Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Ruweng People request South Sudan leader more representation

‘- Ruweng People Association
(RPA) in the Diaspora,
– office
Of the Chairman, Mr. Santino
Kutpul Dau.
– 2445 48th Street
Southeast Calgary, Alberta,
T2B1M5, Canada.

Date: 01-02-2008


– First Vice President of the
Republic of Sudan, President
Of the government of Southern
Sudan GOSS, Chairman and
C-in-C of the SPLM/A, first
Lt general Salva Kiir Mayardit

Your Excellency President

We, the people of Ruweng Community undersigned, are honorably delightful to salute you, Mr. President, all the government cabinets, MPs, ministers, Commanders, soldiers, civil servants, and more for your wonderful commitment you have provided to protect the CPA. We both are happy with the knowledgeable tools you have deployed to force the NCP to implement the CPA, which is one of our prioritization to give you thanks. It is our own privilege to open up our minds and hearts to support you in the Diaspora. One thing that we admire your work is the way you reject violent and apply diplomatic strategies to achieve the implementation of the CPA. When we heard the withdrawal of GOSS’ ministers from the GONU, we were supporting your decision. We know that the SPLM/A objectives are protecting the peace agreement and implementing all the protocols such as Nuba Mountain, Blue Nil, security arrangement, Abyei’s self-administration, and 1-1-1956 border issues before the referendum in 2011. In addition to that, the aim of writing this letter is to address our grievances in regard to your visitation to Ruweng County, oil and Ruweng territory, and recommendation of three counties.

The President’s visitation to Ruweng territory

Your Excellency Mr. President, first, we are hereby asking you in writing to visit the Ruweng Counties for the first time in history. It is very important Mr. President to visit Ruweng before the national census will begin. Our problems as Ruweng Citizens have become chronic since the interception of the Movement – SPLM/A. When the civil war began in 1983, the Ruweng Citizens had consistently taken up arms and fought against the Sudanese government. As you personally know that Ruweng Citizens did not rebel and had never been rebelling against the SPLM/A. They have considered themselves as the backbone and the border-wall of the SPLM/A that blocked out the Sudan government from occupying most parts of the Upper Nil region (Unity State). Therefore, it is your obligation to schedule an argent visit so that you would encourage and strengthen these wonderful people who mysteriously indeed fought for more than 21 years without retreating to the Khartoum regime. Mr. President, we expect that you experience that in 1991-97, the Ruweng people had refused to surrender themselves to the north. When the SPLM/A spilt up into many factions, they stood on their feet fighting the Khartoum regime. Now, we are underrepresented in the Unity State government and the Southern Sudan national federal government. During the peace agreement, the SPLM/A high ranking leaders went to Bar al gazelle, Bor, Nuba Mountain, Equartoria and Blue Nil, which were the areas the SPLM/A had power in the time of civil war, but Ruweng region had not been considered while it was also one of the areas that were resisted and protected the interest of the SPLM/A. Without the manipulation of the Dinka Ruweng, some other units would have been broken away such as Nuba Mountain. In this case, Mr. President, our own interest is now in Juba, and we have determined to ask you as the President of GOSS to meet the people of Ruweng. The second point on this paragraph is that we have received many updating information from Ruweng People Association (RPA) known as the Ruweng Association for Development (RAD) that a huge number of people is coming back from Khartoum. But this number of people said to be returning back again due to the flood that was just affected most of the Ruweng villages. Although the Unity State government and Ruweng Counties local governments have reported this number to the UNHCER for assistance, we calculate that GOSS has required taking part as federal government. During the 194-97, the Sudanese government had launched an offensive operation against the Ruweng civilians which caused the displacement of this large number of population to the north (Khartoum). This shows that the people of Ruweng were indeed targeted by the Sudan government due to the discovery of oil in Ruweng territory.

Oil and Ruweng territory

Your Excellency Mr. president, on the third point, we would like to address the oil and Ruweng territory, which remains as a censorship issue we want to indicate something about it. As it has become a big game played by the Khartoum regime that the oil field (Aliny in local name of Dinka Ruweng) known as Heligg in Arabic belongs to Abyei Dinka Ngok. In fact, we disregard the Khartoum’s claim as incorrect because Aliny is located deep inside Ruweng territory. We do have much more information about how far is Abyei from Heligg (Aliny). The rumors speculate that the Khartoum government stands behind Abyei’s claim in order to take part of Ruweng oil-rich land to Abyei. The policy of claiming Aliny is not quit serious among Dinka Ngok, but the Khartoum government has sung it to the world’s media. During Heligg oil discovered, it was belonged to Unity State within Ruweng territory, but during the peace agreement the Khartoum government came up with the different policy that makes Heligg belonging to Abyei, which we also regard as disclaimer. Since the discovery of Heligg oil in 80s, Ruweng has become a war zone for many years. For example, when the Sudanese government ordered the Talisman Canadian Company to extracting oil in Heligg (Aliny) in 1994-2004, the SAF, first of all, launched an offensive operation against the Ruweng civilians. During the offensive operation, the Khartoum government sent militias and SAF to use big guns such missiles and gunships against the local population to drive them away from their own land. The offensive operation was taking place in Ruweng territory (Panrieng), it was not in Abyei territory. The people of Ruweng know that Abyei is a defendable shield that the Khartoum government applies as a tool to achieve Heligg oil field (Aliny). From now on, we believe that Abyei will deny itself from claiming Heligg (Aliny) as their land when the talk comes and the border commission involves in the North-South border demarcation. We clearly understand that time will come when the right citizens of the area appear to sit by the table disputing over the issue of Heligg (Aliny). From this point, the 2% of oil revenue goes to Abyei while civilians of Abyei have never shed blood for the sake of Heligg oil. In general, we have just given you some hints about why oil and Ruweng territory have become a central issue to the Khartoum regime.

