Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan names Edward Lino to administrate Abyei

January 4, 2008 (JUBA) — The ruling party in southern Sudan government has appointed Edward Lino to administrate the disputed oil rich area of Abyei.

The First Vice President and president of the government of southern Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayadrit, appointed the leading SPLM member, Edward Lino as chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in Abyei. He also charged him with the administration of the area.

Lino will administrate the district till the formation of its permanent administration, he is also charged with the monitoring of the implementation of the peace deal and the enforcement of UN and INGOs programmes in Abyei.

Abyei was one of the reasons of the SPLM withdrawal from the government of national unity last October.

Under the 9 January peace deal between the ruling National Congress party and the SPLA, the district is one of three granted special status during six years of interim autonomy in the south, leading to a referendum on independence.

Due to the refusal of the National Congress Party of Omer al-Bashir to implement conclusions of Abyei Boundary Commission (ABC), the disputed oil rich area is still without administration since the signing of the CPA in January 2005.

Deadlock between Sudan’s former north-south foes over the oil-producing Abyei area is preventing thousands of people from going home after decades of civil war. Traditional leaders say there are about 30,000 Ngok Dinka in the Abyei area now returning from northern Sudan or neighbouring countries.

Since June 2007, the NCP proposed to set up a joint transitional administration for Abyei in order to reach a final solution, but the SPLM rejected the solution saying would only prolong the crisis.



  • Urbano Tito Tipo
    Urbano Tito Tipo

    South Sudan names Edward Lino to administrate Abyei
    Congratulations Lino. This is the postive step ever taken by SPLM and a way forward than the former steps taken to pull out of GONU. Abyei people can now go home to develop their oil-rich area. We hope Ahmed Deng Alor and Luka Biong can now be relief on the pressures they have been putting on Vice President Salva Kiir to solve Abyei problem.

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