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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese Nuer in USA distance themselves from UNCONA

Misrepresenting a Community:

John Gatluak Kam’s Misuse of the Nuer Name

December 26, 2007 — On behalf of concerned individuals in the Nuer Diaspora, we would like to address the actions of a man named John Gatluak Kam. This individual has been posting statements on the Internet on behalf of the Nuer people. In truth Mr. Gatluak does not represent the Nuer people. Mr. Gatluak has been using the name, Union of Nuer in North America (UNCONA), saying that the organization represents the Nuer people. However, UNCONA is a one man or a minority group of people (less than 5) that does not truly speak for the Nuer people. We would like to call attention to the fact that this man, and his group, is not a legitimate representative of the Nuer. As concerned individuals from Nuer community, we feel that this man’s message is destructive for the Nuer, and to the Southern Sudanese people as a whole. We feel that Mr. Gatluak is misrepresenting the Nuer, using the Nuer name and reputation to advance his own political agenda. Because of this, the media should not post his messages as if they represent the Nuer community, spreading his false statements. We feel Mr. Gatluak should be ignored, until he acknowledges that he only speaks for himself as an individual.

What then is UNCONA? UNCONA is a creation of Mr. Gatluak. This man has never been supported by the Nuer community. Today, there are perhaps a small handful of other individuals (possibly not Nuer) that support Mr. Gatluak. A group this small has no right to claim to articulate the views of an entire community. Mr. Gatluak has not been sanctioned by any elders or other organizations, a requirement to be able to talk on behalf of the Nuer. On November 13, 2006, Daniel Koat Matthew, made a post in response to Mr. Gatluak’s military support for the Darfur people. In this post, Mr. Matthew points out that Mr. Gatluak has not been authorized to speak on behalf of the Nuer people. The Nuer, as a community, would not support military conflict between Darfurian movements and Sudanese government. Mr. Gatluak has misused the Nuer reputation.

Due to the years of instability in Southern Sudan, a Diaspora of Sudanese has been created with significant numbers of Sudanese in places like the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia. One thing that those displaced, along with those who are still in Sudan, have in common is their interest in politics (a common element of daily life in Sudan). The turbulence in Sudan has drawn the attention of many politically inclined individuals, since everyone has an opinion on the best “solution.” We must remember that one of the goals of communities, such as the Nuer, Dinka, and Equotaria, is to unite their people and the people of the Southern Sudan. These communities also promote education and economic development in the region. Peaceful conflict management is a key area of cohesion.

UNCONA on the other hand has not been active in any of these areas, but instead addresses only the political issues of the conflict. This contradiction of priorities, as contrasted against the Nuer people, highlights that UNCONA is not really a Nuer supported organization. The fact that UNCONA has yet to hold any events or meetings also demonstrates that it is not a functioning organization. To be a true organization, UNCONA must hold public events in order to attempt to have its views heard. UNCONA could have held a public event in the past, if it was established by the Nuer citizens; however, it has never taken such a step. These factors should lead people to realize that this is not a real organization, only a cyber organization. A cyber organization can be an organization that is not supported by real people and has never held a meeting, conference or fundraising for its mission. We believe that this is a one man organization that the individual runs at home through internet. The leader of this fictitious organization obsesses with politics, not the issues that communities like the Nuer are addressing, such as education, unity of its people or the unity of the southern Sudanese people.

The main issue that we want to address is Mr. Gatluak’s misuse of a name, implying that he is representing the Nuer people. Mr. Gatluak has posted numerous messages under the name of UNCONA, dating as far back as 2005. Some of these postings have been very destructive. For example, the messages he posted after Dr. John Garang died in a plane crash. His statement is destructive because it misrepresented the Nuer people’s feeling toward Dr. Garang. Another example was a message encouraging a military solution to the problems in Darfur. The Nuer believe that the problem of Darfur should be solved by using peaceful means and negations. Other damaging statements include discussions on: the formation of the South Sudan National Army, support of Telar Deng, and condemnation of the General Secretary of the SPLA/M. All of these posting are politically infused. As we noted earlier we feel that the Nuer, as a community, should not become politically active in this manner. The Nuer believe that any public statements regarding politics are a job of our politicians and elders, who are paying attention to how our government is being run. Therefore, it is imperative that people understand that Mr. Gatluak is using the UNCONA, disconnected from the Nuer, as a vehicle to enhance his own political ambitions. Any messages coming from this individual and his organization should be treated as an individual’s opinion and nothing more.

The only messages that should be recognized as opinion of the Nuer are the Nuer politicians, the Nuer elders, the Nuer community, whose president is known specifically, and from concerned individuals within the Nuer community, who are known both by the Nuer, as well as by Southern Sudanese people. A message coming from any one of these four groups is significant for discussion and should be taken seriously. We feel that any person associated with Mr. Gatluak or his messages should distance themselves because he does not fulfill any of these requirements to speak on behalf of the Nuer people. Furthermore, individuals or organizations should not cite UNCONA as a legitimate source of Nuer opinion.

Not only is he misrepresenting the Nuer community, but even worse, he is aiding our opponents by dividing Southern Sudanese people in such a crucial time. For example, recently, he called for the Deputy Commander in Chief of the SPLA, Mr. Pauline Matip Nhial, to resign. This call itself is dangerous and a threat to our unity as people of the Southern Sudan. If Mr. Matip resigns from his position, it would only benefit the enemy by causing division similar to those in the past. Back in 2006 he called for multiple other Nuer politicians to resign. His comments after the death of Dr. Garang were unacceptable and incredibly inappropriate. These are three of the most serious examples of the worst political statements concerning Southern Sudanese politics he has made so far. In order to make sure that he does not divide our people further, his postings should be ignored. If people continue to acknowledge his ideas as credible, they will become more destructive and spread deeper within the Southern Sudanese people.