The recommendation of three Counties.

Your Excellency Mr. President, the Ruweng commissioner appealed the high office of GOSS, and the State government about the division of Ruweng County into three counties. The application was submitted to the congress. But up to now, the result has not yet come out from the office of vice President of the GOSS, Mr. Riek Michar. We don’t have enough evident whether it will be positive or negative because it seems that nobody knows what goes on his office in Juba. In Ruweng County, the population has increased dramatically because the internal displaced people (IDP) are now coming back from Khartoum. In 1980, the national census indicated that the Ruweng population was 175000.This increased number of population forces Mr. Commissioner and his local authorities to initially propose the division of Ruweng County into three counties, which they named as:

1-North Ruweng County (Panrieng)
2-East Ruweng County (Panrieng)
3-South Ruweng County (Panrieng)
4- West Ruweng County ( Biemnom)

We clearly believe that Ruweng people would have addressed some challenges if they were sincerely represented when the CPA was signed between the SPLM/A and the Sudan government. In fact, having three counties will help in many ways, doubling up Ruweng leaderships to battle for their own borders. It can also help in equal distribution of resources and prevent the Khartoum government from occupying the area. We expect that it is your responsibility Mr. President to consider people of Ruweng in the government, I mean nominating people who represent and take care for the entire community’s issues, and also settle the border disputes between the neighboring communities. Most people say that the border issues and right of land possession, needs to be distinguishing in discussion between minority tribes bordered Ruweng territory (Aloor and Panaruu). Furthermore, the land commission should have been addressed during the South-South dialogue, which was carried out by some Southern Sudan tribes. On the other hand, remember that Ruweng is a large territory that can not be consolidated as two counties (Biemnom and Panrieng) in which Panaruu are claiming two more Counties. Now, some parts of Ruweng land are being occupied by most foreign neighboring communities that border Ruweng territory. These are the issues that face the people of Ruweng Counties within three of the CPA. When the division of Counties came from Unity State government, we did not speculate that Ruweng would fall into two Counties (Aloor and Panaruu). But we are made up to be two Counties (Aloor and Panaruu) for political interests in Unity State. Thus, Mr. President, the people of Ruweng who live in the Diaspora, are now asking you to answer their request.


Your Excellency Mr. President, in the beginning of the letter, our concerns are the ones that we have appealed in writing that is to visit Ruweng territory, recommendation of three Counties in Ruweng County, and oil and Ruweng territory. We honorably ask you Mr. President to visit Ruweng County for the first time in history. It is very important for us to visit Ruweng territory before the national census will take place. In addition to that, the children and elders who have their sons and daughters who fought for more than 21 years are now eager to see you in their own eyes, Mr. President. We also hope that when you come, we will address our issues concerning for the health, education is another issue we want you to know that the children do not go to schools in Payams and Bumas. We hope that these problems do not reach your office and it is our privilege to report them during your arrival. Therefore, the above mentioned issues will have positive results. We are happy and thank God for this wonderful event we spent telling you our issues. We thank you and happy Christmas Eve and happy New Year. God bless Southern Sudanese and Sudanese people in general.

SPLA Oyee! SPLA Oyee! SPLA Oyee! SPLM Oyeeeeee! Long live SPLM/A victory for sure!

Signed by

The RPA Executive Board.

1- Mr. Santino Kutpul Dau – RPA Chairman.
Contact me through my email [email protected] or cell phone number: 403-463-8672 or home phone: 403-235-3932,
2- Mr. James Chol Achut – Deputy Chairman.
3- Mr. Mayak Theji Miakuei – Secretary General
4- Mr. Michael Abuot Tor – Secretary of information
5- Mr. James Koch Yol – Secretary of finance
6- Mr. Paulino Miabek Minyiel – Chairman of the U.S. branch.
7- Mr. Joseph Monyjok Kuol – Chairman of the Canada branch.

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