Acuek Lual, State Minister for Presidency
    Abbas Juma Obeid Allah, State Minister of Interior
    Wek Mamer Kuol, State Minister for Justice
    Ismael Khamis Jallab, State Minister in Ministry of Animal Resources
    Kuol Malual Dut, State Minister for Ministry of Industry
    Abuch Kwojok, State Minister for Agriculture
    • Printer-friendly version

  • Ngongdit

    SPLM ministerial reshuffle, a step towards active role in Sudan cabinet
    Well, good to see that some enemies of the South are missing from the SPLM ministerial list in the GNU…you know who I mean – those who geographically and ethnically belong to Southern Sudan but whose loyalties lies in the North. Let’s all hope that the new ministers will act in the interest of all Southern Sudanese who have suffered for a long time.


  • Chol Aleng Maguet
    Chol Aleng Maguet

    SPLM ministerial reshuffle, a step towards active role in Sudan cabinet
    Dear Viewers.
    It is very fantastic and amazing to see the SPLM Goverment led by His Excellency Gen Salva Kiir Mayardit made a satisfactory reshuffling to the SPLM Ministers in the Goverment of National Unity.
    This is going to teach other political parties including the NCP how really the democratic is.
    The representation has came from all the four conners of the Sudan with the capable representatives that we believe the will play a vital roles more then before in the Central Goverment.
    It is wonderful to see SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amum apponited Minister of Cabinet Affairs in the National Goverment and retian his former Position in the Party that we believed he is going to did more for the welfare of the Sudanese so that the Sudan reliased the really democracy the SPLM is talking about.
    Bravo to our President Salva Kiir Mayardit you are aman of Diversity,equality,Unity,Democarcy,Progress,peace and development.
    You are God’s given servant to the Sudanese people to serve them and lead them to the promise land of New Sudan that provide equall right to all the Sudanese citizen to be equall stakeholders for the good governance.
    You provided our New Ministers with the technical and political advices so that the are not misled by their self interests and forgetting to serve the public.
    The SPLM will grow and it is going to engulf the Country when the are continuing this way.
    once again congratulations and Maburuk to our new Ministers for their trusth and confident of their new appointment to serve the SPLM interest to the expectation that give all of us the equall opportunity and lasting peace in the Country.
    Long live the SPLM,Long Live New Sudan.
    Long Live Our President Salva,long live the Sudanese People.
    Thank you.

  • Africa

    SPLM ministerial reshuffle, a step towards active role in Sudan cabinet
    I do agreed with those who said the nomination of Amum is an implication way to diminishing his voice concern as a SPLM secretary general. In fact, adviser position is unlike secretary general because there will be a chain of command which going to limit the voices of certain members with what’s so called you are not authorize to speak out. Tedda Bear Al bashir, not only need some body or hardliner who don’t like his money, but also have an allergy with him.
    What happy me though, is Amum still keeping his secretary general position in SPLM, because he can still speak out of his mind when there is some thing wrong fishing around. Some years back Arab used to divided and conquest southern sudan through money or beautiful Arab girl, for an example Mr X vice president had been given a Girl, if I am not wrong. Now there are southerners who barely speak Arabic very well are most of them allergy with the dictatorship rule going on in Khartoum.

    I wish SPLM nominee the best.

    Deng Abuk Africa

  • Samson Liberty

    SPLM ministerial reshuffle, a step towards active role in Sudan cabinet
    If the new political reshuffled on Wednesday 26 December,2007,is one option to the two month SPLM standoff participation in the Goverment of National Unity (GoNU),then the remaining SPLM demands next priority.Eventhough the SPLM did’nt had the enough fuel to reach some of the Super sovereignty ministries like:Finance,Defence also Industry and Mining,now hard work and proffessionalism will determine power.This is now the most challenging moment of the INTIRIM PERIOD.A strong unified Government is possible when the role of the role CPA is respected,physical development of the South,all refugees and IDPs returned and Darfur problem put and discussed on the round table.

  • John Garang alias Johnsalt
    John Garang alias Johnsalt

    SPLM ministerial reshuffle, a step towards active role in Sudan cabinet
    It is a right stone throw at the right calculated perimeter. Congratulation mr. First vice president. May the good Lord continue to germinate the viable seed of visionary ‘new sudan’ and the legacy of absolute emancipation of all the stigmatized people of sudan. It is my prayer that the newly wedded appointees exercise the principle of success as ‘Overdelivering and underpromising’ while executing their duties for the betterment of common man.

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