Instead of focusing on such dangerous issues we should be engaged with ideas that will promote prosperity and growth within Southern Sudan for the future. We should change our focus from communities’ affiliation, to one of a united South Sudanese people. The success of forming this identity depends on framing our debates as if we were already are one people, instead of as members of separate communities.

For unity to exist, the community must promote ideas of national unity at a local level. In each of our communities, the digital media wields immense influence. The communities’ webpages should use this influence to spread the ideals of unity throughout the communities as a whole. Internet media outlets in our communities could use these powers to discourage people from paying attention to the messages of Mr. Gatluak. From now on people should recognize that the Nuer, as a community, is not affiliated with UNCONA.

We believe that people need to acknowledge that Mr. Gatluak does not represent the beliefs or feelings of the Nuer people. There have been two press releases addressing Mr. Gatluak’s misuse of the name of the Nuer people. However, many Southern Sudanese people continue to view Mr. Gatluak’s postings as representative of the Nuer community. We will continue to address this issue until people recognize that UNCONA is not a legitimate Nuer supported organization. Mr. Gatluak should start posting as an individual. This way the messages would be acceptable if Mr. Gatluak would state that they are his solely and not the opinion of the Nuer community. We oppose Mr. Gatluak’s ideas and his method of voicing his opinions under the name of the Nuer community. We feel his ideas are dangerous and poisonous to the unity of the Southern Sudanese people. Using the Nuer name to spread his evil thoughts is a grave sin and we ask him to immediately stop. Posting under his own name, Mr. Gatluak would receive less attention on the Internet and in the media. He is misusing the Nuer name to increase publicity for his own postings and not for the concerns of the Nuer people.

We are living in a time when we must work together if we are to achieve unity. Mr. Gatluak’s messages are counter productive to the union of the Southern Sudanese people. Not only are they harmful, but also supported by a fraudulent name. In using the name UNCONA, Mr. Gatluak is misrepresenting the Nuer people and creating division within the Nuer community, as well as among Southern Sudanese people. To prevent him from further dividing us, awareness is essential. The internet media outlets can play a large role in making this awareness happen by spreading this message to the Southern Sudanese people.

Please address any comments or concerns to: [email protected]

The following people support this message:

01. David Mai Tang, U.S.A

02. Thabor Deng Ding,U.S.A

03. Reat Nhial Tuany, U.S.A

04. Peter Hoth Tuach, U.S.A

05. Peter Panom Doyiech, U.S.A

06. Pal Gatkuoth Deng, former president of NCA, U.S.A

07. Daniel Deng Mayan, U.S.A

08. Isaac Kueth Gang, U.S.A

09. David Buom Choat, U.S.A

10. Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth, U.S.A

11. James Khan Chuol, U.S.A

12. Simon Jal Gatluak, U.S.A

13. Andrew Tut Gatluak, U.S.A

14. Malakal Chuol Luak Chuol, Canada

15. Ezekiel Piibor Ruot, Canada

16. Jermirah Wechiyual Banypieny, Canada

17. Mary Nyagai Tut, Canada

18. Elizabeth Nyawari Ger, Europe

19. Peter Tut Ger, Europe

20. Paul Tut Paul, Europe

21. Adrew Bhan Lieth, Europe

22. Simon Thoaw Ruot, Africa

23. Biel Gatluak Ruot, Africa

24. Simon Gatluak Golong, former Nuer president in Western Australia

25. Peter Riet Malual, Africa

26. Ezekiel Khan Komach, U.S.A

27. Loang Peter Lam, U.S.A

28. John Wiyual Piu, U.S.A

29. Peter Bol Yoal, U.S.A

30. John Mun Lam, U.S.A

31. Choat Chuol Chak, U.S.A

32. John Chuol Kuek, U.S.A

33. Deng Yiech Bachech, Canada

34. Moses Chuol Wal, President of SNCA, Canada

35. Peter Makuoth Won, U.S.A

36. Omot Jock Muondit, U.S.A

37. David Koang Chiey, U.S.A

38. Domach Wal Ruach, U.S.A

39. Peter Nhial Chuol, U.S.A

40. Lul Gatkuoth Gatluak, U.S.A

41. Bidit Luak Dar, U. S.A

42. Peter Gatluak Tung, U.S.A

43. Luka Lual Yol, U.S.A

44. Tipitha nyayong ker, Africa

45. Mat Gatwech Tut, Europe

46. Gatluak Reat Gatluak, Europe

47. Tut Wuor Gatkuoth, U.S.A



    Sudanese Nuer in USA distance themselves from UNCONA
    Congratulation brothers you have satisfied my doubts, Mr Gatluak has indeed tried to betrayed the Greater Nuer using an organization under a fraudulenc names, thank you for acknowledging the people of the South Sudan.
    The contribution of Naath is highly recognized by the peace loving people of Sudan therefore it’s always worse hearing that some of Nuer are provoking the situation, beside His Comradeship LT.GEN Deputy C-IN-C did not join the SPLM to glance behind, and in my commence to Mr Gatluak i appealed to our Father Paulino to hunt for that political culprit trying to betraying him.

  • de manyiel
    de manyiel

    Sudanese Nuer in USA distance themselves from UNCONA
    why did it took so long for nuer community to put the their house in order,
    this guy have smeared community name with his diry politic theron
    even before cpa.
    this guy is mental not capabale to claim a leader on behave of community there are capable ladies and gentlement that can do that onbehave of the nuer community within sudan and beyond, not cowardly in internet

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